Friday, September 25, 2009

Merilyn Sakova Gallery 2010

. . . Sarzana!

fine settimana,weekend liguria,La Spezia,Portovenere,Cinqueterre,Lerici,fine estate,weekend a tema,Lunigiana,riviera ligure,Napoleone,medioevo,soldatini,ricostruzioni storiche,grandi battaglie,waterloo,impero napoleonico

Si svolge in questi giorni a Sarzana il “Festival Napoleonico” : pochi lo sanno o se lo ricordano ma Napoleone è nato in Corsica solamente per un caso, appena dopo l’emigrazione della sua famiglia che ha vissuto per tre secoli almeno in questo lembo di Liguria.

Ecco quindi il Festival a suo nome (un’altra delle riuscite manifestazioni sarzanesi), che richiamerà almeno 250 figuranti da tutta Europa che, equipaggiati ed armati di tutto punto, dopo aver eretto il campo dentro la fortezza Firmafede, daranno l’assalto con armi d’epoca (ma caricate a salve !), ai nemici asserragliati sulla vicina collina di Sarzanello.

storia medioevale,napoleone,bastiglia,francia,impero,vacanze,mete liguria

Sarzana you will fall for a few days then in a very special atmosphere with exhibits, dances, music and menu 'only theme, and the lion's share will trade soldiers, medals, books and historical weapons with stalls and stands that invade the streets of the medieval town.

U na good opportunity for a visit then, if not allergic to gunpowder (fake) or the neighing of horses that run through the historic center!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Put Old Lenses In New Frames

Roberto Saviano: The surprise of the Festival of the Mind!

great excitement and anticipation that precedes the'incontro excited with the author of "Gomorra " Festival Mente 2009 surprise guest of the Festival of the Mind being to Sarzana.

For logistic reasons, but more likely, for obvious security reasons, the official poster of the Festival opened on Friday 04 and Sunday, 2006 will close next, no mention of the intervention of ' illustrious guest that, instead, collect around 1200 when about lucky Saviano,Gomorra,mafia,camorra,sicilia,mitra,polizia,stato,mafia italiana,attentato allo stato,libri,best seller,ultime uscite libreria auditors (lucky because I managed to grab a ticket in the early hours of sale, before spraying!).

At 18 to Sunday, 2006 then, in the beautiful medieval square Arms of the Citadel of Sarzana, the young and famous writer, will deliver his speech focused on the word "freedom .

gomorra The meeting will be the prelude to the closing of the event once again saw Sarzana as one of the world's cultural centers not only Italian, as thousands of visitors have occupied the occupation (B & Bs, hotels, restaurants, inns, etc.), while the whole town helped organize the event and help (think of the massive participation of young volunteers Sarzana to order service and general organization).

Another success then, confirming the Festival of the Mind as one of the most exciting events from the world of international culture.