NO POLITICAL USE OF THE "NEW ERA": HILLARY CLINTON, females, and "Mobile". GSMA mWOMEN PROGRAM: Reflections on the GSMA launched the program mWOMEN where Hillary Clinton expects to see a connection between feminism and technology Telecommunication NEW ERA.Vedi the first in a video deposition and its after my word
clicking the document you can read the private trascrizzione delvideo and its translation into Italian: MY COMMENT:
He spent January-1981.A I have laurel grove of doctors, all young and idealistic as my first job has been to make the rural doctor in a remote desert area and SudAmerica.I landowners of cattle ranchers in the neighborhood of a village (Greek) with funds hailing from the Netherlands had built a rudimentary but useful general hospital but the doctor was missing because no one wanted to go to a place so poor and out of civilta.Io and my girlfriend at the time, even doctors graduated with me, we andati.Il poor village of mud houses and straw had a population of semi-nomadic inhabitants there were in fact their work in the "estancias" cio'è fields for cattle that are essenzialmenti jobs Seasons: today there is to inseminate the cows at that post, a few months later comes the collection of wool in another place, it is to move a herd in another place, and so via.Gli men moving where the jobs continuously and thus the stable population of that village is done by women, children and vecchi.Di there were only 700 permanent inhabitants 350.Con those funds have organized a doctor SERVICES (for all including landowners), have built houses of cement and roof dolmenit, also built a store of drinking water, processed through the streets of mud in the unpaved streets, it made the cable network with electricity for homes, and of course I brought the phone for the first time in villagio.Al our arrival there was a unit of magnetic telephone: those where they made phone calls to a telephone operator and short-range regular phone numbers, and we transfer the call with both the nearest hospital or the health of our administrative centers from which to any phone normale.Bisogna dipendevamo.Ma also clear that at that time in South America was apparently the only phone essistente normal landline phone: one for public servants or private and poor families were those who had a home. (mostly senior managers or officials, and medical professionals in this sense that we were privileged). In developed countries like Italy, every home had one and could make calls direct inter-urban, or even without relying on international exchange with an operator but not in all countries, and then Costa care.A far as you can see we were on the density of connective today, and much larger was the gap in South America.In this panorama I had installed for the first time in that village (and also useful in the neighborhood of 200 miles around I'd say) a telephone in policlinico.Il progress has been well known, in addition to our communication directly and substantially improve our medical services, it was possible to ask for our phone service for landowners, and through them his occasional lavoratori.Mai I happen to think that the fact that I had to work with a woman, or because the vast majority of our members were women, a pioneer of the same dventando femminismo.Malgrado abittudini that those people were quite reluctant ever seen, at least in the case of illness, no essistessi gap "phone sex". As you can see my experience is pretty straightforward, and related technology disponibbile at that time, however, the transposition is possibile.Certo impossible to make global generalizations of this experience, every people and every culture has its diversita.Pero after two years in that place I had the opportunity to travel, study and live in many places around the world and make my experience propia "global." However, it remains always personal, but to my knowledge of my experiences and information they think the conclussioni that Hillary arrives on the gap between women and men in the use of such technologies is not to be rilevare.Ancora: there was a substantial difference between a magneto telephone with switchboard and operator, and a a filo diretto(che dopo si sono molteplicati nel villagio)ma mai pensato che portare del progresso in quella disaggiata popolazione di donne e bambini mi convertissi ne in un pionere pro-femminista ne un adalide del progresso delle Telecomunicazioni.Nello stesso modo penso per quanto a Hillary e i telefoni cellulari:importante è la sua difussione di telefoni cellulari e queste pagine li sono stati riconoscente,pero distribuire dei cellulari in paesi del terzo mondo non la fa a lei ne una femminista(che inoltre al divario sessista-telefonico non ci credo piu di tanto,come gia detto),ne una pionere delle Telecomunicazioni nelle NUOVE TECNOLOGIE e il suo pensiero innovatore insorto da queste pagine che io ho chiamato "visione del mondo" e costituisce una NUOVA ERA che tutto.Per dominates the world with regard to the relationship between progress in poor countries and the latter is a feminist ideology and more an ideology than a way of life and the oppression of women is not overcome with the deployment of new technologies, nor less than the phones, and also if you do not preach the EXAMPLE becomes of dubious authenticity: both for his own personal experience we know that all that has nothing to do with the liberazzione women, and because in those parts of the world where women are subjected, mainly in tribal Africa and Hesse, she maintains close ties with its government, and not specifically to the bearer of a message as a liberating feminist happens with Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Pakistan fra altre.L'abbiamo visto nel recente differendo fra il Canada e questi paesi a proposito del Blackberry e "la sicurezza".Difficile chiedere ad altre donne cio che no si è in grado di fare con se stessi.
Penso piu tosto che cio che stia facendo Hillary è per primo uno sfruttamento politico sia delle nuove tecnologie delle telecomunicazioni nati dalla mia opera e di queste pagine,oltre alla apertura e ricerche di nuovi mercati:ne con una cosa ne con l'altra c'entrano queste pubblicazioni,e per quanto grato sia per la difussione di queste nuove tecnologie,e la grande importanza data alla NUOVA ERA, siamo estrani.Inoltre a per finire non risulta da questa sua esposizione ne delle nuove originali applicazioni,ne un serio analisi intelletuale dei mutamenti socio-cultural aspects of these tecnologie.Tutto more an enumeration of the uses and customs in different parts that do not allow original notes already generalizazzioni and remain localized to the posts to those who need these applicazioni.La great way to use the phone or have been provided by me, or already have been delivered in these innovative thinking pubblicazioni.Nessun insomma.E not forget the importance of the new era is not none of its novelty, but the result of my writings and elsewhere, and the preaching of these pages where you came last when it was they had already established a long time ago.
And at this point should be made clear in no uncertain terms a "distrazzione" Hillary: she speaks of Mobile Phones pero come ho gia detto piu di una volta, oggi per oggi non essistono piu i Telefoni Cellulari(solo voce) e tutti hanno integrazione di altre funzoni e trasmissione di dati.Quindi malgrdo io ho avuto partecipazzione anche nella creazione del Telefono "cellulare", sono tutti tributarie del mio concetto di integrazione dell'espressione tecnologica a distanza delle diversi sensi umani,e lei dovrebbe parlare forse della denominazione Americana della mia creazione:SMARTPHONES.
Per finire vorrei farvi leggere un articolo di Madeleine Bunting sul The Guardian della Gran Bretagna gia pubblicato e che ha inspirato queste riflessioni al riguardo di "femmnismo e distribuzione di nuove tecnologie":non è ne femminismo ne pensiero innovatore, solo politica e mercato.(In view of the upcoming elections in America's mid-term course, and also reviving political corpses in the closet now, as well as some sad memory company)
As the "stove clean" Hillary Clinton will help African women. Fires
poorly ventilated small afettano millions of lives, as well as wood for their wrecks the environment. Madeleine Bunting
., Tuesday September 21 2010 13:30 BST Article history
: Hillary Clinton planned to spend $ 50 million to help implement energy-efficient stoves 100m Fuel for Africa.
Photo: Astrid Riecken / EPA
One of the most powerful women in the world is talking about cooking stoves. Thank Dio.Oggi, Hillary Clinton, described the huge impact that something as simple as cooking fuel affects millions of vite.Vuoi know what is a major cause of death for women and children? One could imagine HIV / AIDS, given the focus on maternal mortality at the UN Summit in New York, one might suggest that for women it is more risky to death during the parto.Ma equally dangerous and much less advertised is a risk of inhalation of smoke from cooking over an open fire that leads to lung diseases and cardiache.Secondo expenses of the United Nations, smoking costs 1.9 million lives a year. Think about it: Every day, millions of women throughout Africa and India spend countless hours huddled on small cooking fires. Often, their homes have fireplaces and poor ventilation. This destroys the neighborhood daily polmoni.I children remain close to their mothers and are equally vulnerable. Finally, this huge story is what filters through the tradizioni.Clinton has announced $ 50m (£ 32m) in the initial capital for the Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves, 100m for the supply of fuel efficient stoves through Africa. What makes this situation so frustrating is that it is so destructive to the environment and tissue umano.In many countries, cutting trees for firewood is leading to long-term degradation ambientale.Quando I visited Uganda West, the results were shockingly evidente.Le beautiful hills are largely stripped of trees, most of the deforestation occurred in the last 50 years, and the results are long scars on the hills where the rain has washed the soil. Further environmental damage is done by tons of soot spewed into the atmosphere, contributing to the warming globale.L 'pprovvigionamento sustainable clean energy are going to be a point of crisis throughout Africa Orientale.Il pace of deforestation and population growth is such that experts predict that within 25 years, supplies of firewood, the main source of fuel for cooking, it will be largely exhausted. Since the basic food of these African countries require cooking (eg millet, sorghum), the impact on nutrition and hunger will enorme.E the impacts of fuel on women's lives in other ways as supplies become more scarce, they have to walk more to collect what they need, because the collection of firewood is the duty of a woman. In places of conflict such as Darfur or Congo, exposes women collecting firewood and children at risk of stupro.Questo is a problem that does not require costose.Si technology is used efficiently carburante.Guarda this video from only one manufacturer of clean stoves in China, which now exports to Africa. We know exactly how to make these stoves at relatively bassi.La challenge is to deploy fast enough to anticipate this kind of crisis planned for East Africa. A really interesting possibility is the connection of clean stoves to enable microfinance schemes to small local companies to develop those who will be able to sell stufe.Milioni are needed, and no time to continue afascinanti perdere.Gli aid in recent year several million mosquito nets Malaria in Africa awash with dramatic results, it is hoped that the initiative will set a new trend of Clinton. And this is an argument that people should be really behind him: the way in which the Alliance for Safe Motherhood has mobilized activists on mortality materna.Le stoves are a feminist issue, where are you "Mumsnet"? (Mom)
PD: No this is not feminism, "Mama." (Madeleine and I apologize if the translation has some inadempiezze)
-And here you can directly read the note in English:
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E-cua see now the news of the launch reported on "The Telegraph" of Britain on the day after my publication:
"Hillary Clinton and Cherie Blair launches mobile phone system for women being sviluppoIl U.S. Secretary of State and the wife of former Prime Minister Hanoi launched a new initiative to deposit millions of mobile phones in the hands of women in Third World countries.
For Claudine Beaumont, Technology Editor
Posted: 12:56 PM EDT October 8, 2010 2 Comments
Hillary Clinton and Cherie Blair launched a new initiative that aims to put millions of mobile phones in the hands of women in developing countries Photo: APL'iniziativa mWomen, launched in Washington on Thursday, hoping to bridge the technology gap between men and women in countries developing countries.
It is estimated that in the Third World, some 300 million men have propi mobile phones than women, and the system's objective is to get mobile devices in the hands of another 150 million women.
Mrs. Clinton said that closing the gender gap in technology has been crucial to the autonomy of donne.I mobile phones are used to access to health care, reports of violence, and to coordinate efforts in disaster relief and aid to countries often volatili.Essi are also widely used for commerce and the banking system in areas where there is little infrastructure and widespread corruption official.
"With a mobile phone, pregnant women who live nowhere near a clinic can get advice on health," said Mrs. Clinton.
The system is supported by Hillary Clinton, U.S. Secretary of State, and Cherie Blair, wife of former British Prime Minister Tony Blair.
"Mobile phones have led to a revolution in communication, extend and enhance the way people connect with each other," said Ms. Blair.
"Beyond nine out of 10 women we interviewed felt safer because of their phone, and 85 percent said they felt more independent, while more than 55 percent of employers reported that they have earned additional income [through 'Using a mobile phone]. "
mWomen According to the project, the gender gap in the housing property is more pronounced in South Asia, but is also significant in some parts of Africa and the Middle East.
The scheme the support of the GSM Association, the industry body for the mobile industry. "
PD: As you can see it is not about feminism's theoretical contributions, only refers to a quantitative gap (where Hillary wants to see feminism): I DO NOT BE WRONG, INSOMMA.SOLO POLICY AND THE MARKET.
-Cua can directly read the note in English:
PD: FEMALE OR ANTI-masculinity?: See in a paper published on my internal facts before this started I said: "Sometimes today for tomorrow's leadership ideas innovative technologies are driven by the revival del'industrializazzione Telecommunications Technologies . A revival propio who departed the United States, its innovations in information technology and the Internet, but that has not been able to capitalize in keeping with the spirit of the times and the expectations of the world, because in the hands of people instead of thinking sbagliato.Chi dragged and leading this revival, and today dominates the creation, production and consumption has been other telecommunications technology, a technology is not confined to a few enlightened nell'ellitismo technicist but while maintaining the rigor of thought and the scientific method took into account the human and spirit of the times, the mobilta and dynamism of this man of the century, modern and globalized technology 21.Una that is not the cold expression of technocrats isolated in a ethereal "bubble", but designed for the man, taken account of man, to serve man, pro and man. "See cua" HILLARY SHOW : HILLARY IS THE COMMON WELTH IN CALIFORNIA: seems that Hillary is not so much agree with this humanism and wanted to see in this "quantitatvo gap" between the posesso Mobile Phones on the part of men and women, gender discrimination, sexist and ideological aspects, a gender-gap technology insomma.Pur not ruling out that there is oppression and sexism, can not think that is a consequence of technology, much less to the technology mobile telecommunications arising from new era, indeed, when I speak of man, of course, there should be no need to clarify that I speak of man in general, I talk about women and men idifferentemente, regardless of sesso.Non MALE I said, I said MAN, Humanism and my very own because it is, and is sincere, is the service of this dynamic and globalized modern man (regardless of sex) and therefore carries liberta.Liberta a message of freedom that the woman, as she acknowledged that Blair.Impossibile think it is not in any way that the new era bring with them aspects discriminatory to women. The causes of discrimination as described above must be sought elsewhere, in case mainly in tribal societies and religion (those tribal societies and religions here with Hillary has close ties despite the women of those countries are oppressive) and not in the new era, but no less in a simple quantitative gap che non va atribuito,la dove c'è ,a sessismo tecnologico ma alla mentalita di chi li usa.Solo un accecato fanatismo femminista vorrebe vedere discriminazioni in queste aspetti,ed è pertinente che io faccia questi chiarimenti a titolo espresso.Quando ancora era First Lady,a Pekino,in un incontro di donne ha lanciato il suo famoso monito "i diritti delle donne sono anche diritti UMANI".In queste pagine io ho incoraggiato fervorosamente questo concetto:propio per questo parlo di UOMO e UMANESIMO in senso generale indistintamente.Volerli differenziare sarebbe piu che FEMMNISMO, "UOMO-RETICENZA",per non dire ANTI-MASCOLINISMO(magari fosse anti-maschilismo...) e perfino "UOMO-FOBIA".Io penso che Hillary stia usando la politica come catarsi di frustrazioni Personally, I think that it can not preach feminism by EXAMPLE, and he is finally turning a simple quantitative gap (more suitable to a market study that a political definition of deduzzione-kind) into a pretext for Politize science, technology, the new era, and a foundation of marketing.
Hillary "modern humanism MAN dynamic and globalized, and even the dynamic women of modern humanism and globalization." DOES NOT EXIST 'SESSICISMO ERA.SIA IN NEW LIGHT: lighter than obvious.
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