Thursday, February 24, 2011

Gothic Wedding Calgary

muffin di " ... Mon petit bistrot...."

Si sa i muffin piacciono a tutti, in particolare ai più giovani, ma sino ad ora non era ancora riuscita a trovare una  ricetta che mi piacesse.
Dopo avere scoperto il blog di Claudia al quale mi sono spesso  ispitata , soprattutto per i suoi dolci che oltre ad be very good they are presented with great elegance, I found what I was looking for.
Here instead I followed the recipe as a good pupil. Thanks Claudia.

190 grams of flour (30% 70% flour frumina 00)
110 grams of sugar
1 egg + 1 / 2 yolk
90 g butter
peel 1 / 2 lemon
1 teaspoon of vanilla extract a pinch of salt
125 ml of milk
a pinch of baking
a handful of chocolate drops
  • work butter "cream", add sugar and continue to work with the whip,
  • combine the lemon zest and salt until the mixture is creamy,
  • settacciare the flour, baking powder and vanilla,
  • put the milk in a bowl, add eggs and beat all with the whip,
  • add the liquid mixture the one with the butter and beat with a whisk, incorporate
  • , little by little the flour with the other ingredients, senpre using the whip,
  • pour the mixture into the pan, which have been placed in the cups, filling almost completely to give the possibility to the mixture to rise and take the characteristic form,
  • bake in oven preheated to 180 ° for 20-25 minutes.


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