Saturday, October 16, 2010

Locate The Rhino In Ratchet And Clank



October 14, 2010, 1:30 NOW (Chile):


The world has followed with bated breath during all this time the story of the redemption of the 33 intrapulmonary miners in the bowels of the earth at 622 meters profondita.Intorno the meeting place of miners in huge distances of the Atacama dessert is mounted a camp-village where they made a halt during these months is the family of the miners as of engineers and industry professionals to work, coming from all over allla print parts of the world in a large numero.Tutti the main means the world have followed with interest and greed and all the vicissitudes of riscatto.Questo 'was so effective that lasted less than a month to go previsto.Ma parts: The situation is impressionate.Non is unprecedented for a ransom of this nature and for his epic deserves to be compared with some of the achievements of mankind in the depths of the ocean or in space that in the bowels of the earth in my opinion, is more difficult, daunting and you do not know prior to survive in hostile situations so unusual: imagine 33 men in a tunnel 622 meters depth where a huge earth-moving closed the only door of entry. With no way out then, and little hope of being found.

To tell the truth, few believed that managed to survive pochi.I Chileans have believed there is some stubbornly sosterrero at all times that would have saved: after 17 days of not knowing whether they were alive or dead I could find where to look for a place where the sensors feccero perfer a few centimeters in diameter after a journey of more than 600 meters propio dropped in the gallery where they were: from the small and long "tube" had news that they were alive more. Chilean engineers say with conviction that they could get a long shaft has almost 7OO feet in depth Vertical estrarli.Non there are antecedents of such redemption and repeat it a few credevano.Le scientific and technical resources were truly amazing: the most used machinaria that "invented" for the Occasion, the calcoli predittori, l'efficenza della perforazione sono stati semplicemente PERFETTI.Dopo due mesi riuscirono a cavare un "buco" di 66 centimetri di diametro che con precizzione matematica perforo il tetto della galeria precisamente sul posto dove si trovavano,e i Cileni affermavano che l'avrebbero estratti da quel "buco".Ancora le incertezze erano molti:quel "tubo" riuscirebbe a resistere?Lo si doveva intubare in acciaio?Come farlo?Ecc.E poi c'erano i movimenti sismici che da quelle parti sono frequenti e sempre in aguato potrebbero di un colpo chiudere la vicenda in pochi minuti.Inventarono una capsola che chiamarono fenix(fenice) e doveva percorrere quel tubo di terra,con l'acciaio in alcune parti piu sgretolabbili del percorso, 33 volte con un uomo within each one. enormous risks and uncertainties many: and not only that but Capsol port 33 to the surface but also down 6 ransom for organizing the ascent, with clockwork precision without suffering any disperfetto it counter-tempo.E 'was the final and most difficult of redemption: the operation was to begin at a time preciso.Aveva essagero awakened great expectations and when I say that the whole world followed with anxiety the riscatto.Mille tele-million people have seen in vivo and direct with a lump in my throat the whole episode lasting 26 hours circa.Cile state can be proud of its technology and its technical and scientific: for all of us was a surprise, nothing to envy avanzati.Ancora most countries, the his redeemed veramente meravigliosi nel suo grado di preparazione,coraggio,sangue freddo e precisione.Privilegiati professionisti,di ellite certamente.I minatori,tutti usciti sani e bene di salute hanno dimostrato un grado di resistenza,capacita organizzativa e spirito di convivenza in situzioni limiti veramente eroico. Devo dire con gioia che la solidarieta che in principio mancava è diventata veramente massiccia ed emozionante man mano che passava il tempo:non ha mancato chi non fosse disposto a facilitare le cose,a dare una mano,portare un contributo,una soluzione.E tutti sotto lo sguardo attento e geloso dei giornalisti arrivati in massa da tutte le parte del mondo,come gia detto.Altre tanto sodisfatto per il capitolo della politizazzione:non c'è stata?.Si,c'è was also great at all times, their President has pointed out in the workplace and did not abandon until he was released last intrapolato.Pero ideosincrazia need to understand the Chilean mining (the primary industry and resource economic Chile): like its author. "Jefaso" big boss call afettuosamente.Non his presence alone was wanted on the spot: he was genuinely deserve necessaria.Un chapter belonging to telecommunications: as mentioned earlier would have been impossible without them survival under the earth but also the estrazzione. At all times have been linked with foreign countries either by telephone or video, where they received instructions about afettivo and Informations in addition to support from family and technicians psiche.Ma also in estrazzione Capsol has been monitored and connecting wire with audio and video direct superficie.Da depth and enhances the technology of telemedicine for monitoring vital parameters at a distance, and as mentioned before was the hero image, VIDEO.Pero the most important thing to emphasize is that all the scientific resources, technologies have been developed jointly and severally and without the petty calculations SERVICES of this small number of human beings, lost in a place far from the core countries, which despite its value professional and human, and risks of the job, living on $ 700 mese.Enorme was the economic cost of redemption, but one human life worth the elliptical pena.Gli scientific and not only, in its ethereal aserragliti ascettiche pumps and soap, this time did not have the best, and we can say that today, after this epic, which has not been able to save human efforts and scientific and technological resources, the 'MAN,' SOME 'BEST.
to rely more I leave you with these first impressions as soon as you finished the ransom to a few thousand kilometers of the place.

News-Press on the matter are illustrative pubbilco quantiosissime.Solo way now a few notes and video taken from The Guardian of Britain:

-ARRIVES Capsol:



-RISCATTO DELL'ULTIMO MINATORE:, Thursday 14 October 2010

La gioia e euforia dei minatori Cileni in salvo.Sessantanove giorni dopo essere stati intrappolati mezzo miglio sottoterra, i 33 minatori Cileni sono restituiti in superficie uno ad uno, per essere accolti da amici, familiari e il Presidente del Cile, Sebastián Piñera.

-E HA SCOPPIATO L'EUFORIA:Il popolo Cileno di nord a sud,di est ad ovest si ha versato in massa alle strade cantando,ballando e vittoriando i suoi eroi nazionali.Il maggior afollamento si ha prodotto sulla piazza ITALIA nella Capitale Santiago di Cile dove the nation celebrates its splendor important.

-ABSTRACT "Technology" REDEMPTION: The Capsol get to the bottom and the ransom down the second man with the first prepares the appropriate garments, mascara oxygen, audio, etc, and then rises above Fenix \u200b\u200bpart of nuovo.Tutto monitored by video and audio. Capsol The crane pulls up and the more than 600 meters out in superficie.Il video and audio on the surface and bottom work connected simultaneously.





The President of Chile, Sebastián Piñera, poses with the 33 miners rescued, the Hospital of Copiapo. Three miners

Chilean miners rescued dall'OspedaleTutti issued, should be expected in the coming days where home will give you a euphoric welcome as national heroes. James Meikle and, Venerdì15 October 2010 11.04 BSTArticolo history
Miners admitted to hospital in Copiapo after 69 days trapped in a mine of gold and copper, are in good condition linking to this video (video canceled)
Three of the 33 men rescued from the mine of San José have been released from the hospital today while Chile continued its euphoric welcome to his new heroes nazionali.Le families and friends were organizing welcoming party for the rest, that should be allowed to go home the next day.
The first trio left the medical facility because of Copiapo after just one day of observation and control physicians showed good physical and mental condition of the miners after their 70-day ordeal sottoterra.Gli men began to come to terms with their celebrity status when for the first time have emerged of the divisions among the trapped miners, during the first 17 days, before having any contact with the surface to 700 meters above them.
Edison Peña, 34, Samuel Avalos, 43, and the Bolivian Solís Carlos Mamani, 23, were the first to be allowed to leave the hospital, slipping from a side exit in a white van.
Peña, the twelfth to be pulled up by indossanno's still mine and dark sunglasses to protect your eyes from the light, said at a reception outside his home: "I thought I would never come back to this is that I'm crazy, I thank the ricezione.Molto. Thank you for believing that we were alive. " Fanfare
noisy led hundreds of faithful in the streets in Copiapo, in an annual parade to celebrate the Virgin Mary and, this year, the return home of men.
dancers whirled in shiny costume, some wearing feathered headdresses and others carrying flags with gold sequins, fiameggianti protesters carrying torches above their heads and a big picture of the Virgin Mary. The celebrants include Michel
Madrid Ticona, which playing a flute that belongs to his uncle Ticona Ariel, one of the miners rescued. "This is a feast of Our Lady and the miracle of her essbito for the 33 miners," he detto.Un priest reads the name of each of the 33 miners and crowds cheering like those people in the hospital, you look out the window and waved.
Miners pose a shed in the hospital for a group photo with President Sebastián Piñera.
are the first men to leave the shelter of the mission of government carefully coordinated to ensure their health and safety, and the hospital chaplain Luis Lopez said: "Now they're going to find their balance and take care of themselves ".
The deputy director of the hospital, the dottor Jorge Montes,ha dichiarato: "Noi non vediamo alcun problema di carattere psicologico o di natura medica."
"Siamo rimasti completamente sorpresi",ha aggiunto il Ministro della salute,Jaime Manalich."Ogni sforzo che abbiamo fatto non spiega le condizioni di salute queste persone hanno oggi."
Il governo ha promesso agli uomini sei mesi di trattamento psicologico,e garantiscono che ciascuno avra un conto in banca che solo lui può operare e depositare li i ricavi per questioni da parte dei media,agenti di pubblicità ed altri desiderosi di incassare le loro straordinarie storie di pazienza,fortezza e,forse,animosità reciproca durante la loro prigionia forzata.
Una compagnia mineraria Greca vuole inviare loro per le isole Aegean, while the Office of Tourism of Chile wants them to stay for a week in the southern of the country.
Football teams like Madrid, Manchester, and Buenos Aires takes the miners in their stadiums. The President of Bolivia wants them in his palazzo.Peña, who was jogging regularly in the tunnel collapsed under the rocks, was invited to participate in the marathon next month in New York City.Un fan of Elvis Presley, was also invited to visit the old house of his hero at Graceland, Memphis. (1) Testimony GRAPHIC:

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October 17 2010: TOUR TRIUMPHANT: Right now the President Chileno Sebstian Pineda arrived in Britain, the first stop of a tour in Europe that will include France and Germany and The Guardian called this way:

World news
Chile's leader to enjoy stardom in Europe after mine Rescue, Sunday October 17 2010
Peter Beaumont and Rory Carroll in San Jose
In other Circumstances His visit Might Have not rated to mention outside of the diplomatic gazette. This weekend, However, President Juan Miguel Sebastian Piñera Echenique of Chile Arrived in London. Possibly the World's Most popular politician at the moment, His fortuitous visit?.

(TRANSLATION: World news: The leader of Chile has reputation in Europe after the mine rescue., Sunday, October 17, 2010, Peter Beaumont and Rory Carroll in San Jose

"In other circumstances, his visit could not have attracted more than a mention outside of the bulletin diplomatico.Questo weekend the President Juan Miguel Sebastian Piñera Echenique Londra.Forse arrived in Chile is the fortuitous visit of the most popular politician in the world right now ?........................ .. "

I recommend this paper which you can read my full private document by clicking below:

MORE NEWS RELEASE CUA: https: / / / Doc? 0AWu1OSfeg7APZGc4azY2Z3NfMzBjd2JxcDljaw docid = & hl = en

EPILOGUE: THE "NEW ERA" C'Entro: Yes, very much: in addition to the role already acennato on the satellite and video in disaster situations must be said that the mining activity in Chile has a very close connection with the direct REPORTS NEW ERA: the main source of economic resource of Chile mine.Tra these are the ones RAME.Il copper is perhaps not a very soffisticato metal and rare as that already seen in aplicazzione on telecommunications technology in Africa, but among many other uses , is a mettallo present in all the telecommunications technologies that is unavoidable: the metal is called connectivity.

And finally a very important teaching, net, which leaves us with this episode could be summed up so: the victims of the activity mine, particularly with regard to these publications, one linked to the telecommunications industry, and therefore the new era, the revival of the industrial age, not only are women (or children) as told us the preaching of Hillary Clinton in Africa (with enthusiasm in these pages) but also men, humble workers who ultimately are the main protagonists of the extraction, if risky for a job where the accident is always in ambush and the victims are counted centinnaia. Sometimes the distortion of reality produced by the partial and partisan political ends look for obvious transcurare ingiustizie.Non should happen in the New Age.

(1) October 23, 2010: Passing days from the point of view of their mental state some "cracks" were undoubtedly visti.Erano inevitabbili, as well as expected before going out to the surface by specialized technicians on posto.Ma were on time, in two or three of them and limited so that not even in his later it is still one DESCRIPTION total and above is the Director of the Hospital which the Minister of Salute.Anormale would not be adverse psychological peresentassero Effective in its readjustment to life on the surface after an experience so traumatica.La measure of the degree of stress to which they were the one sottomesi SERVICES French press that called the redemption "epic", with cio'è parangonabili avenge those situations limitations in actions in guerra.E Effective stress may well be compared immediately to the syndrome of "Shock of war." Pero seen as treatment resources are available to them and should not have eclattanti consequences in the short time should not exceed the greater Difficulty period of stress acuto.Bisogna also say that the collective management of the group despite espontanea lora lack of preparation was very effective, both in the trap where we can divide the room into two periods, the first during the first 17 days when they were lost without much certainties to be found alive, and the other after their location until redemption; superficcie.Non both left their Report for the case, we are collectively organized and have taken certain measures to "hygiene" in the management of cohabitation, even if at times have felt overwhelmed by anxiety, in general functioning.

October 31, 2010: discounting: Think of cua reading at the bottom of page


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