the "new era" dominates everywhere, and even politician: LIBERALISM IN THE NETHERLANDS AND THE WORLD
NEW ERA has no political expression "pre-determined", but liberalism is one that they should and well expresses his vision of mondo.Liberalismo "old school", nineteenth-century even if want, even if repeated over time that corrono.E 'this political vision that in different ways depending on the place and the system better expresses the changes in science and socio-cultural and bound them to difussione and penetration of new technologies communication has to do umano.Pero times the Liberal government, "takes as expressed political presence, and whenever they are in countries where growth autodenomina himself and takes control of the responsibilities of government, to those where this vision policy already exists up for a long time back as France, Germany, USA (and many others that list now), recently joined at least four expressed as: The United Kingdom, where the Liberal Party shares responsabilta governativi nell'essecutivo.(E non è poca cosa trattandosi del paese guida della Comoon Welth),la Polonia dove il PARTITO LIBERALE essercita la titolarita del governo in maggioranza,l'Australia dove il Labourismo(fratello gemello del Liberalismo anche se "non naturalizzato",non acettato A portare quel nome)recentemente ha acceso al potere con una donna in testa(la donna "lavorante" e i suoi diritti sociali sono le figliole predilette del LIBERALISMO sin dall'inizio nel secolo scorso),e finalmente il paese che motiva questa notizia:I PAESI BASSI.
Infatti in mezzo(e dopo)un lungo tira e molla fra diversi espressioni del liberalismo come sono il separatismo delle regioni di lingua Francesa,la destra chiamata xenofoba,e i LIBERALI precisely, the Netherlands has agreed to a government led by Liberal Party (with esclussione the left). I hope that this agreement and there have been fights between these frazzioni must vederse only as a sign of the vitality of the liberalism of conscience and the responsibility that arises in the consciousness of being the vanguard of political expression in the West and throughout the world, and the enormous interest that move behind this guide in times of industrialism rivival linked to the production of new technologies, telecommunications, 'IT and altre.Mi also hope that there has been a separazzione Francese.Queste intentions of speaking regions must vederse as a by-product of the new era of liberalism and the huge interests behind it: in fact, since the assumption of Sarkozy in France there was an intention to align the various French-speaking populations (in Europe, Canada, America, etc.) behind a socio-cultural guide advanced means of expression at a distance, cio'è New Era, and behind the leadership of Francia.Ad EXAMPLE unify the French language television channels in different parts of the world, and also in the new media. I I've seen with good eyes this intention in principle, absolutely not recommend it today: France from the viewpoint of the interests of liberalism is the essence of the new era is not going for a good time and are poised as the principles of LIBERAL as the essence of the NEW ERA, sacrificed in the altar of the chauvinism of NAZIONALISMO.Queste not to say things have nothing to do with the new age and now the liberal and the New Age are better expressed in the countries in which the COMMON WELTH propia Sarkozy's France: MI DISPIACE.E congratulations in the Netherlands there has been no such division of the French-speaking region.
Finally: the new era now dominates the entire world and even politicians, as well al'espressione diffuminata in different countries, regimes and political parties of this ideology, natural to say to the West and throughout the world, the one that best politician Representative Office suits, the liberal advances.
(Please do not confuse liberal with the Neo-liberalism, post-modernist, ultra-right freedom-more quickly, nor with the "Liberal" Americana that have more to do with a liberal and libertine left than to the Liberty and the New Era)
Here is a print taken from the article "Le Figaro": A
) HOLDERS: Netherlands: Agreement on a government supported by the extreme right
reactions (6)
A minority coalition government of Liberals and Democrats will gather in the Netherlands, supported by the party of Geert Wilders anti-Islam.
B) DEVELOPMENT OF NOTE: The Netherlands: Agreement on Government
23:16 comments (6): aggiornatoAFP 28/09/2010
An agreement on a minority coalition government between the Liberals and Christian Democrats of the Netherlands, supported by anti-Islam party of Geert Wilders, is stato raggiunto Martedì,ha annunciato il leader dei liberali Mark Rutte."Abbiamo fatto gli ultimi ritocchi agli accordi", ha detto il leader del Partito liberale(WD) Mark Rutte,probabile prossimo primo ministro,ha detto ai giornalisti a L'Aia.
Mark Rutte,il leader dei cristiano-democratici(CDA),Maxime Verhagen,e Geert Wilders,leader del Partito per la Libertà(PW),hanno raggiunto un accordo su un programma di governo e su il sostegno del PW alla futura coalizione governamentale.Il WD e il CDA totalizzano solo 52 su 150 deputati della camera bassa,ma ottenero una maggioranza dei voti con il sostegno del PW."E un buon giorno per i Paesi Bassi,si ha congratulato Geert Wilders."La sinistra non è al potere,finalmente succedera something in the Netherlands.
agreements, whose content was not disclosed, will be presented Wednesday to the parliamentary groups of the three partiti.I Christian Democrats (CDA), divided on a collaboration with PW Wilders, will meet Saturday in a conference during which will hold an advisory vote.
early parliamentary elections on June 9, saw the narrow victory of WD (31 seats out of 150 deputies) in the troubled PvdA (30 seats) and the PW, the Democrats come in fourth place (21 seats). The PW Wilders, which qualifies the fascist Islam and has campaigned to ban the Koran and the full veil, avreebbe recorded the strongest growth, gaining 24 seats in parliament against 9 in above. A first set of
negoziazzioi leader of the Liberals, Christian Democrats and the PW, which began Aug. 9, was suspended on September 3, after the withdrawal of Geert Wilders.Soo were taken on 13 settembre.Wilders said have lost faith in the Christian Democrats, after several board members had publicly expressed their concerns about a possible collaboration with his party. One of them, Health Minister Ab Klink has resigned his resignation, had left his seat in the lower house, bringing Wilders to reconsider its position.
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-CHINA: THE FALL OF Transform advance of freedom ......." BUT NOT TOO "
A note in Liberation of France we learn that China has included between human rights and the Possession of Portable Telephones navigation in the NEW ERA Internet.Per these two definitions are of enormous political importance: the translation of the first award should be seen as an Acceptance of the ideas expressed in my book on natural concezzione media technology and the abandonment of rivindicazioni "transform" the foundation of the Jacobins: China recognizes that the essence of the new era and the "world view" that it is not if it results in a transformation of ideas to the Jacobins riconducibbile Revolution Francesa, but concezzione scientific world and of man to stante.E this per se DEFINITION policy is a huge importance and transcendence if we consider the orthodoxy of the Marxist left and not only in China.
incidentally is also true that as expressed in the notice that there were surpluses in the recognition of freedom of speech in Internet.Ricordo the reader (and Liberation), which after a long deferred to the U.S. and especially with Google (the company that best expresses the concept of the new ERA) was allowed internet users to use a given link with Chinese government authorities to divert to Hong Kong navigation qual'ora were not covered his Liberta essigenze on network usage. Both
surpluses should be seen as the result of the long struggle for recognition of the worldview of the new era in these pages, and freedom of expression on new means of communications made by the USA and delivered in this blog.
But of course this does not mean the dilution of Acceptance and ellargimento rights of man and freedom of expression in the expression of wedge purely materialistic and illiberal 'rights to subsistence and development. "Neither of the other rights to it subordinazzione including among many others let me remind you that privacy, private property and displacement. Obviously
Taking into account the economic success that China is having and the fact that nobody dies of hunger more, this must be seen as only the intent to perpetuate in power a regime that is now ceasing to be the ideological sustenance realta.Senza stop to remember that other leftist regimes in other parts of the world that recognize and link pro-China ideological influence they have done the same scrap on human rights. On account of these considerations and more will leave the note in Liberation: 27/09/2010 à 16h40
China, a country of human rights ... 41 reactions to the phone
Grangereau For Philip, our correspondent in Beijing.
(David Gray / Reuters)
In China, owns a mobile phone or driving their cars, are considered as the fee is umani.Ciò is what arises from the publication Monday, the Chinese government for its "White Paper on the progress of Human Rights in China. " In his first chapter entitled "the people's rights to subsistence and development," Beijing welcomes that China has more than one billion mobile phones and 31.36 million cars in 2009, more than 28.6% more than the ' previous year. China, which has relatively recently recognized the concept of "human rights", and tries to dilute ellargisarlo the "rights of subsistence." The idea that freedom of speech is not very useful for those who die of hunger is certainly diffendibile.Ma China sees this as a primordial right, the other "human rights" ausiliari.Per would perpetuate his vision of things in a China's booming economy, where almost no one dies of hunger, Beijing essita to extend his concept of "right to subsistence". A chapter of the "White Paper" dedicated to "judicial guarantees of human rights" back to the question dell'auotomobile stressing that a new law made it easier to obtain the license for the deaf and disabled ... The number of Internet users (384 million) is given as an example to demonstrate China's progress in the field of "political and civil rights", taking care not to mention the draconian censorship that the Chinese are subdued on the Internet. "The right to freedom of speech on the Internet is protected by law," says the White Paper , which shows as a step forward for human rights in China is that 97% of the population now have access to television programs official.
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