Sunday, July 12, 2009

Writing Congratulation Baby

Waiting for the Mind Festival in Sarzana

edition of the Festival of the Mind will be even more important than the previous one to be held in Sarzana from September 4 to 6 next year.

festival mente,sarzana,la spezia,vacanze liguria,andare in liguria,mare liguria,gite liguria,weekend liguria,cinque terre, dintorni la spezia,liguria di levante,dove andare liguria di levante,sarzana,ortonovo,fosdinovo,castelnuovo,massa,carrara,mente,intelligenza,q.i.,quoziente intellettivo This sixth festival, now known throughout Europe and not only throughout Italy, was presented in Milan in recent days by the staff coordinator who has traced the course not without outline, with pride, the extraordinary development of the event in terms of quality and popularity has determined that the entry of the most important cultural events on the international circuit in only six years old.

Luis Sepulveda (writer), Stefano Zecchi (philosopher), Stefano Benni festival mente 1 (writer), Luigi Luca Cavalli Sforza (geneticist), Piergiorgio Odifreddi (mathematician and writer), Gherardo Colombo (former judge), Miriam Mafai (journalist and political scientist), Stefano Bartezzaghi (Enigma), Antonio Sciortino (director Christian Family), Marco Politi (journalist Republic) Aharon Appelfeld (writer), Samir Zeki (neuroscientist) are just some names of nutritissima list that will animate the three-day Festival with arguments ed interventi di notevole spessore.

Caratteristica del Festival della Mente è quella di rendere argomenti considerati tradizionalmente difficili ed ostici alla portata di tutti, dibattuti e spiegati dai massimi esperti del ramo in maniera limpida e colloquiale, rendendoli così di facile interpretazione e aumentandone l'" appeal " popolare.

festival mente 2 Prova ne sia che in questi anni si è creato un vero e proprio movimento turistico generato dalla kermesse che, oltre a dare lustro a Sarzana dal punto di vista culturale, ne accresce anche l'indotto economico e commerciale.

Unita alla conosciutissima " Soffitta in the street "which will end just before the sixth edition of the Festival of the Mind is also proposed in the draft this year as a hub for travel throughout the area by promoting, for obvious reasons of logistics, all around the province up to the Cinque Terre on one side and to the border with Tuscany on the other.


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