If you have four legs, a tail and barks can be nothing other than a dog, not there is a mention of it that makes a direct connection between my earlier post in the public complaint regarding abuse of dominant position of Microsoft in its mail predetermined operating systems ( http://cianciminotortoici.blogspot.com/2010 / 08/egemonia-del-concetto-della-nuova-era.html ) and the controversy presented to the court in Seattle the same day by co-founder of Microsoft, which later we shall see, but it looks for a link to the 'hit and response "is sufficiently clear and eloquente.Ma go on each side.
EXPOSURE OF REASON: As you know I'm not an expert in computer, not a system engineer, and shall not represent to any company or institution, so my review is only in the user singolo.Sapete which also was my Report for the Internet and network, and how are aprodato involuntariamente on this ground (now changed to the influence of my influence) for the sole purpose of giving to know imposibbilitato to do my work in another way: just to say that I am not an expert on the network and avid consumer of all its innovations sometimes consumerist purposes only and therefore I keep the old Windows 98 operating system to which I afezzionato and I are in every way to resist cambiarlo.Per what I need it works, and then now after 5 years of use my knowledge as well as convenience of a great symbolic value for me. Find that this new medium is the man and not backwards as SERVICES happened before with his insane virtuality elliptical, and even consumer snob.In this context the problem of my complaint about the book is not new and I need the manual to use a computer, "Schnell Anleitung Windows 98" in 1998 for DATA BECKER & Co.KG 40 223 in Dusseldorf, which in the English-language version edited by MARCOMBO SA in Barcelona could result like this: QUICK ACCESS FOR WINDOW 98, there is a introduzzione signed by Helmut F. Reibold to Libenau in June 1998 where, among other Brann read: "The processes and programs described in this book you communicate without taking into account the situation of patents." And 'This is the first frase.E then: "Before aparato Windows98 on the market there have been many discussions about the meaning and purpose of this system operativo.Daltronde formularon several colleagues in his time the misconception that it was just one more way to empty the pockets of consumers because some utilizando Expansion already in a essistenza could forge for his propio WINDOWS 98 95.Programmi as part of Windows Internet Explorer 4.0 are taken as those of EXAMPLE affermazioni.Tuttavia, the truth is that W98 is more than just a ricopilazione of ampiazioni W95.Di made available externally and superficilamente W98 and W95 + little different from Internet Explorer and in addition some sadly as he said more.-ANTOINE IS NOT FOR EXUPERYS on "The Prince", ".... the key is not what is perceived to VISTA ...". Many assistants facilitate, for EXAMPLE, beginners use of functions necessary for system security and to avoid falle.L 'use is now more comodo.Contrariamente to W95, W98 is not a goal in the computer world, however, is a development cost, and above all use more semplice.E addition to these technical discussions soon arose over a legal debate?: MICROSOFT can deploy the new version of the operating system that includes a web browser (Internet Explorer)? ? This is not a way to eliminate competition?.? Have been pressure in this case the fabricant of hardware and software? These questions must be clarified in both tribunale.Comunque Microsoft has managed, finally, he has W98 distribute and already is available to tutti.Come user you can view these disputes from a distance and be glad of his aquisizzione.Qualunche the reason she decided to W98 and want to start using it safely as soon as possible. "
doubt As you can see, cynically and hypocritically bypassed with poetic appeal, both on technical merit and legal del'incorporazione of certain programs, Internet Explorer 4.0 to be precise, the Microsoft operating system already exists up in 1998 launched W98.Dopo alrti programs (especially the media) continue to be disputes and ogetto auorita antitrust intervention in Europe as my sopratutto.E extensive review regards this could be at least two other programs that are embedded in predetermined form, those for the Outlook e-mail expressed more Hotmail, and those for calls to the Internet, Microsoft Netmeeting.E 'abuse of dominant position that prevents take advantage of other services and features pre afettano obviously you have to consume products sometimes inadequate, sometimes they are not efficient as you know these due.Come My online publications were the first social network essistenti on the Web, networks of work that I established with my people around the world via e-mail patient lavoriosamete
( http://cianciminotortoici.blogspot.com/2009/03/ good-easter-2009.html
http://cianciminotortoici.blogspot. com/2010/04/new-media-e-non-social-mediagrazie.html
) and the continuing good and serious flaws Hotmail risponsabilita to the site, and then the subsequent attualizazzioni not working on my operating system I been a major obstacle to overcome and sometimes impossibbile in maintaining una informazzione attualizata ed efficente alla mia estensissima e qualificata rete di utenti in tutto il mondo.Cosa che parzialmente ho potuto risolvere con la posta di Google.E dico parzialmente propio perche l'envio di materiale troppo "pesante" risulta molto difficoltoso senza le funzioni predeterminate.
Questo ho denunciato nel post anteriore e la risposta non si ha fatto aspettare.Vediamola prima in un articolo di LIBERATION della Francia e dopo due parole:
Il co-fondatore di Microsoft contro il resto del net
Per Virginia Malbos
Rivindicare the authorship of the pop-up on the Internet can not be a very important decision in a spirit sano.Poiche, who will make history for being who forces all web surfers to fight against such inadvertent opening of windows? Unless you a bit 'masochistic unconscious or venal, nothing justifies the desire to be "daddy" of inventions which prove to be real sore. And yet ...
Friday, August 27, Paul Allen, co-founder of Microsoft, the 37th World luck, decided to make his "coming-out." In court in Seattle, has brought controversy, through his company Interval Licensing, against 11 major companies Internet accused of violating four of its patents (6,263,507, 6,034,652, 6,788,314 and 6,757,682). Patents bring basic elements of the Internet as we know today: Fiestra pop-up search engines embedded in Web pages, reporting through the windows displayed on the edge of the screen, or comments about an article or video.
elements become so essential that Interval Licensing and Paul Allen would no doubt bring the whole web tribunale.Loro of the biggest players are content websites: AOL, Apple, eBay, Facebook, Google, Netflix, Office Depot, OfficeMax, Staples, Yahoo ! YouTube.E and explain their approach in a statement: "The patents included in the complaint relate to the key technologies of the Internet, developed by Interval Research in 1990, which the company feels violated by the main companies of the e-commerce and search engines operating oggi.Interval Licensing therefore hopes to get his piece of cake on the benefits of these società.Lei justified in specifying the desire to protect "our investment in innovation" because the patents were "developed by and for Interval."
If Apple, Yahoo and AOL declined to comment, this is not the case for all imputati.Facebook believes "this lawsuit is totally baseless" and says it wants to fight energicamente.Da its part Google has carefully analyzed the situation: "The complaint against some of the most innovative companies in America reflects an unfortunate trend some people who prefer to compete in the courts than on the market. Innovation, not the prosecution, is the best way to bring to market products and services that benefit millions of people around the world. "Destroy the Interval argument in two sentences, the U.S. company will pay the luxury of avoiding mention Microsoft, strangely spared. And then avoids having to specify why he waited 20 years to claim a patent is too long.
-ACTION POLICY: To be a true shame that Paul Allen has not brought up Microsoft.Questo perhaps valid in the courts .. but not on the court the truth pubblica.Vediamo: If someone thinks that the abuse of dominant position by not allowing others into our operating system, look at that other operators Internet benefit from our program (if this were the case), seems to be the moral of this tale co-founder of the judicial Microsoft.Ma I'd go a bit 'longer in the Google and I would say this is an attack not only the competition, even an attack with a clear political purpose. The main targets of the complaint are eBay and Google, the first for his success with e-commerce, and the other because it has constituted in the vanguard in both creating the vendita di Smartphones.E questo sul mercato,ma cui si tratta anche di un attacco alla NUOVA ERA e con trasfondo politico.Come si sa Google è il principale interprete dei miei concetti sulla NUOVA ERA,lo si puo rintracciare su tutte le pubblicazioni in questo stesso sito.Anche eBay è un forte protagonista dei miei concetti,e di fatti per quasi 5 anni ha ospitato le mie pubblicazioni.Pero inoltre la California, Stato che ospita queste grande aziende,ha deciso non dipendere del sistema politico e lanciare i suoi managger alla corsa per la governazione,come è il caso di Mag Withman ed altri. Vedi cua: http://espace.canoe.ca/dtgiuseppecianci/blog/view/472042
You have to do with the root causes of this crazy attack everyone and everything the web with ridiculous rivindicazioni.Ed which is to be found that the answer to the mystery of the 20-year wait for shady rivindicare inventive.No paternity, did not wait 20 years, has brought up espuree "inventions" desperate loss of value on the market and competition for suitable political calculations.
-SCIENTIFIC CASE: Ideas scientifche and his co-owners have no relato technology: benefits to humanity without any bias in its elliptical and aparttengono nessuno.Questo is my belief and this has always been the conduct of scienenziati us that you have seen me in these publications develop from non-profit, no prosellitismi they attach me to any corporate interest is political, religious or of any other type that had no scientific truth, right from the beginning. Now we have to say that you then MICROSOFT oject of prosecution because aprofittando purpose is part of my concepts on NEW ERA.Piu precisely the concept of integration in a single instrumento mobile and wireless technology of the different expression of distance communication of organs sensi.Niente you create, factory or sold in the telecommunications without this concept, and this is valdo MICROSOFT.Cosi Microsoft today also converted the new era should begin to operate only on personal computers and fixed with wires and not on Smartphones with its system operativo.Dovrebbe also share his piece of cake in the benefits of the integration of telecommunications technology that has done well on PC fissi.E This point has to be said loud and clear that Microsoft knows this concept from the outset and that these documents bear witness to the presentation of my written work in a competition between others who advocated MICROSOFT so prove it:
CUA DIRECTLY: http://espace.canoe.ca/dttgiuseppecianc/blog/view/371142
Andrei also further and say that the alleged signature of the new corporate philosophy is nothing but a plagiarism of my ideas: http:// cianciminotortoici.blogspot.com/2010/06/oooo.html
So this blog is a clear testimony of eclattante and everything affermo.Vedi are some of the top post in this sense:
http://cianciminotortoici. blogspot.com/2010/04/apogeoegemonia-e-dominio-della-nuova.html