Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Implantation With Twins


Is there any difference in being naive e nel peccare di ingenuita.Preferisco passare come ingenuo anzi che avere preconcetti negativi sulle cose,le vicende,le persone, pero non farmi "passare" per ingenuo:tanto per dire che sarebbe ingenuo non pensare che l'approvazione di questo regolamento,propio subito dopo pubblicato il post anteriore sul libero software dove faccio una energica critica a Microsoft,una vigorosa apologia del software libero insieme ad un breve riassunto sui raporti della NUOVA ERA (insorta dalla mia opera in queste pagine)e le grande aziende del settore,oltre alla politica,non siano fatti quanto meno "co-relati".
Di cosa parlo?Dell'aprovazzione il Martedi,un giorno dopo la pubblicazione del mio scritto,di una normativa,una regolamentazione di INTERNET "uscita fuori a tutta furia"(come dice l'articolista della nota stampa che vi faro leggere di seguito)dalla Federal Communication Commision del Congresso USA,tesa a "promuovere la neutralita" sulla rete.

Vi prego leggere il mio scritto "SERVIZIO AL NAVIGANTE:WINDOWS ASETTICO PER TUTTI(SOFTWARE LIBERO)" cua ,dopo,sotto di seguito l'eccelente nota sul THE WASHINGTON TIMES" e poi qualche mia parola.


Per David Eldridge
The Washington Times
8:31 p.m.,Martedi, Dicembre 21,2010

Neutralità sulla Rete, ma non nella sfera della politica.

FCC rules out out with fury

laying the groundwork for a legal battle and a likely clash with the Republicans in the new Congress, a sharply divided Federal Communications Commission approved rules on Tuesday to promote the Internet "network neutrality ", delivered in the key promises of the election campaign of President Obama.

In a split 3-2 in voting on party lines, the board of the FCC has approved the plan by President Julius Genachowski to establish binding rules on the streets of the Web, with rules prohibiting phone companies and cable support or discriminating against Internet content and services, including those from its rivals commerciali.
Il pannello dei tre nominati della fazione Democratica sono stati favorevoli alla misura, mentre i due candidati Repubblicani si sono opposti.La votazione e messa a fuoco da tutti i lati. I leader del Congresso Repubblicano hanno chiamato a spostare la presa di potere federale e ha promesso di prendere la FCC per compito quando si riunisca il 112 ° Congresso. I sostenitori della neutralità della rete hanno detto che il regolamento è stato "annacquato" e "cavalcato con una scappatoia":le regole sono state create con il contributo di giganti delle telecomunicazioni come AT & T.
Il senatore Kay Bailey Hutchison del Texas, repubblicano della Commissione Commercio del Senato, ha detto che prevede di introdurre una "risoluzione di disapprovazione" per cercare di ribaltare quello che lei chiama "un inquetante sbilanciamento normativo da parte della FCC."
I Repubblicani della Camera, che prendono il suo controllo nel mese di gennaio, hanno promesso che le audizioni per l'abrogazione dell'azione proposta della FCC sarà in cima all'ordine del giorno, in base alle chiamate a comparire in "House" dal Presidente del Comitato Energy and Commerce ,Fred Upton, Repubblicano del Michigan .
Il leader della minoranza al Senato Mitch McConnell, Repubblicano del Kentucky è contro l'azione FCC per quello che ha detto è un'altro sbilanciamento del governo da parte dell'amministrazione Obama."
L'amministrazione Obama, che ha già nazionalizzato la sanità, the automotive industry, insurance companies, banks and student loans will go ahead with what could be a first step towards control of how Americans use the Internet through the establishment of federal regulations on its use, "said . This could undermine investment, stifle innovation and lead to job losses. "
Raising criticism from allies and adversaries, Obama hailed the vote in a statement released by the House Bianca.Come technology and the market will continue to evolve at a rapid pace, my administration will remain vigilant and ensure that innovation is possible to prosper, that consumers are protected from abuse, and that the spirit Democratic Internet remains intact, "the president said.
The Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, Democrat of Nevada, issued a statement praising the move FCC.Anche if sometimes arcane, the debate over net neutrality, which they care about, is who can write and enforce the "rules avenues" for the information superhighway.
Consumer groups and Internet-based companies such as Netflix have complained that the telecom giants slow or stop the ' access for heavy users of competing sites, to give their own movie and entertainment sites with a competitive advantage. But the most important telecommunications companies like AT & T, Comcast and Verizon argue that they can not justify large investments in Internet infrastructure, if they offer access to all visitors boobies sostanzili things under the same conditions. Many conservatives and libertarians
critics also see the FCC's move as a stalking horse for greater government control of content on the Web and potentially to silence dissent. They also say that the administration is undermining the action of Congress, proposing a solution where no problem exists.
Robert M. McDowell, one of two appointed by GOP tab FCC, rejected the decision as an attempt to "deliver an election promise wrong" and an "obsessive quest to regulate at all costs." "'Innovate at your own risk "is the wrong message to send," said Meredith Baker, the other Republican commissioner.
Mr. McDowell has predicted that the regulations would stifle growth and innovation before being thrown out of court. In April, a federal appeals court ruled that the agency had exceeded its authority by punishing Comcast Corp. for discriminating against online traffic of file-shared on its network.
The plan, drafted by Mr. Genachowski last year with the significant contribution of the sector, requires broadband providers to subscribers, who have legal access to all online content, applications and services including online calling services, video on the Internet and other Web applications that compete among their core business.
But the rules also give flexibility of broadband providers to manage data on their systems to address problems such as network congestion and unwanted traffic such as spam until they make public their policies and practices. The regulations also
reverse move to extend federal control over the rapid growth of the wireless industry.
Although the rules are seen as much more business that the President outlined a proposal in October 2009, the reaction was varied in the field.
Verizon was considering a lawsuit, according to some rapporti.Tom Tauk, executive vice president of Verizon for public affairs, policy and communications, said the company is still studying the FCC action, but that it was "deeply concerned" about the vote. "
Based on this announcement, the FCC seems to affirm ' maximum authority for sweeping new regulation of broadband wire-line and wireless networks and the Internet itself, "he said. "
This statement of statutory authority, without solid fundamentals will be a continuing uncertainty for the industry, innovators and investors and in the long run, harmful to consumers and the nation."
The disappointment was palpable even among strong supporters of net neutrality: Michael Copps and Mignon Clyburn, the two Democrats in charge FCC board, voted for the plan, but said they would have preferred a stronger regulatory regime. "Something more than I would have liked in that order," said Copps.Sen.
Al Franken, a Democrat from Minnesota who has called for tough federal legislation on network neutrality, said the rules approved Tuesday are "inadequate to protect consumers and preserve the free and open Internet."
Through the Internet, supporters of net neutrality and Internet activists echo Mr. Franken: "We are deeply disappointed that the president chose to ignore the overwhelming public support for the real net neutrality, instand to move forward with rules sectarian scritte che per la prima volta nella storia di Internet on-line consentono la discriminazione", ha scritto Craig Aaron, amministratore delegato della Free Press, un Media Group riformista che aveva invitato a una maggiore regolamentazione.

Questo articolo è basato in parte su rapporti di servizio del filo.

-IL MIO COMMENTO:Posso capire che la mia predica del post anterire sul software lbero possa non piacere ad alcune grande aziende che operano in Internet,o alcuni politici,pero risulta chiaro della sua lettura che non ha nessuna intenzione politica,tradirebbe i miei principi,quelli dello spirito scientifico di queste pagine che non hanno nulla da vendere ne lotte di mercato da fare.E particolarmente per quanto riguada al post anteriore,solo the intention to make the witness of my personal experience and thank me for a site that promoted the event while surfing on the net.
clarified this to say a few words because this article is so bright and full that it is impossible to make a more complex analysis compiuto.Io are not an American citizen, never set foot in that country and therefore will not enter the merits if this regulation is intended to preserve a true neutrality on the network or it is a abbavagliamento strumentalizazzione purposes or biased, but I want to call attention to the fact that this clearly expressed rules and fundamentals suggest that it takes the concepts of my publications and echoes of a certain "dialectical "inessistente now among INTERNET and furniture, but with simplistic Manichaean way as if it were a football game where I win and you lose.
Evidence that captures this dialectic is found in a sentence inquetante:
"The regulations also reverse the move to extend federal control over the rapidly growing wireless industry." Says the columnist. And yes, it is clear that these regulations are directed mostly to control the mobile wireless, cio'è Technology New Era arose from these pages: "establish binding rules on the streets of the Web, with rules prohibiting phone companies and cable favor or discriminate Internet content and services, including those from its commercial rivals " dice la normativa nella sua espressione di fondamenti.Questo è lo scopo,e al di la che questa regolamentazione non intende favorire nessun software libero,piu chiara di cosi l'intenzione di attacare la NUOVA ERA impossibile esprimerlo.Il bersaglio è la TELEFONIA MOBILE SENZA FILE,e la vittima,nella favola manicheista che espressa la regola, è INTERNET.E cosi INTERNET si sbilancia,insiste nel marcare una certa distanza,che altro che elitista non puo essere,con il TELEFONO,IL MOBILE E IL SENZA FILI.Attacata al vecchio Personal Computer casalingo insomma.E su questo non fa misterio il suo capo che nella polemica contro Job di APPLE e le sue recente tavolette,ripete che il numero di PC istallato fa pensare che sara necessario per un bel po' ancora. Se mettiamo So I repeat the things that this controversy when it has adapted to the Internet and wireless mobile phone is incorporatro in Internet surfing, as well as all possible combinations of media such as has ennunciato my concept, it makes no sense and only explains in simple-minded and Maniqui normal, functional but the political dynamics of the bipolar party system Americano.Per we citizens of this global village tracks do not make any sense. (Maybe so you understand better my testimony about free software?)
But what wonder of these rules and you want to pass "the equation" backwards and it also expresses political intention, no doubt you think of the future situation of political disadvantage Democratic Republican after the tsunami and we run to you ripari.E, off balance, but the imbalance is not only politically and economically, also makes this sectarian Manichaeism (passed in California) battlefield Telecominicazioni comparing internet and computer wareless.Questo the intellectual primitivism does not come out of my work where I talk about where I very much welcome additions and the conversion of the NEW Microsoft ERA.Questo simple ideology is not propane scientific thought and less political, and has no reason to be so expresses the article: "They also say that the administration is undermining the action of Congress, proposing a solution where no problem exists.." There is a need for other I understand that right?. Pero
imbalance, and reverse I would say, from my point of view is not only about the "dialectic" INTERNET-PC against new era but also plays a Manichaean perespettiva inquisitorial showing along with an excess of zeal for Online Safety masquerade of neutrality almost repression of freedom of expression, criminalization of the new era, as a potential culprit of mancaza online.E democratization of this imbalance and reverse the reality is that it is now assumed to be true inquetante because the quality of vice "distorting" Obama's customary: see little British Petroleum has recently suffered a serious accident that has greatly harmed not only the ecosystem of the Gulf of Mexico but the company that propia was the most afettata.Purtroppo cylinder engine we are seeing a persistence of Obama almost persecution is not contralateral BP.E said the administration has the credentials for the prevention of these incidenti.Da a real mistake in my opinion ingiusto.Adesso propio Wikileaks days of large buffers to the wires for the U.S. Embassy Public afettando dates in the light sensitive state secrets, it turns out this repressive regulation of online browsing and also colpevolezzante the technology of the new online ERA.Se this repression is intended to show zeal in check this is the network as well as delayed and distorted, paradoxically unfair: I would remind you that the flight information, of the 250,000 cable cio'è confidential propio success is in the State Department and even criminalize "elliptical" technology is a sproposito.Ed NEW ERA is the second time that Obama falls into this inversion of the equation fatti.Controlli better propio echippe government even that guilt consumers of mobile wireless. In other
account on this site I want to finish by saying that it is a real shame that the Obama administration to put things like this: what looked like a real change to the top management taking the new was the category of public affairs in AMERICA which was late compared to other regions and nations, sees regress on the same positions amministraziuoni front leaving the edge at the "rival": California America is in the vanguard as to social and political insurgents from the worldview of the NEW ERA.Peccato that Obama has, now, declared an enemy of the NEW ERA.Sicuramente not go down in history, neither he nor Hillary Clinton with his Diplomacy Digital Century XXI, as an innovator in this field, the President of the change in the way of doing politics with new technologies, but as a conservative who has exploited the edge telecommunications technology, and particularly that of the new era for political purposes by , and not as an advocate for social change extended generalize and deep nell'aplicazione world.And also his vision of the Internet has failed to destroy the PHONE, not BILL Bell managed to overcome and a glorious era of industrialism and innovative thinking that has made the great, most of all, America. This is the shame where they lost two all.

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January 22, 2011:

Just a few days later the same newspaper," The Washington Times "editorial on the topic of safety and regulatory returns online and expresses a view that seems to meet me and take my statement as to the doubtful and ineficace action against WIKILEAKS.C 'is to say that unlike in America' EDITORIAL not lead Italy's signature and therefore express the views of the Journal, and in this case expressed so brilliantly and coincident with my opinions that I find more to the aggiungere.Vedi EDITORIAL:.
EDITORIAL: Obama's Passport Internet.
The Administration wants a national ID card for the comments on-line.

to The Washington Times The Washington

Times, 06:28, Thursday, January 13.2011
Screening federalized airport security has been so successful that President Obama wants government to apply the same procedure to the sphere of commerce and information security commenti.La White House Board and the Secretary of Commerce Gary Locke on January 7 announced what amounts to an identity document for the Internet.

semplice.Invece Their plan is to get on Facebook or in a bank, using the password set up separate from any single company or a website, the White House will have a leading role in developing what it calls an "identity ecosystem" that will centralize personal information and credenziali.Questo system of government should be OK with the emetic a smart card or similar device, which could confirm the identity of an individual when making online purchases with credit cards, electronic access to records of health care positions " anonymous in revenue on the blog, or even connect to your home computer, according to administration documents.

officials insist that this would be a voluntary program and provide significant benefits for pubblico.Mr.Locke said last week that "robust identity solutions can significantly improve the reliability of online transactions. They can not only improve the security, but if done properly, can increase privacy as well. "

In other words, Mr. Locke is saying," Trust us, we're from the government, and we are here to help. "The Congress, the industrial technology sector and the needs of public management but are as far away as possible from their alleged assistenza.Il this government is no longer able to provide information such as protecting the aeroporti.Basta watch the Wikileaks case, in which a licensed private was able to capture hundreds of thousands of classified documents by U.S. computer Army.Agenzie ranging from "National Laboratory in Los Alamos to the Department of" Veterans Affairs "proved equally unable to manage personal data.

Il "National Archives" e il "Records Administration"(NARA),per esempio, ha perso un hard disk pieno di materiale sulla Casa Bianca di Clinton e dei suoi dipendenti.La stessa agenzia ha inviato un disco rigido contenente i numeri della previdenza sociale di circa 75 milioni di veterani a un imprenditore privato del "riciclaggio" senza preoccuparsi di cancellare le informazioni personali.Ad oggi,l'agenzia non è in grado di determinare cosa è successo al dispositivo."Mentre ogni caso di violazione di dati,perdita o rischio eccessivo di perdite rappresenta una unica istanza,il ritornello della canzone rimane la stessa" ha detto Paul Brachfeld,ispettore generale NARA,in un'audizione al Congresso nel 2009.Le "carenze di controllo interno, "Slip", and exercises of dubious categorizazzione related to other incidents mentioned here today, leaving me and my staff regolarmenti frustrated and bewildered. "
There is no reason to think that the frustration of the Mr.Brachfeld will never attenuato.Impiegati Civil Service-which can not be dismissed, have little reason to be careful with sensitive medical records, or even secrets nucleari.Un casual attitude pervades federal agencies, making the government particularly unsuited to the task of directing a program of identity assurance . Like most of the ideas envisioned around a single table to multi-agency, this will never achieve its stated objective.

Centralize access to personal information only makes it easier for the bad guys because it means you will only need to steal a key to unlock a wealth of financial information and personali.E 'likely that the real motivation behind this is to ensure that the feds have always Access to the "back door" on what people are doing in the kingdom online.Il Congress should take steps to ensure that the regime of Big Brother has been deleted.
© Copyright 2011 The Washington Times, LLC.
clicking below you can read a copy of the original article in the newspaper (English):

difettuoso Since the original is missing a few words, here you can read it correctly:
EPILOGUE: The difficult balance between security and liberty, the right to privacy and human rights, social and individual that have always distinguished the United States and its exemplar democracy after the "discontinuity" in the Bush administration had to struggle this riprendersi.Su nothing is different in that the Obama Administration del suo antecessore,assolutamente nulla,con l'agravante pero che vengono essercitati in modo cosi inneficaci e dubbioso come lo dimostra il caso Wikileaks.Stessa cosa potrebbe dirsi dell'intromissione dello stato nell'iniziativa privata.In questo mi sento in grado di affermare che gli USA sommigliano sempre di piu ai regimi autoritari Sud-Americani e terzo-mondisti.
Forse sara per questo che preferisco il Francesissimo concetto di Difesa a quello di Sicurezza.Di piu ancora quando si tratta di queste liberta fondamentali come la privacy,l'espressione e l'iniziativa privata: NO ALGRANDE FRATELLO.


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