Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Random Sports Inspirational Quotes

, CYBER-WAR AND COMMON WEALTH: Pakistan and China no 'They did

No need even alluded to the importance of the Common Wealth for the NEW ERA.Non need to mention how important are all the new technologies of telecommunications and the freedom of expression for the NEW ERA.Habbiamo already talked enough about the challenges of India in this regard of new telecommunications technologies and disputes both inside (where there is a strong movement Stalinist pro-Chinese) as with its neighbors, basically Pakistan.Habbiamo already said in these pages of Sports Games della Common Wealth che si svolgono in questo momento nella India.(Vedi cua: ).Cio che non avevamo visto sono questi attachi ai giochi che sono anche un atacco alla rete,alla liberta di espressione,alla Common Wealth e per tanto alla NUOVA ERA,e importano a queste pubblicazioni ,allo stesso modo che dovessero importare e non passare innavertiti a tutti quelli preocupati per il funzionamento delle nuove tecnologie della comunicazione e la la liberta del pensiero:vedili in una pubblicazione di un bloghista Francese di Le Figaro:
Retour au,Tous les blogs du Figaro

Chine et Pakistan auraient tenté de gâcher les Jeux du Commonwealth Delhi
By Marie-France Calle October 16, 2010 3:35 p.m.
Permalink Comments (52)


Bye bye Shera, the mascot of the 19th Commonwealth Games, welcome to the revelations about what Delhi has escaped. Among other things, to cyber-attacks from Pakistan and China. But also to terrorist attacks planned by al-Qaeda. All the rest is literature. (Photo, Marie-France Calle)

I always thought that the real threat that hung over the Commonwealth Games - they were completed Thursday, October 14 - was not malfunctioning toilets in apartments for athletes, or even the Cobras recovered in time by the "animal lovers", but rather terrorism. To believe the press this morning, including the Times of India, al - Qaeda had planned attacks spectacular 12th and 13th October. And throughout the Games, China and Pakistan have tried to crash the computer system of the Games.
cyber-attacks - foiled - whose victims were the sites of the Commonwealth Games came from "servers in Pakistan and China," reports the Times of India. Adding: "We suspect the secret services of both countries to have orchestrated. The virus 'SearchNet' was their weapon of choice. China attacks were the work of students from technical institutes are encouraged to aim at targets identified by the services. "Some of these universities are" very close to military circles, "the paper said. And to quote a Delhi government official: "Although the trace cyber-attacks have led égalemnt Pakistan, it was determined that most of the 'pirates' were in China."
that relations between India and China are not at their best will not have escaped anyone. Whether Beijing would use Pakistan to openly defy and Delhi and Washington, is more worrisome.
Friday Indian Army Chief, General VK Singh said that China and Pakistan were the "toughest two neighbors" for Delhi. "We must have substantial capacity to fight a conventional war, and even be able to fight through a nuclear war," he said.
In terms of terrorist threats during the Games in Delhi, the Indian intelligence services believe they came from elements of al-Qaeda allies, to Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT). The plan foiled by information from Western intelligence agencies, including the implied infiltration of terrorists into India via Bangladesh and Nepal, according to government sources in Delhi.
-ALTRE NOTE DELL'ARGOMENTO Sullo stesso BLOG: Recent Posts

In Bombay, the Chabad House is reborn from its ashes
New Delhi revives its "Look-East policy"
Barack Obama's private Golden Temple?
China and Pakistan have tried to spoil the Commonwealth Games in Delhi
Indian Muslim leaders opposed the independence of Kashmir
Five hundred trucks of NATO have vanished in Pakistan Pervez Musharraf
: confessions and denials
Pakistan, ally uncomfortable for Washington
India seeks a historic reconciliation between Hindus et Musulmans
Inde : les Jeux du Commonwealth à l'épreuve du terrorisme

2)-A propos de ce blog
On ne revient pas indemne d’un voyage dans le sous-continent indien. D’Inde, bien sûr, où se bousculent bruits, couleurs, odeurs, images. Et où se télescopent plusieurs siècles. Mais aussi de chez ses turbulents voisins : le Pakistan, dont la mauvaise réputation est sans doute surfaite ; le Sri Lanka, où se déroule une guerre cruelle qui, tristement, ne semble plus intéresser grand-monde ; le Népal, qui, après avoir fait sa « révolution de velours », en 2006, oscille encore entre chaos et stabilité ; le Bangladesh, le plus pathétique all, unless this is Afghanistan ... Living here is a constant challenge. Whether deciphering the geopolitical ... or go to the market. But it's so exciting that you want to share

GRAFICO Testimonio:



1) NOTE: e-Cina hanno cercato di Pakistan Rovinari i Giochi della Commonwealth Delhi.

Pensato Ho Sempre che la vera minaccia incombeva che sui Giochi del Commonwealth sono compiuti Giovedi, 14 ottobre, not was malfunctioning toilets in the apartments for athletes, or even the time Cobra recovered from the "Friends of the Animals", but rather terrorism. To believe the press this morning, including the Times of India, Al-Qaeda was planning spectacular attacks on October 12 and the long-13.E of the Games, China and Pakistan have tried to crash the computer system Games.
The Cyber-attacks, foiled, whose victims were the places of the Commonwealth Games came from the "server in Pakistan and China," notes the Times of India.Aggiungendo: "We suspect that the secret services of both countries have orchestrated the virus Search-Net "which was their weapon preferita.Gli attacks were the work of students Chinese from technical schools who are invited to focus targets identified by the services. "Some of these universities are" very close to military circles, "says newspaper. to name a government official of Delhi:" Although the wake of attacks igualmente computer led to Pakistan, it was established that the majority of "pirates" were in China. "
that relations between India and China are not at their best will not be escaped nessuo.Che Beijing would use Pakistan to openly challenge and Delhi and Washington, is more worrying.
Friday, the Indian army chief, Gen. VK Singh said that China and Pakistan have been the "toughest two neighbors" for Delhi. "We must have considerable ability to fight a conventional war, and also be able to fight a nuclear war," he said.
In terms of terrorist threats during the Games in Delhi, the Indian intelligence services believe came from elements of Al-Qaeda allies, to Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT). The plan foiled by information from Western intelligence agencies, including the infiltration of terrorists into India through Bangladesh implicit and Nepal, according to government sources in Delhi.
2)-Legend of the picture:
Hello Hello Shera, the mascot of the 19th Commonwealth Games, welcome to the revelations of what Delhi is sfuggita.Tra other things, cyber-attacks from Pakistan e dalla Cina. Ma anche agli attacchi terroristici progettati da Al-Qaeda.Tutto il resto è letteratura.(Foto:Calle,Marie-France)
3)-A proposito di questo blog:
Nessuno torna indenne da un viaggio nel subcontinente Indiano.In India, naturalmente,dove si bascolano i suoni,colori,odori e immagini.E dove si scontrano secoli.Ma anche tra i suoi vicini turbolenti:Pakistan,la cui cattiva reputazione è probabilmente sopravvalutata,Sri Lanka,da dove viene una guerra crudele che,purtroppo,non sembra interessare più per molte persone,Nepal,che,dopo la sua "rivoluzione di velluto" nel 2006,è ancora in bilico tra caos e la stabilità,il Bangladesh,il più patetico di tutti,a meno che non sia l'Afganistan.Vivere here is a challenge to decipher the geopolitical costante.Se ... or go to mercato.Ma is so exciting that you want to share
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EPILOGUE: What is amazing is that Hillary Clinton and Obama both have worries both difussione market of new telecommunications technologies such as the freedom of expression on new media, except that they have allocated $ 500 million in aid to Pakistan and Barak Obama has suspended a trip to India which was to be in November, they said nothing yet about these attacks. (Even Blackberry has them now in flesh propia).


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