Saturday, December 29, 2007

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E 'Equals a bit' more to the Friends of Crime

I am a poor ignorant but springs to mind such questions as:

but if instead of Esquire Mr. Bruno Contrada, there had been similar to his criminal history without the media personality of the first mentioned, Clemente Mastella would be activated in the same way? And most people never would, the government Barlafusi , the demand for possibile grazia?


Se tale Contrada è stato ritenuto a suo tempo colpevole, perchè porsi ora la domanda (dopo anni) della sua grazia?

E soprattutto che c'entra la Salute sua, in tutto questo? Perchè dobbiamo sempre e per forza fare i democristiani in tutto? Gesù Dio, quanta gente si trova col Cancro o Malattie Rare e la società se ne sbatte altamente a partire dalle cure mediche ( e qua mi fermo perchè parte tutta una branca d'incazzatura... ). Other Government of that dear grace Cippa is blissful, not even the medicine's past.

And above all it has in itself reason to exist: Grace?

do not need to come up with Grace, you are the processes with salt for brains, and done well enough:

If one is guilty, it is, point
If one is not guilty, it is not, point

Without but neither, however, for the same speech the Law is equal for all . Or am I saying

Sono fascista in questo?

Monday, December 24, 2007

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Iole Tassitani uccisa e fatta a pezzi

il nucleo operativo dei Carabinieri di Treviso e i Ros sono entrati in un garage di Bassano del Grappa e in tre enormi sacchi neri dell'immondizia hanno trovato il cadavere della donna a brandelli.

Arrestato il proprietario del garage, M ichele F usaro , 41 anni, falegname in una ditta della zona.

°Articolo de il

Notare che faccino raccomandabile.

Sunday, December 23, 2007

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Garlasco: the turning point? Watch

Advocate Gian Luigi Tizzoni , family lawyer Poggi.

Regarding the shoes of the Stasi completely clean :

We have supported ground plantar number 42-43, but in that corridor even Cinderella could move without dirtying their shoes. The spaces are very narrow and blood is everywhere: it was impossible not to step

It 'clear that Alberto Stasi, or the house has not entered ol'ha done with shoes other than those he wore when he gave the 'warning to the police

Riguardo alla dichiarazione dello Stasi di aver visto il volto pallido di Chiara :

Lo dimostrano le misurazioni e le foto che abbiamo realizzato - spiega Tizzoni - vista la pendenza delle scale, che girano a sinistra, dal secondo gradino si poteva vedere il volto solo compiendo un movimento innaturale, sporgendosi in avanti con il busto per circa 50 centimetri

Riguardo alla possibile arma del delitto

Potrebbe essere - suggerisce Marzio Capra - un palanchino, una leva metallica con un’estremità ricurva o a coda di rondine. E’ solo un’ipotesi, an idea that I am done studying the advice of the coroner

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Silvio Berlusconi challenged in Rome. The Knight was also hit in the arm from an egg, which was launched by a group of militants of the social centers.

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Vardalo there, with his dirty little arms that egg dazzling smiles to the crowd. What Men!

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C huck N orris :

In quel libro solo bugie

Il libro è tutto costruito sui racconti che appaiono su Internet e che prendono in giro l'immagine da duro e superuomo di Norris. E contiene aneddoti come:

Le lacrime di Chuck Norris curano il cancro. Peccato che non pianga mai, Chuck Norris non dorme. Aspetta, Chuck Norris può ricaricare un cellulare strofinandolo contro la barba

Secondo la denuncia «alcuni dei "fatti" riportati nel libro sono razzisti , volgari e ritraggono il signor Norris come impegnato in illegal activities. " Norris, [...] if the above is taken with the book's title, which would suppose that the facts reported are true .

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Poor, he is the only one who really believes I know ...

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conversation between the employee and Saccà Rai Francesco Nardella

latter asks if Judith Saltarini (stage actress and widow of Rascel Renato, ed) is important for him. Augustine says yes, because asked him Gianni Letta

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's why the TV is a complete flop, so boring It is the result of L etta thought!

Saturday, December 22, 2007

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media terror

My daughter had received a secret. Clare had told her of the habit of watching images of Alberto hard ( of adult children ) and had also added, if he does not change, I say to her father.

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A boy looks at pictures daring, that s candala ! Fortuna is an isolated case.

Friday, December 21, 2007

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Another myth Shipwrecked

When I think that the characters remain in place, I say this because I'm right. Fonzie Fonzie. Or at least it was before the actor who played him, opened his mouth.
From :

mourned by star: Henry Winkler, aka Fonzie in U.S. TV hit series H appy D ays , will live with regret for having refused to play the film role that made John Travolta a star immortal, finally tossing it toward a career full of successes.

asked me if I wanted the part of Danny in Grease, I read the script but I was not interested because I would have characterized too. [...] What then could not understand was what happened with that movie I could collect. So while John buys houses and airplanes, I have to settle for a nice apartment ...

The I know, I'm just an incurable romantic.

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Blue Night ...

S tasi the ndagato for P edopornografia

According to the prosecutor Alberto Stasi was released on the internet some videos depicting minors in sexual acts or naked and the other offense instead refers to the exclusive possession of child pornography images and movies on your PC. Once you have appeared before the prosecutor, the young man chose to exercise the power but not to respond.

Mah, yet it seems to me a very cute looking so suddenly, but there is Scrub all, until tests are missing ...

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Friday, December 14, 2007

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I wonder, what the fuck is fashionable to write memoirs in prison. And above all, why should you care.

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[...] The direction La7 announced the suspension of the Decameron, the show Daniele Luttazzi. Reason: some strong words about Giuliano Ferrara , face historical and daily presence of the issuer

[...] They want to see that they give room for outcasts and then are surprised that his satire is sharp. What a discovery.

Luttazzi you know, is a comedy rather than going on the vulgar and absolutely bitter, what you waiting for? When you assume certain responsibilities, one can not then pretend that they did not know a priori that it would be a thorny issue. For a long time so you do not even have the contract and bon. Freedom or will be, or not in point.

Well at least you can go on to complain that people do not give space and the censor and bla bla bla various corny.

PS. Sure the craving to find out what sentence he said, you're consuming:

After four years the war in Iraq, 3,900 dead American soldiers, 85,000 Iraqi civilians killed and all the Italians who died on the field also because of Berlusconi, Berlusconi had the courage to say that he was really against the war in Iraq. How do you endure such a thing? I have my own system, I think Giuliano Ferrara immersed in a bath with Berlusconi and Dell'Utri that the p. .. him, that Previti's c. .. in the mouth and in full Santanchè bdsm whip them all


° Treaty by