THE "NEW ERA" FLYING CLOSE TO PAKISTAN (HILLARY CLINTON / AL-Kaede "short-circuit") -What I'm about to tell a story is true apassionante.E : commences a long time back when I made a course correction in respect of Pakistan and the "new age that I was developing in these pages in the name of ASIA difussione who was in the Secretary of State Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton http:/ / .
I felt that in Pakistan there were no changes of direction since the fall of Pervez Musharra in that area so that I become a breeding ground for the "world view" of the NEW ERA.In reality the story was started some time before taking up his post as Secretary of State Ingliterra of Her Majesty the Queen with her court and the government had gone in that country for the regular meeting of the Common Wealth.Da qel 'time there were changes of government, including the fall of Musharra, and the advent of the Clinton administration who together with his concepts of my wished-melting a promissory future for the new era on posto.Ma did not go well and that country continued in its wake negative, exacerbated by other events that I have resigned on these pages and which led to the so-called "correction" of my positions that I mentioned above, and then finally close review of all references to that 'country in these pages: repression of freedom of expression, fundamentalism, violence against women and its inclusion in a struggle for markets is not convenient for the new age are some of motivi.Adesso with this story I tell the last chapter is that, now, "THE NEW ERA IN PAKISTAN CLOSE DOORS." (Hillary Clinton is out of time behind the new era and from these pages, this I know) The rest of
' evolution of the new era in Pakistan can see it at length on the blog:
This latest chapter began with public denunciation of David Cameron as il Governo del Pakistan aveva dei contatti per qui aggiva di comune accordo con dei terroristi di Al-kaeda.Non sapevamo altro che questa denuncia pubblica,anche se i fatti sommavano in quel senso.E Hillary Clinton e la sua amministrazione avevano uno stretto contatto con quel Governo tramite il suo Ministro Esteri con qui oltre a fare una ampia difussione della tecnologia della NUOVA ERA e i suoi servizzi,condivideva decisioni interni :lotta al terrorismo,sviluppo,"defesa delle donne",ecc.Nessun coinvolgimento personale si capisce,pero le cose non andavano per il senso giusto per queste pagine.
Mancava quindi,certa concretezza a queste parole di Cameron che finalmente con i due articoli che di seguito vi faro leggere è arrivata:
1-TO "LE FIGARO": chicken thief or Rambo?
Davis, the strange "consultant" American accused of murder
Keywords: Raymond Davis Homes, Pakistan, USA
Calle, Marie-France
17/02/2011-Ultimo update :11:35-Comments (43)
The American Raymond Davis, 28 January, the day after the murder of two young Pakistani Mozang.Foto of: STR / PAKISTAN / REUTERS
equipment, an employee of the U.S. consulate in Pakistan, that killed two men in a seedy neighborhood was worthy of a James Bond.
"Raymond Davis, yes, Ray-mond Da-vis (...) I am a consultant to the American consulate in Lahore. "The man who insists his identity against police officers in a hilarious Commissariao in Lahore Thursday, January 27, is still unaware he has just unleashed one of the worst crisis that has ever hit the US-Pakistan.Se Davis is on the premises of the local police, is because it is to kill two young Pakistani Mozang, one of the unpresentable of Lahore. "Those who know the city well will tell you that this neighborhood does not have much interest in an official estero.Alcune ramshackle houses as shops and a large dilapidated cimitero.Perché an employee of the embassy (U.S.) violate the rules of that same embassy going there without an escort, armed to the teeth and, finally, killing two people?. you stupisce un blogger sul sito del quotidiano The News.Cosa è andato a fare quindi il "consulente" Raymond Davis a Mozang?Inoltre,"in una Honda super-echipata di apparecchiature spia e armato fino ai denti",come ha detto a Le Figaro un ufficiale della ISI,i servizi segreti pakistani.
Questo Giovedi,gli ispettori che interrogano l'assassino come parte di una indagine preliminare non sembra aver preso,ne anche loro,tutta la dimensione dal caso.Per ora,trattano la questione come un caso aggiuntivo di "Road Rage"(impulsi omicidi di guida).Ciò accade frequentemente nella regione.Il problema è che questa volta,un dipendente del consolato degli Stati Uniti da "martellamento" un po' facile è coinvolto.Una brutta storia in fatti!Il record is impressive: three morti.Due of them were killed by the man who is standing in front of loro.Egli seems to only worry about one thing: to find his passaporto.Si was lost when he had to show the documents to the police, a few hours before? Raymond Davis has no reason to keep this documento.La nature (this is a diplomatic passport or not?) That contains the visa in it (same problem) will become the challenge of fierce contention between Islamabad and Washington. A very sophisticated material
The United States maintains against wind and tide that their "consultant" has diplomatic immunity, under which it is a matter of principle, should be released on immediatamente.Per Pakistan,è molto più complicato.Parte del governo e la classe politica è pronta a rilasciare Davis.Ma il caso si è ammalato.Dall'inizio di gennaio,estremisti religiosi prendono il sopravvento. L'antiamericanismo è al suo apice e il governo civile di Islamabad non è mai stato così fragile.
La terza vittima di Giovedi è un motociclista nero che passava.Ubaidur Rehman è stato urtato da un 4 × 4 del consolato americano venuto in soccorso di Davis."Aveva chiesto rinforzi utilizzando le sofisticate apparecchiature da cui l'auto era pieno",ha detto l'ufficiale dell'ISI. Per quanto riguarda gli altri due, Faizan Haider e Muhammad Fahim, l'americano prende la sua posizione.Ha ucciso perché li sospettavano want to steal soldi.Egli speaks of "self defense", a mantra often used by the U.S. Consulate in Lahore and the U.S. embassy in Islamabad. The police
of Lytton Road are in a position to know, the clay pigeon shooting are common in Mozang.Essi have no reason to doubt the statements of the alien of 36 years, wore a plaid shirt and carried around the neck of a panoply official badge. They are not going to stop him, and was put in interrogaorio only because the crowd started to agitarsi.Subito after the accident, the tires were burned outside the police station as a sign of protesta.Poco later, an official of Police indicate that Faizan Haider and Muhammad Fahim were armati.Valuta foreign mobile phones, probably rubato ai turisti,sono stati trovati su di loro ",ha aggiunto.
L'incidente per tanto non è affatto banale.In primo luogo vi è il 4 × 4 che è venuto dal consolato in soccorso dell'assassino.Il conducente è riuscito a fuggire.Nessuno è reagito a correrlo.Quanto a Raymond Davis, i testimoni hanno sostenuto che la sua auto è stata inseguita da Haider e Fahim.Hanno guidato una moto Honda 125 nera e avrebbero beneficiato di una luce rossa di fronte al veicolo dell'americano.Fu allora che li avrebbe svuotato il caricatore della sua Beretta,sparò attraverso il parabrezza.Poi avrebbe sceso della macchina per scattare foto dei cadaveri immersi nel loro sangue.
Non ci vorranno più di 48 ore perche il "caso Davis" prendessi una scala senza precedenti.Dal singolo incidente relevato come di diritto comune,è diventata una spy story di una opacità da rivalizzare con James Bond e di tutti i fini segugi della serie Millennium.
Offuscata identità
La stampa e l'opinione pubblica si chiedono:"Chi è Raymond Davis?" Circostanza aggravante,la Domenica,6 febbraio Shumaila Kanwal,vedova di Fahim,si è suicidato con l'ingesta di pesticidi.Aveva 18 anni.Prima di morire,aveva avuto il tempo di confidarsi con la sua famiglia e la polizia:"Non mi aspetto alcuna giustizia da parte del governo (del Pakistan).Voglio che la gente risponda con sangue per il sangue versato.L'assassino deve essere ucciso allo stesso modo ha ucciso my husband. "The Death of Shumaila Kanwal has caused a stir. Information rain, contradictory, rarely supported by solid prove.A condition that the identity of Raymond Davis, never confirmed by Washington, which did not fail to confuse the cards, that of two men killed by the "consultant" is a simple mistero.Erano pickpockets? Some say that they were working for the ISI. "false, official replica services segreti.Erano terroristi.Davis had given them to meet at a restaurant, but the case went wrong. "
According to him, Raymond Davis is far from being a diplomat. It would be part of the" Rambo "who travel to Pakistan in search of highly sensitive information, in the tribal areas to border with Afghanistan, west of the country, the regions bordering with India in est.Non was found in the effects of the Davis video from public buildings located near the Indian border?
Calle, Marie-France
South Asia correspondent, Le Figaro
-COMMENT: This article was the first contact with this and continued going storia.Pero use.The you read this note below from an idea of How is the current state where this incident, now, we speak of a real complaint against the Head of Government Secrets SERVICES Pakistanis for espionage and collusion with the words of David Cameron terrorismo.Le are thus confirmed.
Today US-Washington "CONGELLATI" interrupted regular meetings with the Pakistani delegation was suspended the visit of President of that country in the U.S., and the balance quantiosissimi economic aid for development and fighting terrorism.
The U.S. official is arrested in reality contractor CIA
Kimberly Dozier and Adam Goldman Associated Press
12:16, Monday, February 21, 2011
WASHINGTON - An American imprisoned in Pakistan for the killing of two fatal armed men worked secretly for the CIA and watched a neighborhood when he was arrested, according to una comunicazione idonea a compromettere ulteriormente gli sforzi del governo statunitense per liberare l'uomo e saled la tensione nelle relazioni tra i due paesi partner una fragile alleanza nella guerra al terrore.
Raymond Allen Davis,36 anni,lavorava come imprenditore di sicurezza CIA per il consolato americano a Lahore,secondo gli ex ed attuali funzionari degli Stati Uniti,che hanno parlato a condizione di anonimato perché non erano autorizzati a parlare pubblicamente dell'incidente.
Mr.Davis,un ex soldato delle forze speciali che ha lasciato l'esercito nel 2003,ha colpito gli uomini in ciò che egli ha descritto come un tentativo di rapina armata nella città orientale di Lahore,in quanto gli si avvicinò una moto.Un one third of Pakistan, a passer-by was killed when it hit a car that ran to help Mr Davis said Mr Davis.Il carrying a Glock pistol, a pocket telescope and documents with different identifications.
Meanwhile, the administration has insisted again Monday that Mr. Davis had diplomatic immunity and should be released.
FILE ** Pakistani security escort Officials Raymond Allen Davis (center), to U.S. Consulate employee, to a local court in Lahore, Pakistan, on Firday, Jan. 28, 2011. A judge extended the detention of Mr. Davis for 14 more days on Feb. 11, 2011. (AP Photo / Hamza Ahmed, File) In a conference
hastily arranged call with reporters shortly after the details of the work of Mr. Davis have been reported, the State Department's senior officials have reiterated the Administration's position that he is an accredited member of the technical and administrative staff of the Embassy U.S. Embassy in Islamabad. They said the Pakistani government had been informed of his status in January 2010 and that Pakistan is violating its international obligations, continue to keep it.
officials (note: Pakistani) hano not want to comment on the employment of Mr. Davis, but they said it was irrelevant to the case because Pakistan had dismissed its status. The officials spoke only on grounds of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the situation.
The revelation that Mr. Davis was an employee of the CIA is in the midst of a tumultuous dispute over whether he is immune from criminal prosecution in accordance with international standards adopted to protect foreign diplomats. New protests erupted in Pakistan after the London's Guardian newspaper decided to publish the details of Mr. Davis's relationship with the CIA.
The United States has repeatedly stated that Mr. Davis had diplomatic immunity and should have been released immediatamente.Il State Department maintains that Mr. Davis was with "the right to full immunity from prosecution in accordance with the Vienna Convention" and was a member of the staff technical and administrative "at the U.S. Embassy in Islamabad.
The Associated Press has learned that Mr. Davis worked for the CIA last month, immediately after the shooting, but withheld the publication of information that could impair its life in prison while he was abroad, with at least some of the demonstrators are asking us to his execution as a spy.
The AP had heard the report of the CIA employment of Mr. Davis after he was out of danger, but the story was Sunday route from Guardian.La CIA has asked the AP and many other American media to take (note: in secret) to their stories because the U.S. has sought to improve the security situation of Mr. Davis'.
A U.S. official said that Mr. Davis is held in a prison on the outskirts of Lahore, where there are serious doubts that the Pakistanis are really able to proteggerlo.Il official said the Pakistanis have expressed similar concerns to Member USA.
A senior Pakistani intelligence official said the government has taken measures to ensure the safety of Mr. Davis strengthening security at the facility, eliminating some of the detainees from prison and by sending a contingent of well-trained paramilitary known as the Rangers.
The State Department said that the Pakistani government has been informed that Mr. Davis was a diplomat and that they enjoy immunity when he was assigned to the U.S. embassy in Islamabad. "We have notified the Government of Pakistan when he arrived in Islamabad, PJ Crowley, spokesman for the Department said.
Mr. Davis identified himself as a diplomat to the police when he was arrested and "has repeatedly called for the immunity" to no avail, Mr. Crowley detto.L 'U.S. embassy said it has a diplomatic passport and a visa valid until June 2012. He also said in a recent statement that the United States had notified the government of Pakistan the allocation of Mr. Davis fa.Tuttavia more than a year, the Pakistani intelligence official said the visa application of Mr. Davis contains fake contact information of the United States.
Since the Pakistani authorities have the ex-Special Forces soldier in custody on January 27, U.S. officials said, the situation has slowly intensified into a crisis that threatens the ability of the CIA to wage war against the dangerous militanti.Alcuni Qaeda and its members of Congress have threatened to cut off the billions of funds to Pakistan if Mr. Davis is released.
Mr. Davis was assigned to the CIA staff of the Global Response, which provides security of bases overseas agencies and stations, of former and current U.S. officials told the AP. In this role, he was assigned to protect il personale della CIA.Una delle loro funzioni include la protezione ufficiali nel caso quando si incontrano con le fonti.Il giorno che fu catturato,era lui stesso familiarizzato con la zona.Viveva in una casa segreta della CIA, a Lahore.
"Davis è un ufficiale di protezione,uno che fornisce la sicurezza di funzionari statunitensi in Pakistan," il funzionario statunitense ha detto."Le voci contrarie sono semplicemente sbagliate".
In un video di YouTube della polizia locale,interrogato il signor Davis ha detto che è un consulente e lui è con la "RAO", un riferimento alla Regione americano Ufficio per gli affari.Il signor Davis ha anche detto che a un certo punto è stato assegnato alla ambasciata americana a Islamabad.
Lavorare per GRS dell'agenzia viene con i rischi,a volte anche mortali. Il capo della sicurezza alla base della CIA a Khost,in Afghanistan,è stato ucciso con altri sei nel dicembre 2009 dopo che un attentatore suicida ha fatto esplodere un potente esplosivo sotto la sua cintura.
La CIA ha una grande presenza in Pakistan,dove si esegue il programma drone a Islamabad e operazioni offensive contro i militanti al Qaeda e l'agenzia di spionaggio del Pakistan,l'Inter-Services Intelligence.
Gli Ex e attuali funzionari americani dicono che i pakistani avrebbero potuto rilasciare Mr. Davis ma lo hanno messo in discussione sperando di poter fornire ulteriori informazioni sulle attività della CIA nel paese dove sta lavorando or perhaps even to identify the official other agency.
The Pakistani intelligence official told the AP that the two men in the vehicle that went to the aid of Mr. Davis, killing bystanders, have left the paese.Il official said that the decision of Pakistani government to let them go was a concession to the United States.
The US-Pakistan partnership began to fray in the last mesi.Alla end of 2010, a pair of lawsuits filed in the United States have accused Pakistan's spy chief to feed the terrorists involved in attacks in Mumbai after the 2008.Poco that the complaints were filed, the name of the CIA's top spy in Pakistan has been released the public and his life minacciata.Alla end was pulled out of the country in December, a month before the scheduled end of his tour.
A former CIA agent said the militants have also threatened the children of officers of the ISI. And the CIA in recent years has become increasingly concerned about the safety of its officials in outlying areas such as Lahore and Peshawar, has said a former top intelligence source Usa.Ma the risk was more pronounced in Lahore where the CIA learned that there may be elements of government willing to condemn the official agencies.
Former CIA officials said that agency officials could have been killed in 2009, when terrorists attacked a compound in ISI Lahore.Agenti CIA regularly meet their counterparts at the place but have not had a match scheduled on the day of the attack.
Additionally, to inflame tensions, the wife of one of the men has killed himself of Mr. Davis is a colpo.Lei said he feared the murderess of her husband if he would be released without trial.
military records mosatrano Mr. Davis, a native of Virginia, serving the army for a decade, including five years with the 3rd Special Forces Group at Fort Bragg, NC, home of the Green Berets.
Mr. Davis also worked for security contractor Blackwater Worldwide, now known as Xe Services. Mr.
Davis e sua moglie gestiscono una società di Las Vegas,adetta a registrare chiamate dei Servizi di protezione Hyperion. L'indirizzo per la sua sede è una cassetta postale in un negozio di UPS in un centro commerciale.La verità sul datore di lavoro vero di Mr. Davis ha scivolata fuori dopo che un reporter televisivo locale in Colorado ha chiamato la moglie.
In un articolo pubblicato sul sito web della 9News di Denver,la moglie ha fornito il nome e il numero di un "portavoce della CIA" a Washington,ma la storia è stata presa velocemente verso il basso,a cura e poi ripubblicato con un nuovo linguaggio eliminando ogni riferimento alla CIA.
L'incidente in Pakistan pone anche seri interrogativi su come un dipendente armato della CIA may be involved in a deadly shootout with highway bandits and then let catturare.L 'former CIA agents say they have been taught to make their way to the security of their embassy or consulate in potentially dangerous situations, but the circumstances have the fact that it was impossible in the case of Mr. Davis'.
Former CIA officials say that this is not the first time that an Agency employee was arrested in a country straniero.Nel 1980, a CIA official with diplomatic immunity has been kidnapped in Ethiopia, after being suspected of espionage . The case was settled quietly, and eventually the officer was released. Associated Press writers
: Oskar Garcia in Las Vegas, Anne Gearan and Matt Apuzzo in Washington and Kathy Gannon in Islamabad, Pakistan, contributed to this back. GRAPHIC
CLARIFICATION: For technical reasons, this version, the original copy of the press release for the sole purpose of testimony, has access imperfezioni.Per Integral to photocopy should I join the site and pay a small fee, which as you know it is impossible to weigh the circumstantial where I find myself writing these parole.Per fulfill the lack so that you can do a complete reading of the original version (English ) public WORD on the edited copy that is identical.
-Cua can find many other articles on the subject in "THE WASHINGTON TIMES":
EPILOGUE: It is already little dire.Hillary Clinton does not belong to these pages (it is not representative of the Representative Office NEW ERA, and its doors are closed permanently in Pakistan.
(Of course the story of complexity: some talk of divisions between Pakistan Governo e i settori di poteri che si rifanno all'essercito mantenendosi leali a Musharra.Il Governo ha chiesto l'estradizione di PERVEZ MUSHARRA che risiede in essilio in Gran Bretagna,accusato di partecipare alla morte di Benazir Butto,ecc,ecc.Pero questi notizie non sono confermate,non formano parte della storia ufficiale e per noi rimangono nella "cucina" politica,quasi petegolo.In ogni caso non mutano la realta dei fatti ufficiali accertati,e dopo tutto alla "NUOVA ERA",CHE NON SI OCCUPA DI POLITICA,NON INTERESSANO)
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