September 5, 2010:
THE FACTS: The world is in suspense, pending developments in the tragedy of the miners in the Chilean Atacama desert at 800 km of Santiago, the landslide capitale.Una destroyed the tunel of access to a mine and 52 people were underground at 700 meters profondita.In initially were able to redeem 19 who were most vocal, but 33 remained spariti.Dopo 17 days were able to establish contact with canola of a few centimeters in diameter with 33 others remained alive but trapped with no way out in a small space of a few square meters in the bowels of terra.Subito Chile and the whole world is mobilized for the rescue of that 'meeting called miraculous, and miracles that were still vivi.Il rescue has become the leif motif of all news in the world and a challenge to man's best resources on solidarieta.Una challenge that also means a call to what produced the better man on this tragedy tecnologia.In technology must demonstrate its human face, show that the ingenuity of man is at the service of congeners, all part of life insomma.Da arrived Offers collaboration, relief organizations and even propia NASA has taken leading roles on the spot by sending its medical technicians (psychologists and others) in the field of space flight where astronauts remain for a long time in situations such as insulation to the outside world and limitation of movements in a small space. Time as well as technology and solidarity is the determining factor in this case because the only way to redemption is to make a "well-tunel" of 700 meters depth where to extract them but for what it will take three to four months: too much in those conditions without adequate medical and psychiatric-tecnologico.E fact which gives way to technology, and more precisely that the new age, and more specifically the one created by me. But let us part: this is not the first tragedy of Chile and it is no less obviously, the first time that telecommunications technology is demonstrated in certain salvataggio.Infatti few months ago during a visit by Hillary Clinton in South America that I recensionado was successful in these pages a severe earthquake in Chile where the technology of the new era that I thought had a starring role, and more specifically I am referring to the smartphone, Satellite TV, the only one that can be utile in questo soccorso(ed altre simili,naturalmente) perche le comunicazioni erano assolutamente distrutte. VEDI CUA QUEL MOMENTO:
In questo caso come si vede il fattore "SATELLITE" è stato determinante,il vero "salvatore" della situazione.Senza questo tipo di mezzo trasmissore sarebbe stato impossibile la comunicazione e quindi la coordinazione delle opere di salvataggio.Evidentementente non meno importante è il lavoro medico.E a questo scopo vi ricordo che il primo Smartphone da me ideato è stato il Telefono Celluare via satellite con incorporazione di a video camera and medical kits for first transmission distance of a few basic medical data (pressure, pulse, etc.). It was the result of years of research to develop telemedicine, medical discipline which I opened, and the Smartphone doctor a result of technological activity that remotely presented for the first time in 1998 to SMAU Milan.
today in the case of these miners once you have built in Smartphone technology "sine qua non for the survival and salvataggio.Poco after meeting with them underground life were made to get the phone and immediately established a fluid communication of both voice camera.Gia video images with the video camera, the satellite that this time is a factor determinate.E much as the other is incorporation, incorporation of technology concepts and results from my ideati.Certamente no less useful to me may be the medical kits, and apoggio medico.Difficile imagine how they managed to do not survive to this day in total isolation and incommunicative in the bowels of the earth without these supports sending tecnologiche.Certo pizzini written paper was useful but not afraid to be wrong if I say that this event will be successful will be for technology the new era, and this remains for me to vote very concretamente.Non Desderi eficacia and technicians work fast, and in this sense has to do to emphasize the role that NASA has responded immediately by sending severally sul posto i suoi tenici medici.Complimenti perche l'altra volta non ha sucesso cosi e hanno dovuto aspettare inutilmenti troppi giorni per avere gli Smartphones:infatti Hillary ,che aveva gia annunciato il viaggio in Sud America con molto tempo di anticipazione avrebbe dovuto recarsi in Cile subito e sospendere le soste in Uruguay e Buenos Aires,come invece si aveva fatto con il terremoto di Haiti quando doveva recarsi in Australia e Nuova Zelandia ,o al meno ritardarli a dopo.Non si riesce a capire il motivo di questa inadempiezza ma forse per motivi di agenda politica, forunatamente sussanati questa volta.Questo è stato motivo dei miei dissacordi in quel viaggio e si riflettono in queste pagine.Oggi non seguo piu la carriera di Hillary:è fuori dalla NUOVA ERA,non Representative Office shall I show you rapresentante.DI FOLLOW THROUGH THE NEWS EDITORS: A NOTE OF "THE REPUBLIC" OF ITALY, AND THE OTHER OF "EL MERCURIO" PROPANE CILE.C 'IS A DIFFERENCE IN TWO: IT IS IN ADDITION TO THE VIDEO - PICTURES POSTED BY MINERS FROM THE PAPER WRITTEN AND CELLULAR telfon 'was a useful means of contact and thus the ITALIANO.PERO NEWSPAPER DELIVERY FROM "EL MERCURIO" LEARNED THAT TODAY'S' THE FIRST VIDEO WAS THE IMAGES CONFERENZA.SIA VIA Smartphones, IS THIS VIDEO CONFERENCE ARE PRECIOUS EXPERIENCES IN THE USE OF THE SITUATION TECNLOGIA DISSAGGIO APROFONDITO THAT DESERVE THE SCIENTIFIC STUDY OF MATTER AND PURCHASE telecommunications carriers for future PERFEZZIONAMENTI.FARA HISTORY, NO DOUBT THIS REDEMPTION.
1) "La Repubblica":
a) Title: Chile, those messages from the underground
HISTORY: Chile, those messages from the underground, "Dear wife, the dark will make me crazy "
letters to the families of the miners trapped
One month after the collapse, the 33 men cling to life. Even with the words. A small post office near the well where families receive or send the package. Someone adds a token of love Envoy OMERO CIAI
videodossier Interactive Twitter / The tunnel- Map - Video miniera -Nuovo appello- Grafica animata Il domino a 700 m
A un mese dal crollo della miniera di San José, i trentatré uomini rimasti intrappolati nelle viscere della terra si aggrappano alla vita. Anche con le parole. Un piccolo ufficio postale vicino al pozzo: le famiglie vengono chiamate una alla volta e ricevono o inviano le lettere. Qualcuno ci aggiunge anche un fiore o un pegno d'amore
dal nostro inviato OMERO CIAI
La moglie di un minatore cileno insieme al figlio e a una lettera ricevuta dal marito intrappolato nel sottosuolo
Le lettere dal buio della mine
"Dear wife I do not know why have not gone mad, sleep on the mud around here is all wet, we have shirts, pants and boots only, it's dark, I have gastritis, fifteen days we were eating a teaspoon of tuna every forty-eight hours clinging to life, other days only water ...". And another: "Do not tell lies, we are very bad down here, is full of water, the mountain above us is moving and if there was another collapse would not have much room to run. I try to be strong but it is not easy . When I fall asleep sometimes dream of being in an oven and when I wake up I find myself trapped in this eternal darkness every day I become exhausted. survive for you until the end, but do not tell any of this to our daughter. "
were the first, dramatic letters from hell who reached the families of the miners buried thirty-seven hundred meters underground. crumpled pieces of paper written in block letters , in the dark, trembling fingers. Today, one month before the collapse that trapped them in the bottom of the tunnel and two weeks from that package that emerged with the first probe from the bowels of the earth ("Estamos bien el refugio en los 33") The situation is a bit 'better. Communication between the miners and their families are still done by letter, spoke on the phone only once for a few seconds, but from the video that the government distributes to the TV is clear that are better. They have received clean shirts and boots against the mud, for days and good feed, the torches with batteries, a bit 'light. They sleep on the cots that have been read disassembled into pieces and reassemble.
Near the entrance of the mine, where there are probes, some days there is a small post office. In the evening, before sunset, one by one the families are called. Receive the letters written that day by the miners and deliver those who wrote them, which will be sent down there at night. It is a life cycle. Some miners also write four or five letters a day. Keep in touch with everyone: women, children, close relatives, distant relatives. In weekend post office replete, there is a row. Yesterday Jessica Yañez has received three letters from her husband Esteban Roca. But it was not for her, Esteban wrote them for their three children, now adults. Jessica is one of the wives who never left the mine since that tragic August 5. "I prefer to stay here at home I can not," he says. It has a small tent behind the prefab which serves as a dining hall and kitchen. In the largest army assembled for the family a hundred meters further on there is never gone. Jessica is the woman who has received from its companion the promise of marriage in the first letter sent from the ground: "We live together for twenty-five years but we never married in the Church because we had the money to the party, the receipt ...". And now? "We hope," replied Jessica. "Well - try to cheer her sister - Esteban now told the whole world, not can think of it, there will be all the press to Chile when their marriage will rise from under there. "Some miners is already an international incident. After Mario Sepulveda and Mario Gomez, the senior who led the group and put his face in the first video shot underground, now it's in Yonne, the bigamist. Blame the damn paper that miners have received from the insurance. To collect a prize they have signed a specimen which had to clarify to whom the check was delivered. Yonni To take what you are submitted two women: his wife and her lover. A knowledge of the other. Now both are waiting to play, when it will be free again. Along with the letters of the miners' families also receive photographs with dedications. Collaboration of the community of photographers. It is one of the things that parents ask most often. The girls are photographed with young children in her arms next to mine, take the bus back to Copiapo, print the picture and to write under a dedication. Then, the next day, back up and, thanks to the probe, throwing seven hundred meters underground. Somebody also adds a bracelet or a flower. A sign of love.
With the passage of days the area around the mine has been reorganized. At first it was pure anarchy. Everyone talked to everyone. Now around the tents of the family there is a roadblock as the first area where there are probes, the post office, and boring machines. Authorized to speak to reporters only the head of relief operations and the Minister of Mines. Every day news conference outside, always on time, at 13.15 hours local. But it remains easy to bring the family, none of them respect the rules and go in the area closed the curtains when they are tired. Around midday eating all together under the prefab near the press room, a tent with five large tables. The last part of the way up to the entrance of the mine is a reliquary. Relatives and friends of the miners leave messages on the rocks. Before the scratch, now bring crayons and spray type. "We're waiting." "Hold on." "We have confidence in you." The children then write large colored sheets that hang under a flag of Chile and starting with "Papito querido." Almost for every miner makeshift altars are changing and is enriched by the day. There are pictures of their younger, remember when they were boys, pictures of parties, weddings. A mother has hung pictures of his son in boxing, when he tried to make the boxer before becoming a miner.
is a scenario that with the passage of time triggers even paradoxical envy and jealousy. Many here are convinced that families of miners diventeranno ricche grazie a questa tragedia, alle donazioni, alla solidarietà e alle esclusive stampa e tv quando i loro cari riemergeranno dalla miniera. E così spuntano cugini di terzo grado che nessuno in famiglia ha mai visto. O il figlio avuto da adolescente da un'altra donna, ormai grande e mai più incontrato. Chi sfiora la morte senza che questa se lo porti via, finisce per dover fare con largo anticipo i conti con il suo passato.
Ogni sera, quando scende il tramonto, il campo intorno alla miniera si svuota. Il freddo punge e s'accendono fuochi. Alcune mogli, le più anziane, come Lily e Jessica, restano insieme al turno dei tecnici che seguono lo scavo del tunnel. Domani è un altro giorno, arriva un'altra macchina perforatrice, the third. New hope: we do more quickly, raggiungiamoli before. Maybe in two or three weeks and not in mid-November as planned at first. Who knows. (05 September 2010) Playing reserved ©
-CUA: https: / / / Doc? 0AZ2yYESqnv0PZGdrd3NwZ2tfNDVnazgyOWRmYw docid = & hl = en
2) El Mercurio OF CHILE: Videoconference desde el yacimiento San Jose Los
33 atrapados Mineros en el norte de Chile y sus este allegados mantuvieron Saturday the first real-time videoconferencing since 5 August, when they were locked up, causing much excitement in the camp "Hope." Photo: Reuters Posted on 04/09/2010
"Dad, how estai?, I love you so much," were the words that little Arlene (8) screamed at the television screen where he saw his father, Claudio Yáñez in The first videoconference with family and mine. Although a minute and workers could only listen to their loved ones.
(33 criminatory TRADUZIONE.I intrappolati Cile nel Nord di Parenti ei suoi hanno questo sabato mantenuto premium video-conferenza in tempo reale da il passato di August 5 Quando rimassero rinchiusi, cio che nel has provocato Molta Emozione accampamento "Speranza": "Papa come stai?, ti amo molto, sono state parole che la piccola you Arlene 8anni-grido di TV sullo schermo il suo dove if vedeva father, Claudio Yanes, nella conferenza Perim video fra sia stato minatori.Malgrado famigliari and one minute i lavoratori hanno potuto fare only ascolto dei suoi cari.)
Emotive and relaxed dialogue make a video of families and miners Although only lasted a minutes per group, both sides were able to send greetings and even timid slip jokes. At the camp, the group criticized the short time we had to talk and that from now on be extended to 5 minutes. Photos: CODELCO Posted 05/09/201O (traduzione: Dialogues marcarono distesi Emotivi and video will conferenze di famiglie e durative minatori.Malgrado has only one minute per ogni gruppo, entrambi le parti hanno potuto inviare perfino Saluti e il accampamento scherzi.Nel scambiare timide criticato il gruppo has little tempo per le verra Conversazioni e da oggi Ampliatus a 5 minuti.)
-rescue team in San Jose: Families speak and live to see the 33 trapped Ready "Phase 5" to reintegrate surface mining. Working provides physical preparation before the light changes, and psychological, to resume their family routines. Shocking images
-rescue moved to Chile for 46 Andacollo years. Mining history "of the 33" Beagle conflict lived in the trenches of the southern area.
-Survey and Analysis: Piñera is six months with the highest level of support since taking office. 56.2% of survey respondents in "El Mercurio"-Review supports the Head of State. (Traduzione: "Echippe di riscatto in San Jose: le famiglie e vedono Parlano in vivo and in diretto i 33 intrappolati.Preparano" Phase 5 "per reinserire i lavori comprendono superficie.I criminatory in physical preparazione di fronte di luce e change Psychological per farli riprendere the ruttine in famiglia.
-Impattanti immagni of riscatto che il Cile has commosso 46 anni fa in Andacollo.Storia of minator "dei 33" sopravissuto al confltto di Beagle nelle trincee della zona Australe.
- Sondaggi e analisi:Pineda compie sei mesi con il maggiore apoggio da quando ha assunto.Il 56% dei consultati nel sondaggio "El Mercurio" opina che spallegia il Capo dello Stato)TESTIMONIO GRAFICO:
Chili: les mineurs bloqués depuis un mois
AFP 05/09/2010 Mise à jour : 22:25 Réagir Des proches des mineurs bloqués au fond d'une mine dans le nord du Chili ont chanté, klaxonné et pleuré aujourd'hui à l'heure exacte à laquelle, il y a un mois, s'est produit l'éboulement qui a pris au trap the 33 miracles of San Jose, said a journalist from AFP. "Go, go miners, tonight we'll get out of here ...", sang families, before climbing atop a hill with the Minister of Mines Laurence Golborne to plant 32 Chilean flags and a flag Bolivia to honor the 33 miners, among whom is a Bolivian.
"After a month, we remember each of our 32 Bolivian miners and we will have now adopted," said the minister before reading aloud the names of each of miracles, greeted each time by a " Viva "from the crowd.
Some relatives of the miners broke into tears and others are angry against the photographers. "Get out!" Shouted a woman in tears at photographers who surrounded her. The minister then hugged and then asked the police to remove reporters. "A little respect, please," he told them.
"I feel sorry, because they should not be there in the mine for a month, they should be with their families," he told AFP Maria Segovia, Segovia Dario sister of the minor. "He's fine, the only thing is that he wants out as soon as possible," she added. The 33 miners have been located until 22 August, 17 days after éboulement here to the les pris au piège à 700 mètres de profondeure. Les operations de secours pour les remonter dureront à la surface ou début jusqu'à fin décembre November selon les autorités.
Précédent 22h14 Une école des parents Suivant par occupée
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TRANSLATION: Miners trapped in Chile for a month
AFP 2010/05/09Aggiornato Comments
22:25 Relatives of miners trapped in a mine in northern Chile, sang, played and cried today at the exact moment that a month ago there was a landslide that has trapped the 33 miracles of San Jose, noted that there was AFP journalist. "Alle, to, tonight we'll be out of here ...", sang families, before climbing on top of a hill with the Minister of Mines Laurence Golborne Chilean flags to plant 32 and a Bolivian flag to honor the 33 miners, including a Bolivian.
"After a month, we remember each of our 32 miners and the Bolivian, now that we have adopted," the minister said before reading aloud the names of each of the miracles, greeted each time with a "Live" from the crowd .
Some relatives of the miners broke into tears and others were excited against the photographers. "Out!", Has launched a woman in tears at photographers circondavano.Il the minister then hugged and asked the police to remove reporters. 'A little respect, please, "he told them.
"It hurts because it should not be in the mine for a month, should be with their families," he told AFP Maria Segovia, Segovia Dario sister of the miner. "Well, the only thing is that she wants and get out as soon as possible, "aggiunto.I 33 miners were found Aug. 22, 17 days after a landslide trapped them 700 meters profondità.Le rescue operations area will last until late November or early December , authorities said.
-eloquent witnesses of the tragedy
-DANGER OF POLITIZAZZIONE that exists up and is this how you saw (which was not quite the Charite note of "Le Figaro"), and as has happened in the past during the earthquake when the outgoing President Michelle Bachelet said the tsunami warning late sucedesse not waiting, because he did not want the army was doing the work of redemption and carries the lode.Infatti although she already had an electoral defeat and had to hand over the government in the hands of the current President did not want to go from power and tried retreat with a high level of personal satisfaction as marked i sondaggi, pensando alle prossime elezioni.Moltissime vite si hanno perso:non lo dimentichiamo e speriamo non lo dimentichi questo Ministro contestato,la propia Bachelet e naturalmente,le attuali autorita in carica.
-PRECISARE LE CAUSE E PUNIRE I COLPEVOLI:anche se non è momento di perseguitare colpevoli e ci si deve concentrare nei lavori di salvataggio,si deve aprofondire l'inchiesta gia iniziata sulle cause del disastro e punire in modo essemplare i responsabili.
-SCARSA SOLIDARIETA CILENA:Ad ess. poco si ha sentito delle cellebrita che in altre tragedie si muovono sia in raccolta di fondi di beneficenza come sventolamento del disaggio.(In Cile ad essempio molto si vede in frivoli spettacoli nazionali ed internazionale alla cellebre Italian ex-source model and wife of former Argentine President Carlos Menem, Cecilia Bolocco, but you do not see it this time.
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