Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Alabama Helmet Number 12

Lerici and the super golden tapir! Napoleon Bonaparte was born in

Lerici,portovenere,striscia la notizia,ecomostro,ecomostri,la spezia,scandali edilizi,peculato,costruzioni selvagge,abusi edilizi,orrori costruzioni,cementificazione,lega ambiente,ecologia,ecologisti,verde pubblico The expanse of water bounded by the ends due castelli di Lerici e San Terenzo forma un golfo naturale di incomparabile bellezza e, con la passeggiata che unisce i due borghi, costituisce il vanto paesaggistico di questo rinomato lembo di terra ligure.

Questa immaginaria "U" naturale, le cui estremità sono appunto le propaggini su cui sorgono i due castelli, vede esattamente al centro la spiaggia naturale della Venere Azzurra , con alle spalle la collina sempre della Venere Azzurra, una vasta area verde da cui si gode un panorama costiero che si può facilmente immaginare. (vedi foto in alto)

Nel lembo di terra tra la collina e the beach is built from a municipal parking lot is not big enough to flush, not particularly invasive and disfiguring or at least intended to alleviate the chronic shortage of parking spaces that plagues these places long armored access (see various posts Links !).

Until now almost nothing wrong. . . but the incredible is coming.

On MyHotel project known hotel chain, not long ago the council decided to give up the green and the splendid view of the hill offered to allow the complete demolition of the same (when we write and complete demolition vuol dire proprio sventramento completo !) allo scopo di realizzare un'ambiziosa struttura alberghiera a 5 stelle dotata di ristoranti, piscina, centro congressi, ecc. ecc.,
struttura completamente slegata dalla comprovata realtà turistica di Lerici (che non annovera neppure un 4 stelle) ed avviata quindi a configurarsi come la classica " cattedrale nel deserto ", circondata perciò da servizi ed attrezzature turistiche assolutamente non adeguate a
supportarne le paventate potenzialità.

Ecco quindi il via ai lavori con il predetto sbancamento della collina e la realizzazione dei primi serpentoni di fondamenta con le regolari colate di cemento a gradoni.

Transennamento del cantiere, erezione delle gru, scavo dello svincolo camionabile e posa delle prime armature con regolari totem di acciaio che spuntano dalle spianate di cemento.

Ecco quindi gli operai al lavoro ed il cantiere aperto e visibile (è proprio sottostrada !) a chiunque cerchi di avvicinarsi a Lerici (avvicinarsi, perchè entrare nel paese più blindato d'Italia è praticamente difficilissimo !).

Tutto questo sino alla scorsa primavera . . . poi . . di colpo . . . tutto fermo !

permits withdrawn? Funding Spent? Progress reports not respected?

do not know. . . the only sure thing and the advance of rust on the structure and appearance of deep desolation that affects those who are taking the view that leads to this former beautiful valley.

striking that the signs announcing the construction of the jewel of the hotel chain have been removed, but what is striking indeed. . . Hear, hear. . . are rumors circulating and anticipate that the future of the foundation can be the basis for building. . . units Estate !

understood the trick? It circumvents the prohibition of chronic overbuilding in preservation of green areas with the launch of a pharaonic project in receptive field tended to "qualify the territory from the point of view of tourism and trade," they stop the work at the hill and dug out the foundations laid and then. . . What do we do now because we can no longer build a hotel? We can not leave open a site in an area well in sight. . . do you know? A beautiful residential neighborhood with many beautiful villas with incomparable sea view for sale weight in gold!

No. . . surely it will not, surely resume the construction of the hotel complex, or the lucrative proceeds of residential units (if this will be the final destination), will equally distributed among the population in the Lerici special "gazebo" prepared by the municipality, or any proceeds € will go to fund any "non-profit organization" that operates in Central !

should be that way, otherwise you do not understand how all Lerici are not meeting to ask loudly the arrest of those responsible for this, and this is quite inexplicable feature of the local people.

Non si capisce come mai i residenti ed i commercianti di un comune che negli ultimi anni ha visto ridursi in ginocchio il suo tessuto commerciale ed economico a causa, certo della crisi generale, ma anche di provvedimenti amministrativi particolarmente duri e discutibili, continui a subire passivamente senza mostrare apparenti tentativi di dissenso se non qualche sporadica intervista occasionale .

Non si capisce come mai l'amministrazione in carica sia già al secondo mandato nonostante problemi noti (per esempio la " questione " Eco del Mare , con permessi di costruzione in spiaggia autorizzati dal town without hearing the opinion of the Park Board that oversees the entire coast).

not understand why no one has yet called for at least a service complaint, "the news strip " which, if it moves to unfinished works or waste in public places such as industrial areas or brownfield sites, even more so would reason to intervene to try to clarify the situation in a place so beautiful our Bell'Italia still giving those responsible for so much destruction at least Super Tapiro Golden !

Friday, September 25, 2009

Merilyn Sakova Gallery 2010

. . . Sarzana!

fine settimana,weekend liguria,La Spezia,Portovenere,Cinqueterre,Lerici,fine estate,weekend a tema,Lunigiana,riviera ligure,Napoleone,medioevo,soldatini,ricostruzioni storiche,grandi battaglie,waterloo,impero napoleonico

Si svolge in questi giorni a Sarzana il “Festival Napoleonico” : pochi lo sanno o se lo ricordano ma Napoleone è nato in Corsica solamente per un caso, appena dopo l’emigrazione della sua famiglia che ha vissuto per tre secoli almeno in questo lembo di Liguria.

Ecco quindi il Festival a suo nome (un’altra delle riuscite manifestazioni sarzanesi), che richiamerà almeno 250 figuranti da tutta Europa che, equipaggiati ed armati di tutto punto, dopo aver eretto il campo dentro la fortezza Firmafede, daranno l’assalto con armi d’epoca (ma caricate a salve !), ai nemici asserragliati sulla vicina collina di Sarzanello.

storia medioevale,napoleone,bastiglia,francia,impero,vacanze,mete liguria

Sarzana you will fall for a few days then in a very special atmosphere with exhibits, dances, music and menu 'only theme, and the lion's share will trade soldiers, medals, books and historical weapons with stalls and stands that invade the streets of the medieval town.

U na good opportunity for a visit then, if not allergic to gunpowder (fake) or the neighing of horses that run through the historic center!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Put Old Lenses In New Frames

Roberto Saviano: The surprise of the Festival of the Mind!

great excitement and anticipation that precedes the'incontro excited with the author of "Gomorra " Festival Mente 2009 surprise guest of the Festival of the Mind being to Sarzana.

For logistic reasons, but more likely, for obvious security reasons, the official poster of the Festival opened on Friday 04 and Sunday, 2006 will close next, no mention of the intervention of ' illustrious guest that, instead, collect around 1200 when about lucky Saviano,Gomorra,mafia,camorra,sicilia,mitra,polizia,stato,mafia italiana,attentato allo stato,libri,best seller,ultime uscite libreria auditors (lucky because I managed to grab a ticket in the early hours of sale, before spraying!).

At 18 to Sunday, 2006 then, in the beautiful medieval square Arms of the Citadel of Sarzana, the young and famous writer, will deliver his speech focused on the word "freedom .

gomorra The meeting will be the prelude to the closing of the event once again saw Sarzana as one of the world's cultural centers not only Italian, as thousands of visitors have occupied the occupation (B & Bs, hotels, restaurants, inns, etc.), while the whole town helped organize the event and help (think of the massive participation of young volunteers Sarzana to order service and general organization).

Another success then, confirming the Festival of the Mind as one of the most exciting events from the world of international culture.

Friday, August 21, 2009

How To Get The Golden Puffle 2010

again at the weekly markets. . . Sarzana teaches! A

Soon the council will Sarzana the complete reorganization and upgrading of the weekly market on Thursday !

mercato settimanale,problemi mercato settimanale,Liguria,gite liguria,weekend liguria,fine settimana liguria,fare un weekend in liguria,la spezia,portovenere,cinque terre,lerici,levanto,monterosso,sarzana,lunigiana,pontremoli

The news itself did not seem to have nothing remarkable, except that this measure comes from an authoritative note of the provincial command of the Fire Department of La Spezia which highlights the current state of things, the serious flaws in security and accessibility of emergency vehicles so that afflict such a market is always as required now.

to underline how the administration intends to proceed lightening currently jammed the streets stalls "smearing" the market in the adjacent street now used but which, if rationally employed, would allow to obtain the dual result in more livable and enjoyable exposure of the goods, while ensuring adequate escape routes in case of need.

Again the province clearly beats the capital , Sarzana comes first on everything and also in the measures which should be fundamental in ensuring the health and public safety.

Not long ago we wrote of "shame" market of La Spezia (see post ) also trying to suggest solutions that you are going to take at Sarzana and it seems that someone has heard, but certainly not the real beneficiaries of the "message "which may have to wait a few crying victim consequence of delay or inability to get relief!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

When Do The Stripes Go On Your Letterman Jacket

steals tickets for the Festival of the Mind

The considerable sum of 13 thousand tickets already sold to more than two weeks after says a lot about '"appeal" that this event has managed to stir a few years after its birth.

firmafede,Sarzana,festival,Liguria,weekend liguria,gite liguria,dove vado a . .,Portovenere,lerici,provincia della spezia,la spezia,levante ligure,cinque terre,monterosso,riomaggiore,manarola,viaggiare in liguria,concerti a sarzana,manifestazioni estive,manifestazioni sarzana,eventi liguria

A Sarzana are all satisfied with the course of the summer cultural events, supported from the important shuttle service connecting the city center with two major park and ride from bus-navetta 21 hours to 01.30 night, allowing everyone to actually attend events or simply visiting the city with its beauties, without the stress of parking that always poisons our movements.

Excellent turnout (as usual), the well known "in the street Attic", in progress in the downtown streets and will continue until Sunday 23.

simply red Upon completion, satisfactory budget also concerts and events (the last concert of Simply Red , the last leg of their Italian tour), which have attracted numerous tourists from all over Italy.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Tech Deck The 3d Game Online

The attic in the road: it starts!

opens its doors today to close on 23 August 8th next wait another edition of antique (but not only...) That contributes to the popularity of Sarzana far beyond national borders.

The "attic" was founded in 1965 by the will of Antiques Sarzanese that with perseverance and determination, worked to ensure that the event took root and become increasingly rich, important and sought after by professionals but also from ordinary tourists

And today, the "Attic" is identified with Sarzana and the town is acquire this multifaceted and diverse market
where you can find various things, from furniture to vintage modern antiques, jewelry by also of great value or prestigious fashion vintage clothing and furs, from antiques to the eastern Anatolian carpets and kilims, paintings, lace and linen, prints, records and books, ending with the most sought after items of interest almost strictly for collectors.

This year, to ensure the authenticity of the pieces for sale and fair trade, a pool of experts will be available free to purchasers by contacting us
exposed at all the stalls and buildings municipal.

Between bath on the beaches of the Ligurian coast and a drink on the seafront near Versilia, you should not miss this event in the late afternoon and evening (at 17.00 opening and closing every day around midnight ) which, even alone, is worth a thorough visit and who knows between le bancarelle non si possa trovare quel monile tanto desiderato . . . .

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

My Easy Bake Oven Is Not Heating Up

Palio del Golfo, the challenge is renewed!

Grande weekend turistico alla Spezia per un evento del tutto particolare che si rinnova anno dopo anno e che assume via via sempre più importanza : il Palio del Golfo .

300px-Festa_del_mare_-_Partenza_del_Palio,La Spezia,Liguria,vacanze Liguria,dove andare Liguria,Portovenere,Lerici,Cinque Terre,Levanto,Bonassola,Deiva Marina,weekend in Liguria,poche ore in Liguria,riviera Ligure,La Spezia e provincia,eventi alla Spezia,Sarzana

La manifestazione si aprirà venerdi’ con la consueta  bellissima e pittoresca sfilata in costume di tutte le borgate e con l’apertura al pubblico della portaerei Cavour per una visita unica nel suo genere.

A seguire, nella giornata di Sabato, dopo la consueta pesa delle imbarcazioni, waters of the Gulf Coast will host the race "Coastal rowing while four balloons will see the city and from the race to the finish with a costumed the racecourse of La Spezia in 1927 and with the long table will be set up for the big dinner in the historic center.

200px-Festa_del_mare_-_Tifosi Sunday, starting in late afternoon, all the challenges of the stake (women's teams, senior and junior), and finally the real challenge rowing among the 13 villages of the Gulf waters off the promenade in the mirror Morin with the peak at 19.30 with the most anticipated race.

The event will close on August 3 last week with the award and the traditional fireworks display.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Writing Congratulation Baby

Waiting for the Mind Festival in Sarzana

edition of the Festival of the Mind will be even more important than the previous one to be held in Sarzana from September 4 to 6 next year.

festival mente,sarzana,la spezia,vacanze liguria,andare in liguria,mare liguria,gite liguria,weekend liguria,cinque terre, dintorni la spezia,liguria di levante,dove andare liguria di levante,sarzana,ortonovo,fosdinovo,castelnuovo,massa,carrara,mente,intelligenza,q.i.,quoziente intellettivo This sixth festival, now known throughout Europe and not only throughout Italy, was presented in Milan in recent days by the staff coordinator who has traced the course not without outline, with pride, the extraordinary development of the event in terms of quality and popularity has determined that the entry of the most important cultural events on the international circuit in only six years old.

Luis Sepulveda (writer), Stefano Zecchi (philosopher), Stefano Benni festival mente 1 (writer), Luigi Luca Cavalli Sforza (geneticist), Piergiorgio Odifreddi (mathematician and writer), Gherardo Colombo (former judge), Miriam Mafai (journalist and political scientist), Stefano Bartezzaghi (Enigma), Antonio Sciortino (director Christian Family), Marco Politi (journalist Republic) Aharon Appelfeld (writer), Samir Zeki (neuroscientist) are just some names of nutritissima list that will animate the three-day Festival with arguments ed interventi di notevole spessore.

Caratteristica del Festival della Mente è quella di rendere argomenti considerati tradizionalmente difficili ed ostici alla portata di tutti, dibattuti e spiegati dai massimi esperti del ramo in maniera limpida e colloquiale, rendendoli così di facile interpretazione e aumentandone l'" appeal " popolare.

festival mente 2 Prova ne sia che in questi anni si è creato un vero e proprio movimento turistico generato dalla kermesse che, oltre a dare lustro a Sarzana dal punto di vista culturale, ne accresce anche l'indotto economico e commerciale.

Unita alla conosciutissima " Soffitta in the street "which will end just before the sixth edition of the Festival of the Mind is also proposed in the draft this year as a hub for travel throughout the area by promoting, for obvious reasons of logistics, all around the province up to the Cinque Terre on one side and to the border with Tuscany on the other.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Zaino On Brilliant Black

the trip. . . "A la carte"!

Among the various initiatives to stimulate tourism commuter and defeat the crisis prevailing in this sector, a consortium of hotels in Liguria (Riviera welcome "), studied a proposal Travel made directly to the customer, "a la carte "So exactly modeled according to the attitudes and expectations of future visitors .

The type of tourist is really varied and modern technologies have allowed to extend it even more: nowadays you can find out about everything and it is certainly easier to choose a vacation that we can excite according to our wishes and that's what they thought members welcome coast, offering in their homes (about one hundred in all Liguria), themed packages every holiday wishes.

You must be lovers of trekking (again split between newcomers, "quiet"
turismo,vacanze liguria,weekend liguria,fine settimana liguria,gite liguria,escursioni riviera ligure,mare liguria,ferie liguria,turismo liguria
and experts and tailored courses), fans of two wheels (itineraries are ready for their studies on "natural track" pitch Bracco), from ecotourists (Provision of proper shelter) to lovers of wellness with spa facilities, etc..

The project will be completed with the opening of the site www.welcomeriviera.it , where you can view the entire range of activities by including arrival and departure and the type of holiday choice and not lacking either undecided deals with "last-minute " that can help us discover preferenze ed attitudini vacanziere insospettate semplicemente aderendo alle ultime offerte rimaste e quindi . . . casuali.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

How Long Should It Take To Lose 10kg

Sarzana "Artefiera"

Sarzana,Portovenere,Lerici,Lunigiana,Cinque Terre,Cinqueterre,la Spezia,dintorni la Spezia,arte lunigiana,pittura Liguria,dove andare Liguria,weekend in liguria,fine settimana,cosa fare nel weekend,andare in liguria,gita in liguria,escursione in liguria,due giorni in liguria,tre giorni in liguria
Un'altra occasione culturale per visitare questa bellissima cittadina : aprirà i battenti domani la prima edizione di " Cittadella in Artefiera " che si svolgerà nella fortezza Firmafede di Sarzana.

Si tratta di una rassegna di pittura, scultura e grafica patrocinata dal comune di Sarzana.

Circa 400 le opere in esposizione realizzate dai 112 artisti partecipanti , tutte racchiuse in un catalogo di 180 pagine edito addirittura da Mondadori.

La manifestazione sarà strutturata in vari settori ed ospiterà artisti di rilevanza nazionale, tra tutti tre esponenti di spicco quali Ugo Guidi con 22 sculture originali, Walter Lazzaro con trenta disegni che abbracciano un arco temporale di 60 anni (dagli anni '20 agli '80) e Renato Santini con trenta dipinti originali.

La rassegna si chiuderà Domenica 5 Luglio e l'ingresso alla manifestazione sarà gratuito , si preannuncia una numerosa partecipazione di pubblico dato anche l'affollamento estivo della town and we can be sure that this first edition will be followed, as is almost always the case for cultural initiatives sponsored by the fervent sarzanese administration.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

But/apap/caf 50/325/40

still a binomial Sarzana - art and culture!

XII Acoustic Guitar Meeting , this is the event which has just concluded (20-24 May) in the frame of sugggestiva Firmafede fortress of Sarzana .

An appointment is renewed for 12 years and note that by joint efforts of City, the province of La Spezia and the association
Armadillo leads to Sarzana musicians, instrument makers, enthusiasts or curious
mplici all in the name of classical guitar and its variants.

The scenario could not be more appropriate: the old f ORTEZZANO Firmafede with its rooms and its moat and with the large auditorium carved into court the central stage where they perform non-stop groups and individual artists from the world's most famous exponents of the guitar and song writer (David Bromberg - Beppe Gambetta - Joel Rafael - Bob Brozman - Eric Lugosch - Sarah Lee Guthrie & Johnny Irion -
Maurizio Bettelli - Fabrizio Poggi & Mambo Chicken - De Simone & Martinez, etc.)..

Particular emphasis is always given the appearance and exhibition space and education, with the construction of the fort in the park and within its halls and in the tower of an exhibition of makers, vintage, CDs and DVDs, magazines and music acoustic guitar accessories unique in the adjoining market
Sarzana,Cinque Terre,Lerici Portovenere,dintorni La Spezia,regione Liguria,musica sarzana,manifestazioni sarzana,weekend liguria
rare private collection, enriched by a training course "for acoustic guitar violin " that fascinates every visitor.

Classic Brands like Gibson, Carish, Norman, Fender, Fishman, Giannini, Jose Ramirez, etc.. through their national and international retailers, elected as long Sarzana their valuable display space, and this year the event was much followed by the presence of enriched Nora Guthrie, daughter of the famous Woody , recognized father of the new popular song of civil commitment, awarded in memory of with the father: City of Sarzana Liguria Region- "Strings & Voices for Dialogue & Rights" , a special award established this year not to emphasize the strong social and cultural value of music that has starring the voice and guitar.

Another success of Sarzana and its cultural role in short, and another opportunity to visit this beautiful village and its surroundings as enjoyable.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

What Does Each Letter In W.e.l.c.o.m.e Means?

The spice and the sea: a week dedicated!

Races, shows, music is staged in La Spezia Navy's day!

the sea and La Spezia, La Spezia and the Marine, La Spezia and the arsenal: Crossed Destinies and necessary for a city - the second of Liguria - protected by its bay like a pearl in the oyster. Sheltered by surrounding hills and embraced the Mediterranean, such as certain private Liguria, could only be established by choice of ' Navy arsenal. Born as a shipyard - the first made in the Italian together, it was 1870, and earned him the appointment in La Spezia in maritime capital of the Kingdom - today, as a logistics base, this is the heart of the city.

The sea, marine, arsenal : and anyone be surprised if there are moves to La Spezia for the Maritime Festival. It happens from
' June 11 to 16 - and this summer will have arrived - when the city is kindled between music shows and, of course, race (Saturday, June 13 will take place on a special edition of the traditional Regatta of the Ancient Republics Marinate, preceded a parade along the streets of 160 set in medieval costume).

This is an event not to be missed gli appassionati di nautica , che avranno la possibilità di vedere da vicino imbarcazioni mitiche: 200 tra vele d’epoca, derive d’epoca olimpiche, gozzi a vela latina, motoscafi e motonautica d’epoca, Tall Ships e una decina dei cosiddetti Armi Misti, fra cui il Dragun della città di Camogli, una baleniera e il Pandora, un veliero “Goletta e Gabbione”. In mare, nel grande specchio d’acqua antistante il Molo Italia e la passeggiata Morin , le imbarcazioni presenti e gli equipaggi daranno vita a gare ed esibizioni per rendere onore al mare e alla sua cultura.

Sulla terra ferma, invece, basterà seguire l'itinerario per scoprire l'arte e la tradizione walks through the navy, harbors, docks, wharves and docks, for the occasion transformed into a giant theater . For fans of the genre, you can visit the Naval Museum will host an international competition modeling. Along the walk Morin, exhibitions (six and photographic), exhibitions, meetings and an antique market: and, from 21 in the evening listening to music with open-air band and small ensemble committed to establish a sort of " soundtrack sites sea. "

source: www.libero.it

Monday, May 25, 2009

What Do I Get Loose Stool

Sarzana. . . in bloom!

born 12 years ago an event that uses a simple idea to develop a whole town and give a boost to tourism

it is "Atri Fioriti held this year in Sarzana in last weekend.

This is partly a municipal administration attentive and receptive to every cultural and recreational events aimed at enhancing the attractiveness of a town and an area already rich in itself to history, crafts and traditions, this event sees the participation of all traders, and especially of flower growers and nurserymen della zona che, ottenuta la disponibilità da parte dei proprietari, organizzano veri e propri vernissage di arte floreale all’interno degli storici e spaziosi atri dei palazzi nobili sparsi all’interno delle mura, in parallelo ad un corollario di manifestazioni di vario genere (musicali, espositive, ecc) che trasformano Sarzana in un susseguirsi di eventi aperti a tutti.

Sarzana,artigianato Sarzana,antiquariato Sarzana,Liguria,Portovenere,Lerici,La Spezia,Cinque Terre,Riviera Ligure,Val di Vara,Val di Magra,Lunigiana,weekend Liguria,gite Sarzana,escursioni La Spezia,vacanze Cinque Terre Questi gli atri dei palazzi interessati e la loro dislocazione, che crea un percorso pedonale che attraversa tutto il centro storico :



PALAZZO NERI Piazza Niccolò V

PALAZZO FONTANA Piazza Matteotti









PALAZZO REMEDI Piazza Matteotti






100_1042 Così negozi aperti con entrate addobbate da decorazioni di piante e fiori, esposizioni di auto d’epoca, artisti di strada, esibizioni musicali, concorsi di pittura ed esposizioni di ceramica e oggetti antichi hanno attirato centinaia di visitatori in un caldissimo weekend di primavera.

Ancora una volta complimenti a Sarzana dunque, per volontà, spirito di iniziativa ed una indubbia tradizione artigianale che non conosce pause !

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Dz License Good For At

Shame spice market!

Come tutte le città, cittadine, paesi, borghi e villaggi, anche la città della Spezia ha il suo bravo mercato settimanale che si svolge regolarmente il venerdì .

marcato,mercato liguria,mercatini Liguria,viaggiare liguria,la spezia,portovenere,lerici,cinqueterre,cinque terre,levanto,marina militare la spezia,visitare la spezia,la spezia e le isole,golfo della spezia,la spezia mare Write
"regularly" is a real understatement, because there is a regular
very little, if other cities in the market also plays a function of tourist attraction (Porta Portese Market Livorno, etc..) Tourists passing from La Spezia in fateful Friday market is strongly recommended to visit a large group of reasons.

First the quality of goods displayed , which is gradually and qualitatively timed to coincide with the disappearance of street vendors' historical , replaced almost entirely by immigrants of various nationalities, far from selling products of their land thus creating an Exhibition " ethnic " which would at least original, shall conform to propose articles of doubtful derivation, (almost all Eastern), resulting in further discredit the overall quality.

Not to mention the " location " choice years ago by an enlightened local authority: Garibaldi Avenue, a central artery of La Spezia (not too large) and densely populated, the daily transit bus to Portovenere and core of the city traffic.

Now: on Thursday 'evening, in all seasons and in all weather, the poor inhabitants of this unfortunate artery must abandon their cars in the area reserved to seek his fortune (car park) where they find (and remember that we are in the city center!), and the few times that have dared to forget, or bedridden with influenza or illness and no relatives to replace them, they left the car in the parking lot reserved for them, then had to withdraw in the courtyard of the municipal police upon payment of a fine salty.

Every Friday morning then, at 05 o'clock, they all have the alarm programmed , kindly provided by the din dell'allestimento the banks of the itinerant mixed clacsons vans.

The avenue, as we said, is not an avenue: Well, the city administration has
had the good idea to assign spaces to vendors in double line (one before the other ) on both pavement and vans lined up along the two lanes of the avenue.

The result is a narrow carriageway (but always cluttered with badly parked vans), gates and shops practically lungoviale inaccessible (or accessible bypassing banquets and various household goods), and space for step Visitors to about one meter.

course, this passage of a meter wide contend even if the mothers with strollers (height crowd!), Customers with bags or parcels and bulky. . . " sharpers " that claim to pass through this narrow path with a bicycle and even swear to the clogging!

Also, perhaps unique case in Italy, instead of up to 14 as everywhere, the Spice Market lasts up to 20 in the evening and beyond, with the result of
impede parking and the ' access gates and the shops of eligible for the whole day, well beyond the normal time to return from work!

must be said that the residents of Via Garibaldi all enjoying good health and that civil defense and emergency vehicles have never had to intervene in
some buildings during any Friday, or we would have witnessed the blatant ( and dangerous!) denial of all safety and safeguard the health authorities there propinano long as mandatory for any public event!

I emergency vehicles would not pass completely and, in the unfortunate event evacuation of a building or transport the wounded, the whole thing could be done only after the dismantling of some banks!

The health of the residents will still be put to the test also and especially during the winter when
, for obvious reasons of darkness, each operated since the early afternoon walking the combustion engine of its own generator
of electricity, creating its own little cloud of exhaust smoke which, together with all other clouds, form a dense pall of smog that goes to the upper floors of buildings, making the air breathable and thus preventing the open windows.

Not to mention the inconvenience to tourists (many in the summer) that displaced by the change in traffic, looking anxiously the new bus route to Portovenere often with poor results.

All this for years and years, ignore them completely, for example, the continuation of Garibaldi Avenue (west side), it becomes Fieschi Avenue (also well served by public transport), wide and busy boulevard along on both sides by parking lots, buildings of the Navy and the municipal stadium, therefore without buildings, shops and activities, where the location of the weekly market would enjoy more space and certainly not interfere with the life of commercial and residential center.

Suffice hence a shift of a few hundred meters away to redevelop an area, as it would certainly be easier to identify other areas suitable for the performance of the market, but obviously " so willed there where is power what you want" . . . . . and who knows if "the news strip " will be able to change things!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

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Rain "Blue Flags" in the eastern Ligurian

The prestigious award honored world-class castello lerici,turismo,portovenere,mare,sole,spiaggia,escursione,gite liguria,vacanze liguria,cinqueterre mare,weekend liguria,fine settimana liguria,weekend cinqueterre,vacanze mare liguria,vacanze cinqueterre,Portofino,vacanze riviera ligure,riviera ligure this year, many places in the east namely, the Ligurian coast to coast to Lerici passes Bocca di Magra and reaches up to Fiumaretta , almost to the border with Marina di Carrara and the Toscana region.

Especially the port of Bocca di Magra and coast Fiumaretta see for the first time to reward their perseverance in improving services and facilities with a "medal" that certainly help to increase the tourist inflow throughout the next season bandiera blu addition to being a good omen for future years.

must be remembered that the "flag blue "rewards not only the clarity and bathing water, but the whole system" sea tourism, thus also taking into consideration accessibility to beaches, pedestrian areas, waste disposal, compliance with prohibitions, quality of equipment and all security services environmental and natural for visitors.

sole e ombrelllone hope that the honor this season, face recognition and that the guarantee of a residence and satisfactory services , may entice locals and strangers to crowd our place despite the economic crisis still looming.