Wednesday, July 9, 2008

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The question marks

" I Paesi Industrializzati lamentano che Cina e India non hanno aderito alla promessa di diminuire le proprie emissioni inquinanti. "

E una domanda mi è sorta spontanea: Noi Paesi Industrializzati che abbiamo creato le multinazionali apposta, per poter trasferire nei loro Paesi Meno Sviluppati le nostre industrie in quanto paghiamo meno la manodopera [ grazie alla sicurezza sul lavoro Zero ] e in quanto possiamo così tranquillamente inquinare dove ancora non ci sono limiti restrittivi come i nostri in materia d'inquinamento, diciamo their "Eh but bad! " ?

" G8 countries [except China and India] undertake to halve emissions by 2050. "

It is a question Dorta spontaneous in 20 50 ? FIFTY? In 2050 the ice will all be dissolved, the oil totally depleted, the seas and then raised to chip only what will halve emissions by that date?

" They also touched on many other topics such as: The high oil prices, rising prices due to high oil prices, have planned the future G8 in Italy [ thanks to Silvio, the island of La Maddalena ], spoke of Mugabe, spoke of Darfur ... "

And I imagine what they talked about everything '[ content individually it would take a day for each ]:" Darfur? Because what's in Darfur? "," Where is that?
I do not remember. "

And finally I conclude by quoting the Silvio on the issue that the Arab says," We rely on the optimism of Bush "

Then I add, We affixed .

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" Since 1992 he lives in a vegetative state. And for years his father has fought to stop force-feeding that keeps her alive. Now, the case of Eluana is at a turning point : After a long legal battle, in fact, the Civil Court of Appeal of Milan authorized the father as legal guardian, to discontinue the hydration and feeding. Until his death. The order is effective immediately, as learned from judicial sources, and may already be implemented. "

This is one of the issues I care about most of all, some situations of this kind I have lived on the side of health professionals through training and seeing relatives, the sick so as they were and how they lived these situations. recommend to see and touch these events, the people talking nonsense, from the priest, the Pope, from the political to the ordinary citizen. CIRCUMSTANCES THAT ': I'm really

"happy" as of course has a relative sense in cases like this, the decision of Justice. A small step forward. Finally. And anyway, it sucks that it takes 16 years for having such judgments the sacred right of power over their lives . A really big hug to Beppino Englaro, the father, who had a courage and strength to go ahead and fight, to be envied by anyone.

* Eluana, because of an accident, is in a permanent vegetative state since Jan. 18, 1992. Source

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Sausage Festival

Osteria delle ministre ... "Paraponziponzipò ... I know the ministers' teachers ... "Paraponziponzipò ... and if so 'good in bed ... let alone in Parliament Give it to me ... Carfagna Equal opportunities

I do not care about Berlusconi's sex life, not a moralist, but can not become a minister of equal opportunities that has sucked the bird

Berlusconi uses viagra , everyone knows that in fact one of his nicknames is "vessel dilator president" and his assistants are called "Vaseline" or "vasodilators"

Really Bad Fall Style Sabina Guzzanti, let's face it, the satire is a thing to say these things in a sort of rally in the square, I find veramente poco bello. Pure io non sono moralista, ma ritengo comunque che al di là di come siano le persone, comunque un minimo di rispetto, proprio quello minimo sindacale, DEBBA essere dato. A prescindere ecco. Poi mi sembrano proprio delle sparate così da Sagra del Paese, che ne sa Lei di cos'ha fatto la Carfagna?

La risposta del Silvio a queste frasi poco gradevoli riportategli da una giornalista in quel del Giappone è stata Meravigliosa :

Della spazzatura mi occupo a Napoli

E qua, mi duole ammetterlo, ma proprio mi guadagna dei punti. Non avrebbe potuto dare risposta migliore.

* Quotes on

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

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Heroes made in Italy

Beppe Grillo relaxing in the sun on the beach at Great Pevero, a few kilometers from Porto Cervo. The comedian is enjoying the holiday with his wife and child waiting for the commitment of 8 July: Cricket in fact attend the event with Antonio Di Pietro a Piazza Navona premier anti-.


No, Just to emphasize that it is wonderfully easy and beautiful politics and rise to champions of justice overnight magnificence in the locality of Porto deer. Just as it applies to a Beatrice Borromeo and summer rambles between a party and a D & G vacanzetta in Saint Tropez. . .

Here we would be just the fifth day.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

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one door closes ... The door?

Saturday I went to Day A graduate of the "my University , not bad I'd say, counting that was acceptable [ I quote ] the ceremonial dress, or something that was not wearing the First Media. I do not know what I mean!

So with my C'N'C black dress and my shoes D & G complete with high heels ever set on average [ high for me], I raised a good image very well, completely different from my usual style. Funny millstone that will astonish the four or know better, think they know you, look at you as I came from the moon: "Ah yes, the BiBi." "Oh but look has a short black dress." "Ah." Very funny.

Needless pero 'lie, mi sentivo a disagio, la classica 17enne pseudomodella [ non per le qualità fisiche assenti, ma per l'ambiente della moda come classico stereotipo ] che se ne va a un party di quelli "esclusive" dove porgi l'invito, tutti sono giusti, perfetti, quello che stona viene guardato con disappunto, si parla di sè distrattamente senza prestare minimamente attenzione a cio' che l'altro risponde. Un enfasi della vita forse?! Bhà.

Massì sono quelle cose, che ti dici che ti piaceranno, un evento diverso, esclusivo, non so, feste relativamente serie come questa mi lasciano sempre quel fondo di tristezza.

Mi vedo ancora i Dottori, chi in medicina, chi in giurisprudenza chi in YZ al rallenty return to their places of those who arrived with a smile. Who has done it. Yeah I did too, think, then finished everything, the reality falls on him like a grinder and watch the tube between your hands into your "Piece of Paper" Think of the Pupu 'you have to swallow it [ not for everyone so, however, and for me that is worth so much ] and inside you're sad because you already know that out there in real life, it really is a piece of paper. And not worth the 45 Euri paid for it, that is how Tenderly.

But apart from this I want to have to find the spot, apart from my dislike for the " The newspaper said that our university is the first in ... The second ... ", apart from the guest who calls himself a brain drain abroad, apart from almost everything, at the end of the environment and the original idea of \u200b\u200bwhat to say that I liked, anyway as I like to see that red tube on my desk.

So much of that shit was not worth anything .

March 31 March 31 I wanted to graduate and I graduated.

University apart in the tube there are three years sensational where I grew up with fear, where I learned to really live, where I learned to love. And you say to little 45 Euri?

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

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blogger who enjoys fame with his own counter would say, "Many of you have asked me ...", however, that in practice, I read enough by itself, and [fat laughter] I mean, if someone is bad luck or coincidence was asked why I dropped the target of this blog that I have carried out good or bad for a couple of years, I can only say that I preferred to give space to the feelings of my life, the inconsistencies of the world certainly does not stop with these two pages. People have the idea and can not listen to others, it does what you ask "How are you automatically, imagine if you bang into a confrontation. And then? So fuck you . I will write what the hell I think from now on, seriously stupid or close overnight. How do I turn.

PS. I finally bought the Ray Ban Aviator Mirror. They mark a turning point.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

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Turn The World Around

Napolitano :
give voice to the victims not the perpetrators

Napolitano said something sacrosanct, that ultimately our country has forgotten.
Yes, because our country has become, unfortunately, thanks to the media, the custom of giving a voice to the sinner, if you will call it, now there is this taste of wanting to force the media to give voice to idiot, guilty of their actions like the one above which gonia ristalibilito comes out in his own integrity.

If a Bastard? A detour to Bivio , one Buona Domenica, a maybe a little more serious in Matrix or Porta a Porta, and so you're a new man.

The courts know no longer exist, the unacceptable tolerance towards criminals has now reached unacceptable peaks. Justice is now synonymous with absolute anarchy. So we moved to this pleasant entertainment that the public is obviously attractive, and that is why so requests, of wanting to know, be justified by the intentional criminal act.

And so very nearly a Meredith, a Franzoni, a Moggi, a Fioroni, a Bazzi (to name a few) are transformed into people who almost at the end estimates because poor the tear falls, had the bad father, his son gave him concern, they had no money, so they were confused. etc.. etc..

While the poor wretch who has found himself at home with his dead daughter, raped and robbed in the Han house, etc. have beaten. Well he finally did not say that if it was deserved ma quasi.

Non so, penso che l'Italia si davvero in decadenza.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

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S andra
M astella :

Vede: mio marito è un uomo libero, che non si vende, che non ha prezzo [...]

e poi partì il loop della risata da serie Tv Americana .

Sunday, February 3, 2008

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Bullshit and is in the air is said

Non nego di aver pensato e ripensato a un possibile Post sulla crisi di Governo, cosa dire, cosa non dire, cosa sottolineare e cosa lasciar passare per l'ennesima volta; vi dirò, in fin dei conti il punto è che non c'è proprio nulla da dire .

Mi sento veramente stupida nello stare ancora qui a dire cosa secondo me è sbagliato della politica di oggi, mi sento vecchia ed arresa già a 22 anni.

Eppure sono ancora qui, a voler dire qualche cosa, come se pensassi veramente di poter far capire qualcosa a qualcuno con queste poche righe scritte da un nessuno qualunque della società corrotta nella quale siamo, nostro malgrado, immersi.

Su Mastella trovo veramente ridicolo dover ribadire per l'ennesima volta cose che già scrivevo in tempi non sospetti, anche al diretto interessato. Diciamo che ho oramai acquisito verso di him the ability to smile bitterly of shit that he says, sighing, send him to fuck with a wave of his hand and look the other way. More, I tell you from experience only leads to wasted time. Now surely we will see him in the ranks of the right, so again the rightful place of Democrat hypocrisy on hold of yet undeceived. I conclude with a slight sigh happiness noting the slow death of his useless Blog nonsense and self-pity. RIP .

And what about the rest? The rest is just empty, just a bunch of hypocrisy with a smile on the face of such dancing a transmission to another in search of well-paid fees since it is also time fee rays.

The fact is that today's politicians, in fact, the politics of today, be it red, blue, black or green is just a pile of shit.

And do not even need to understand too many words to do it:

Politicians are people who have the opportunity to clean up the dirt that pollute this country and why they do not have a secure future and forget to have dignity.

People are really sick, is not no stove, oven, perhaps it was a few years ago, now it is black and he's right pissed off because trova davanti a sè partiti che si vendono come prostitute in via del Campo per poter avere qualche scranno al Parlamento. Si accordano tra di loro in un programma "definito" grazie al quale parliamoci chiaro, sanno cosa possono ottenere e cosa no. Poi una volta accomodati sulle seggiole alzano le spalle e si dicono " ma perchè no?! " e avanzano pretese e minacce contemporaneamente. E ricomincia così il solito tira e molla di richieste di fiducia, " se fai così non ti do il voto " e via dicendo. Ci ritroviamo infine a campare in un Paese dove ad essere decisivo è un senatore a vita, pressochè rincoglionito/incarognito dal tempo e dalla storia che oggi vola a destra e domani vola a sinistra.

Io dico che finchè ci saranno coalizioni formate da decine di partitini del cazzo che si concedono al migliore offerente, non andremo mai da nessuna parte sia questa a destra o a sinistra poco importa. Mancano gli ideali. Ecco qual è il problema. Manca un partito con le palle, che sia coerente in ciò che propone ed in chi propone .

Ormai è tutto un rivoltante mercatino dei consensi, si voltano come bandiere col bello o il cattivo tempo.

In fin dei conti non è poi difficile fare il bravo politico, basta avere la coscienza di fare bene il proprio lavoro, così come un medico, un operaio ecc. Io ho una dignità di persona, ho un bagaglio di storia and experience that formed me, I have a distinction between what should and should not be done, I am aware of the consequences of my actions and my honesty. A guy knows what he does and how it does. Point.

Then fuck with € 15,000 per month a future economically insured, a social position established a high media visibility , can really change the world with a finger .

So why the fuck do not do it? Datevela you an answer, my sucks.

Friday, January 11, 2008

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Crisis Marketing

Good Idea to launch the new CD ( Sarkozy mean)!

° Video of the song, I imagine that Pecola's cd ...

Saturday, January 5, 2008

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The ten most polluted places

The 10 most polluted places in the world

Sumqayit (Azerbaijan ), Soviet-era industrial center was heavily contaminated by heavy metals, oil and chemicals.

Chernobyl (Ukraine ).

Dzerzhinsk (Russia ) town of 300,000 people with a life expectancy of 45 years because of toxic chemical industry, flourishing at the time of the Cold War ended directly in the ground.

Kabwe (Zambia ), contaminated by heavy metals, where many children are born with birth defects.

La Oroya (Peru ), where there are mining for lead, zinc and copper pipes from an American company.

Linfen (China ), where he worked as coal

Norilsk (Russia ), because of the heavy metals

Sukinda ( India), where we extract the chromite

tianying ( China), the heart of the country's lead production

Vapi (India's most industrialized area ) that collects all the waste products

° Source the

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EllaPeppa: Discoveries

E 'did fairly established that S anremo both years (decades?) Not more than showcase musical but Rite chopped nazionalpopolare , tune and sung mass prescindibile cathodic .


Finally someone has noticed! It did not take science to figure it out anyway.