Saturday, December 29, 2007

Is Diverticulosis Contagious

E 'Equals a bit' more to the Friends of Crime

I am a poor ignorant but springs to mind such questions as:

but if instead of Esquire Mr. Bruno Contrada, there had been similar to his criminal history without the media personality of the first mentioned, Clemente Mastella would be activated in the same way? And most people never would, the government Barlafusi , the demand for possibile grazia?


Se tale Contrada è stato ritenuto a suo tempo colpevole, perchè porsi ora la domanda (dopo anni) della sua grazia?

E soprattutto che c'entra la Salute sua, in tutto questo? Perchè dobbiamo sempre e per forza fare i democristiani in tutto? Gesù Dio, quanta gente si trova col Cancro o Malattie Rare e la società se ne sbatte altamente a partire dalle cure mediche ( e qua mi fermo perchè parte tutta una branca d'incazzatura... ). Other Government of that dear grace Cippa is blissful, not even the medicine's past.

And above all it has in itself reason to exist: Grace?

do not need to come up with Grace, you are the processes with salt for brains, and done well enough:

If one is guilty, it is, point
If one is not guilty, it is not, point

Without but neither, however, for the same speech the Law is equal for all . Or am I saying

Sono fascista in questo?


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