Races, shows, music is staged in La Spezia Navy's day!
the sea and La Spezia, La Spezia and the Marine, La Spezia and the arsenal: Crossed Destinies and necessary for a city - the second of Liguria - protected by its bay like a pearl in the oyster. Sheltered by surrounding hills and embraced the Mediterranean, such as certain private Liguria, could only be established by choice of ' Navy arsenal. Born as a shipyard - the first made in the Italian together, it was 1870, and earned him the appointment in La Spezia in maritime capital of the Kingdom - today, as a logistics base, this is the heart of the city.
The sea, marine, arsenal : and anyone be surprised if there are moves to La Spezia for the Maritime Festival. It happens from
' June 11 to 16 - and this summer will have arrived - when the city is kindled between music shows and, of course, race (Saturday, June 13 will take place on a special edition of the traditional Regatta of the Ancient Republics Marinate, preceded a parade along the streets of 160 set in medieval costume).
This is an event not to be missed gli appassionati di nautica , che avranno la possibilità di vedere da vicino imbarcazioni mitiche: 200 tra vele d’epoca, derive d’epoca olimpiche, gozzi a vela latina, motoscafi e motonautica d’epoca, Tall Ships e una decina dei cosiddetti Armi Misti, fra cui il Dragun della città di Camogli, una baleniera e il Pandora, un veliero “Goletta e Gabbione”. In mare, nel grande specchio d’acqua antistante il Molo Italia e la passeggiata Morin , le imbarcazioni presenti e gli equipaggi daranno vita a gare ed esibizioni per rendere onore al mare e alla sua cultura.
Sulla terra ferma, invece, basterà seguire l'itinerario per scoprire l'arte e la tradizione walks through the navy, harbors, docks, wharves and docks, for the occasion transformed into a giant theater . For fans of the genre, you can visit the Naval Museum will host an international competition modeling. Along the walk Morin, exhibitions (six and photographic), exhibitions, meetings and an antique market: and, from 21 in the evening listening to music with open-air band and small ensemble committed to establish a sort of " soundtrack sites sea. "
source: www.libero.it
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