Saturday, January 29, 2011

Mont Blanc Bracelet Man


Sappiamo tutti che i mezzi di comunicazioni di massa sono da sempre strumentalizati dal potere:"RIPETE UNA BUGGIA 1000 VOLTE E DIVENTERA REALTA" diceva spudoratamente Goebels,il Ministro di propagada di Hitler. E non crediate che i suoi insegnamenti siano state buttate in sacco rotto.
Fino al momento la NUOVA ERA,la sua tecnologia e visione del mondo,anche se hanno cercato di apropiarsela o strumentalizarla come mezzi di campagna ,la sua essenza apolitica e scientifica non sono mai riusciti a metterla in dubbio e la sua essenza è rimasta estranea a qualsiasi identificazione con proselittismi di fazione alcuna, o di azioni politiche o religiose di ogni genere.Si potrebbe dire che non è mai stata messa alla prova........fino alle ultime dichiarazioni di Hillary Clinton al riguardo dei successi in Tunisia e dopo in Egitto.In una intervista televisiva a Erica della CBS NEWS ha detto nella parte che ci interessa:

DOMANDA: C'è così tanta attenzione, ovviamente, sulla Cina e sulla visita di Stato, ma ci sono altre questioni urgenti, a questo punto in tutto il mondo. E la settimana scorsa il Giovedi, lei ha parlato di Medio Oriente e la situazione stagnante di quelli governi e ha avvertito che la situazione della regione potrebbe sprofondare nella sabbia. Venerdì scorso, abbiamo visto il presidente della Tunisia, il Presidente Ben Ali, che era stato al potere per 23 anni, fuggire dal paese. Credete che questa situazione serve, forse, as a wake-up call for other nations in that region?
Clinton Secretary of State: Well, this is certainly what I hear from my colleagues across the region. And like I said at the meeting in Doha, in the 21st century in which people communicate constantly with one another, the old rules are not going anymore. You can not keep people in the dark, because everyone has a cell phone or PDA. They have a way to communicate what they see happening and take their own video and posting it up as internet governments should be aware that the rules have changed. And the best way to deal with repressed desires by the huge number of young people in today's world, especially in the Arab world who have not un lavoro, che ritengono che essi non figurano né sul campo economico né sulla libertà politica, è quello di iniziare a guardare come si crea l'inclusione, il governo partecipativo in grado di fornire risultati per la gente. E, naturalmente, capisco le legittime preoccupazioni di molti governi che dicono se ci apriamo,sono gli estremisti chi entrano in corsa. E la mia risposta è: No, se si stanno dando sostegno alle ONG e altri che sono alla ricerca di partecipazione democratica per fare sentire le sue voci, non taciammo il modo in cui gli estremisti alla fine scegliono di fare. Quindi questo è un delicato e difficile momento di cambiamento in gran parte del mondo, e particolarmente in quella parte del mondo. "
Vedi il post direttamente cua:

Well as I said before I repeat that it is not the new era, it shall in its technology in his vision of the world to create "political or religious movements" could be understood as spontaneously of his words, but well have the political movements to make use of this technology telecomunicazioni.In case of Egypt has shown that it was a NOT ADDRESSED ESPONTANEA SUPPORTED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF STATE, BUT WHICH, OF COURSE, THESE PAGES ARE COMPLETELY unaware and ESTRANNEE.LA "NEW AGE" AS "worldview" This revolt that has to do with ANYTHING UNDER THE MASK OF CALLS DEMOCRATS HIDE The Face of religious extremism as the "Muslim Brotherhood", OBVIOUSLY NO REPRESENTATION THAT THE REAL PEOPLE.
I have already spoken of this Department STATE ACCORDING TO ME THAT HILLARY HAS CONVERTED INTO A COURT OF FIRST AFTER TEOCRATICA.PERCHE COURT Democritus and party politics? : GOING OVER I HAVE SHOWN BY THE POLICIES Contradictions "FAMILY", "inconsistencies delat Power struggles intestine, which the Clintons ARE ALMOST PRIVATE USE FOR A PERSONAL POLICY.

-Vedi di seguito la notizia su "THE TELEGRAPH" della GRAN BRETAGNA sull'origine USA delle rivolte in Nord Africa:

The Telegraph

Proteste Egitto: sostegno segreto Americano per i leader ribelli dietro la rivolta

Il governo americano segretamente ha sostenuto i protagonisti dietro la rivolta egiziana che sono stati dietro la pianificazione di un "cambio di regime" durante gli ultimi three years, the Daily Telegraph has shown.
Link to this video

By Tim Ross, Matthew Moore and Steven Swinford, 9:23 PM GMT, January 28, 2011 1311

The American Embassy in Cairo has helped a young dissident to attend a summit sponsored by the U.S. Activists in New York, working to conceal his identity by the state police in Egypt.
On his return to Cairo in December 2008, the activist told U.S. diplomats that an alliance of opposition groups had drawn up a plan to topple President Hosni Mubarak and install a democratic government in 2011. The secret document
E 'already been arrested by Egyptian security in connection with the demonstrations, and his identity is protected by The Daily Telegraph.
The crisis in Egypt, following the fall of Tunisian President Zine al-Abedine Ben Ali, who left the country after widespread protests that forced him to leave office.
The information contained in previous dispatches secret American diplomats posted by the website Wikileaks, it shows that American officials have pressed the Egyptian government to release other dissidents who were arrested by the police.
Mubarak, facing the biggest challenge to his authority in his 31 years in power, he ordered the army out on the streets of Cairo yesterday after riots broke out all over Egypt. Tens of thousands
of anti-government protesters took to the streets in defiance of the curfew. An explosion rocked the center of Cairo, and thousands have defied orders to return to their homes. With violence escalating, the flames could be seen near the seat of government of National Democratic Party.
Police fired rubber bullets and used tear gas and water cannons in an attempt to disperse the crowd.
At least five people were killed just yesterday in Cairo and 870 wounded, some with bullet wounds. Mohamed ElBaradei, the head pro-reform and Nobel laureate, was placed under house arrest after returning to Egypt to join the dissidents. Clashes took place in Suez, Alexandria and other cities importanti in tutto il paese.
William Hague, ministro degli Esteri, ha esortato il governo egiziano di ascoltare le "legittime richieste dei manifestanti".
Hillary Clinton, il segretario di Stato americano, si è detta "profondamente preoccupata per l'uso della forza" per reprimere le proteste.
In un'intervista per il canale americano CNN news,che sara domani trasmissione, David Cameron, ha dichiarato: "Penso che abbiamo bisogno di riforme in Egitto.Questo significa, noi sosteniamo la riforma e il progresso in un grande rafforzamento della democrazia e dei diritti civili e il ruolo delle leggi".
Il governo americano aveva previamente stato un sostenitore del regime di Mubarak. Ma i documenti trapelati mostrano che l'America was offering support for the pro-democracy activists in Egypt, while publicly praised Mr. Mubarak as an important ally in the Middle East. In a secret diplomatic
shop, sent Dec. 30, 2008, Margaret Scobey, U.S. Ambassador in Cairo, reported that opposition groups had allegedly drawn up secret plans for a "regime change" to be held before the elections, scheduled for September this year.
Note, that the Ambassador Scobey sent to U.S. Secretary of State in Washington DC, has been marked as "confidential" and entitled "activist" 6 April "for his U.S. visit and a change of regime in Egypt. "
He said the activist said "most opposition forces" had "agreed to support a plan is not written for a transition to a parliamentary democracy, involving a weak presidency, an incompetent prime minister and parliament, before the presidential election of 2011." Hano embassy sources said the plan was "so sensitive that it can not be written."
Ambassador Scobey doubted that such a conspiracy "unrealistic" might work, or never existed. However, the documents showed that the activist had been contacted by U.S. diplomats and has received broad support for his pro-democracy campaign by officials in Washington. The embassy helped
activist to attend a "summit" for young activists in New York, which was organized by the U.S. State Department.
Embassy officials in Cairo have warned Washington that the identity of the activist must be kept secret because it could face "punishment" when he returns to Egypt. He had allegedly been tortured for three days by the Egyptian state security after being arrested for taking part in a protest a few years earlier.
Protests in Egypt were led by youth movement "6 April" group on Facebook that has attracted members especially educated young people than Mubarak. The group has about 70,000 members and using social networking sites networking for orchestrating the protests and report on their activities.
Documents released by Wikileaks reveal that U.S. embassy officials were in regular contact with the activist throughout 2008 and 2009, considered one of their most reliable sources for information about human rights abuses.

Related Items:
-fifth day of protests in Egypt: Live January 29, 2011
-fifth day of protests in Egypt: Live
-January 29, 2011 What future for Egypt, the United States and the Middle East? January 29, 2011, President Mubarak
remove the toilet, but refuses to resign Jan. 28, 2011-
warned Britons traveling to the city January 28, 2011 Egyptian-
Clinton expresses 'deep concern' about the use of violence January 28, 2011 WITNESSES


January 31, 2011 :

fact the next day at my publication, and apparently in the wake of my words, in Le Figaro learn a short article written by journalist Thomas French Vampouille that takes us back in an interview question and answer in the words of a specialist in the history of political movements, Dr. Catherine LACOUR-Astoli.
In this regard I would say that basically came to the same conclussioni me as the means of the new age per se do not create political movements but require seconds behind her before a "social mood contestario" and the will, the conviction of the individual ingaggiati.Cosi differs by the social network in general and in particular faceboock of the facts, mainly in Tunis, but also in Egypt. So far
coincides with me, and Facebook has not done it in political movements in Egypt, Tunisia will: him or you discosta.Pero I have some criticism to make:
1) It seems a little 'essagerato called a revolution in what happened Tunisia.Per her in this word has a positive meaning and to me it seems too "flattering" for a Simple Square uprising.
2) It seems excessive even parangonare the facts in Egypt or Tunisia with that of the Resistance in occupied France by the Nazis in the Second World War. Both views
the "unbalanced" with a sermon in favor of the rebellion here with me I would not commulgare with her, and as it seems to me the comparisons Excessive let me remind you some facts:-
perhaps overestimates the reality Francese.In RESISTANCE History shows us that in general the French have been quite complacent with the "occupiers" who VICH has enjoyed a long and easy life, and France was liberated piutosto days.
France has not shown the same spirit in terms of strength in the invasion GERMANY: The Maginot Line has fallen senza resistenza e il paese occupato piu presto di quanto canta un gallo.
-In quanto professoressa di Storia chiamare RIVOLUZIONE ai fatti della Tunisia significa oscurare la propia RIVOLUZIONE FRANCESE.
Quindi mi sembra vedere uno spirito di essaltazione un po' smisurato nelle sue parole.E al riguardo penso che trascurare,o piu tosto tacere sul ruolo "stimolante" del Dipartimento di Stato USA nei rivoltosi mi sembra ancora un'altra volta sopravalutare in questo caso "l'umore contestatario" e la volonta interiore dai FRATELLI MUSSULMANI.
Magari domani potro equilibrarla quando mettero qui un'altro articolo raccomandato in questa nota: " Questi "hacktivisti" che sognano di imporre la democrazia" .
In ogni modo mi auguro la sua coincidenza In this case about Facebook, in my own words about the role of the new era: The political movements and religious violence or not, not make them the technological tools it his "world view" valid for all "to do" human (and not just for politics, religion or social mobilization), but political operatives.
Egypt and Tunisia: "Facebook does not create the flame"

Keywords: social networks, events, commitment, Egypt, Tunisia, Twitter, Facebook, Internet
Vampouille By Thomas, 30 / 01/2011Ultimo update: 20:47 Comments (11)

In Egypt as in Tunisia, observers point out the important role of social networks on Internet nela contestazione del potere in piazza.Catherine Lacour-Astola,dottorato in storia contemporanea,analizza per le il loro ruolo alla luce della storia.

-LEFIGARO.FR.-Analizzando il ruolo dei social network negli eventi in Egitto e Tunisia, alcuni non esitano a parlare di una "rivoluzione Facebook".Non è tornare indietro un po' veloce alla storia per capire cosa ha da dirci?

Catherine Lacour-Astola.-Ovviamente,ci sono state movilizazzioni e rivoluzioni,prima della nascita di Facebook e Twitter!Non possiamo dire allora che le reti sociali attuali sono l'origine della mobilitazione. Si tratta di uno dei vettori.

Se si paragona ciò che sta accadendo in Egitto o in Tunisia su Facebook con i fenomeni pre-Internet, as the Resistance in France during World War II, a similarity is obvious: the process of mobilization is to create a society contestataria.Sotto employment, the pioneers of resistance were engaged in traditional circles of sociability: Friends , family, work, club activities, militants ... To evoke this difussione engagement, Germaine Tillion has spoken of a "spider web", a social network before the letter ... In both cases, we find this idea of \u200b\u200bsociability.

-Outside of their role in socialization, social networks play a specific role in the process of hiring the same?
In essence, they may raise doubts about the insulation. We must capire che quando si sono ingaggiati nel 1940-1941,i pionieri della resistenza sono stati costantemente di fronte a dubbi."Io sono l'unico ad analizzare il modo in cui faccio la situazione?Sono la sola a voler agire?".Questi dubbi non hanno impedito l'iniziativa,ma hanno reso necessario l'incontro con gli altri,per garantire la validità del loro ingaggio.Internet lo permette,solleva l'ipoteca dell'isolamento:"Io non sono solo"
-Ma è che il fatto,per Tunisini ed Egiziani,di essere seguiti in tutto il mondo importa?
E' certo che la divulgazione degli eventi dà materialità alla contestazione.Così,nel massacro di Ascq,nel Nord della Francia nel 1944:i resistenti erano stati molto sensibili al fatto che questo è stato riportato dalla BBC.Ma oltre a questo,non credo che i Tunisini hanno sentito il bisogno di riconoscimento da parte dell'Occidente per svolgere il loro rivoluzione.Tuttavia,il fatto che l'informazione si diffonde su scala così grande permette senza dubbio prevenire il fenomeno della negazione da parte dei governi e il soffocamento di una volonta di liberazione.Ma lei non la ha creato.
-Con le reti sociali,l'ingaggiamento è diventato un atto collettivo?
No,per ingaggiarsi bisogna essere intimamente legato alla causa che difendiamo.All'origine di ogni ingaggiamento,vi è per tanto un percorso individuale,un'analisi della situazione e cosa bisogna fare per andarci contro.Per la Resistenza,questo lo abbiamo chiamato la "fiamma" or "the spirit of resistance." This is something that is deeply rooted in individuals. In contrast
analyze mobilization in terms of the number of protesters remove the individual, and damage to the Internet to mobilize under ridurrebero to nothing on his way interiore.Dare such a role the Internet can be dangerous, because it implies that the opinion is easily mobilize , and therefore can be manipulated at will.

See also:
- "Faced with the revolt, Egypt flexes its muscles with its web censorship.
-These" hacktivists "who dream of imposing democracy.
-" SPECIAL - Revolution in Tunisia, the New Deal
By Thomas Vampouille

Infatti poche giorni dopo sul The Washington Times è stato pubblicato un Editoriale(senza firma per qui esprime la opinione del Giornale)che in certo modo raccoglie le parole di sopra e si occupa dell'argomento.Vedi prima la nota e dopo due mie parole.

. .
EDITORIALE: Obama il faraone Internet
Il discorso premendo per disciplinare internet guadagna slancio

Dal The Washington Times
- The Washington Times 10:00,Venerdì February 4, 2011

The power of social media tools like Twitter and Facebook to fan the flames of turmoil along the Nile should remove the potential sleep dittatori.Il clumsy order of the government of Mubarak of Egypt to cut the electronic access January 27 to the outside world is a powerful recall of how deeply affected by the strong men of freedom of expression that the Internet incarna.Anche if the service was restored Wednesday, the answer to Egypt is not as annoying tweets stranna. A number of schemes are in the works to grant similar powers to the U.S. leader in the name of fairness and security.
Senator Joseph I. Lieberman, Independent Connecticut, introduced legislation last session that would give the cyber-czar in the White House the same power to Mubarak, for ex. to declare a matter as an emergency, and also give directives to the private companies considered critical by the government. This unprecedented power, will be granted on behalf of Internet security by hacker.Non matter whether the entity to slow movement of the federal government are less able to respond to rapidly changing threats in mind that the evolution of tecnologia.Non businesses have more of an incentive to preserve their investments by billions of dollars that even "9 to 5" bureaucrats work guaranteed for life.
It is worth noting that, even clumsy attempts of censure by the Egyptian government have been by-passed with the "proxy server" and other simple solutions.
However, the Obama administration remains committed to putting his hand on privately-owned facilities that serve as the backbone of the speech online.Il December 21, Tsar of Communications President Obama, Julius Genachowski, issued a decree imposing "Net Neutrality "in the rules of Internet service providers, even if Congress has expressly excluded the Internet from regulation by the Federal Communications Commission.Una provision of the Telecommunications Act of 1996 gives the agency the opportunity to" remove barriers to investment in infrastructure, "and Mr. Genachowski was based on this per dire che poteva segnalare alle aziende come devono funzionare le reti che hanno costruito con il proprio denaro.
Il Dipartimento del Commercio continua a spingere l'idea di un passaporto Internet che centralizza le credenziali per gli acquisti online e i commenti "anonimi" nel web. Anche se la proposta è destinata a sostituire le decine di password utilizzate ogni giorno con una sola credenziale "di fiducia",i funzionari dell'amministrazione insistono sul fatto che la Strategia nazionale per una identità affidabile nel cyber-spazio non è l'equivalente online di una carta d'identità nazionale.Hanno anche puntato a una sezione del Frequently Asked Questions(ndr:domande piu frequenti) sul sito del Dipartimento che dice che questo programma volunteer is not anything like a national ID card.
Semantics aside, any government involvement in identity management and security on the Internet is a bad idea.I personer of "Big Government" (Big-Government) can not resist the temptation to control things if they feel that they are currently beyond their portata.Internet remains perhaps the only place to freewheel with the flavor of old West.Questo irritate those who would become "Net-nanni" in the same way as one who wants to retain power by any means that it was necessary .
The temptation to suppress the uncomfortable conversations and incidents is too great no politician should ever be given a button to mute the Internet. This rule applies in Washington that much more in Cairo.
© Copyright 2011 The Washington Times, LLC. GRAPHIC
WITNESSES (English):
(Published on the Word)
(Original inputabbili technical errors with the site)

ANALYSIS: How do you see dealing with the one mentioned above: the temptation of power and put the resources appropriated al servizio della sua concezzione politica.
Questa non è la prima volta che in queste pagine si parla del ruolo delle nuove tecnologia delle telecomunicazioni della NUOVA ERA in sucessi politici:mi ho occupato al lungo della liberta di espressione in Cina,in certi paesi mussulmani e nei paesi dietro la ex-cortina di ferro piu di una volta,solo che si trattava di "protezione di un agressore esterno" in situazione di relativa calma sociale.E non è questa volta ne anche la prima che mi occupo del ruolo dei social media della nuova era(rete sociali su telefono mobile)in situazione di sommosse ,l'ho fatto per essempio nelle elezzioni Iraniane e i disturbi sociali che le seguirono,anche in certi paesi dell'Asia o dell'Europa Orientale.Pero capita che adesso there are new facts, a certain part of scalation for Hillary Clinton to engage the new era with the policy almost as if there is a certain determinism that makes use of technologies of the new age and world view that stands for the soul politiche.Niente afatto addressed, the new era in politics and not his world view is "OWN" a starting point for scienza.Non is not producing political changes, but they are not the result of proselytizing movements organized (and much less violent), but the results of the socio-economic and cultural Flats and the costume consistent with this view.

Hillary Clinton and his administration have to deal with the past difussione of Technology NEW ERA SERVICES desire to put the policy as we have seen in the discourse of sopra.E now we see Obama get their hands on the Internet to the gag, concentrating its power "as those who want to use the means to retain the power to all costs and all means. "
short political movements are the decision makers and the technology of the new era and his vision of the world. I also do not want to underestimate the role played by the new media in the "flame" of rivolta.Come good enough says columnist blow on those networks to produce political movements only this time you know that the insurgency is not totally spontaneous, but encouraged and supported by the Department of Stato.Anche nelle sommosse che acompagnarano le elezione Iraniane(1)si diceva che dietro c'era la mano degli USA pero non passava di essere le solite voci che menzionano la CIA al volo di ogni moscardone,invece adesso ci sono informazioni ufficiali ( e non ufficiosi) come il The Telegraph che informano della partecipazione diretta del Dipartimento di Stato a fianco dei rivoltosi.E non significa che non ci sia quel umore contestatario collettivo ,pero evidentemente questo movimento politico(Egitto)è incoraggiato e sostenuto dagli USA e quindi non assolutamente spontaneo,ne la risultanza dell'uso dai nuove media di per se,(che non crea la fiamma)ma prodotto degli operatori politici che se ne asservono.
(1)Guarda a caso in questo caso l'Iran,consapevole del religious fanaticism that is behind the somossa rivindicazione under the guise of democratic reform, is on the side of the insurgents here to support and encourage up to establish a theocratic Islamist government in Egypt. 'the side of the Muslim Brotherhood and then, paradoxically (Oh God ) a little 'coincides with the State Department and the U.S. administration (which is not the first time that privilege political operatives do not lay in the Arab world as we saw in Pakistan and others).
------------------------------------------------- -----------------------
-SEE CUA on the same topic:
1) -2 March 2011: Obama continues to attack the "new era":

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

No Supported Camera Detected And Dell

torta di semolino di Pellegrino Artusi

Cause extraction of two wisdom teeth of my son, last night I had to prepare something soft. Surfaced in my mind is a memory of childhood: the cake of semolina. Not knowing the recipe, I have entrusted to my numerous books and notes from the kitchen and in the end I found in the Bible of Italian cuisine "Science in the Kitchen and the Art of Eating Well" Pellegrino Artusi which this riccorre 'centenary year of death.

1 liter of milk
130 gr semolina
130 g sugar 100 g almonds
20 g butter
4 eggs
peel lemon
a pinch of salt
  • cook the semolina in milk together with a pinch of salt,
  • finely chop the almonds el n food processor with the sugar , because, as Artusi in his book ".... to be mixed (almonds) sugar, dissolve easily ....",
  • when the mixture is cold add the eggs well whisked and lemon zest, butter and
  • sprinkle a baking dish with bread crumbs,
  • versare il composte e cuocere in forno preriscaldato a 200° per 45 minuti circa,
  • sfornare fredda e servire ".... tagliata a mandorle...."   come termina Artusi nella presentazione della ricetta.

Herpes Outbreaks Getting Worse

entro il 6 febbraio liberiamoci del maiale

Pubblico di seguitol'iniziativa "entro il 6 febbraio liberiamoci del maiale" invitando tutte le donne a firmare l'iniziativa di Concita De Gregorio " Ora basta" sul quotidiano del quale e direttrice.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Who Is 12 Helmet Alabama


Telemedicine by I've been here from the creator and I threw the theoretical foundations, the flower is all'occhello of scientific research of my work, a milestone that after the banner of new applications and media, has led to the creation of new servizzi and technologies including those of Telecommunications of the new era, and the new era with its own "world view." Everything you can read it on my book (Click: = en- ).
And unfortunately it was the scientific discipline that has had less space in these publications online, in these pages, these sites and these below, and on behalf of a more detailed work with original material of different countries, pretend to give to hear some news on its current state.
places where telemedicine has been developing a better starting point of my studies, are Ingliterra, Europe and USA where he has taken and is taking a big development and extension of its use, with new and increasingly sophisticated needs of the masses of increasingly large population.
In this case the main news we are dell'Ingliterra. Propio these days its leaders are putting in atto una riforma radicale della sanita dove alla Telemedicina li è stato assegnato un ruolo di rilievo.Il principio teorico di questa riforma consiste nel togliere alla burocrazia statale il controllo della sanita per metterlo in mano ai medici.E cosa c'è di meglio a tale scopo che il rapporto diretto fra medico-paziente anche tramite i mezzi di comunicazione a distanza di massa della NUOVA ERA.
La Gran Bretagna ha un sistema nazionale statale di salute pressa poco che universale e gratuito.Ne sono fieri gli Inglesi,pero anche si ha convertito in una gran macchina burocratica che ostacolizza una corretta gestione della pubblica sanita.L'idea è,a prescindere della differenziazione medicina pubblica-privata,mettere il controllo in mano ai medici.E in questo disegno la Telemedicina ha qualcosa da dire.

Di seguito vi faro conoscere una notizia sul "Corriere della Sera" che viene propio dall'Ingliterra e dopo un breve commento.:

Gb, sintomi e diagnosi via mail o sms
Un miliardo di sterline: tanto si risparmierebbe se gli inglesi comunicassero virtualmente con il proprio medico

MILANO - Il governo inglese dice basta alle visite mediche inutili. È infatti allo studio un progetto pilota su 6mila pazienti di lungo corso in Cornovaglia, Kent ed East London, che prevede il coinvolgimento degli stessi malati, chiamati a descrivere i sintomi e a inviarli via mail o sms al loro medico di fiducia, senza necessità di appuntamento. Sarà poi the latter to respond with the diagnosis at the end of the day or in the time between a visit to the other, again via email or SMS. A scheme that, according to those who conceived, would save more than 1 billion pounds. Public money which could therefore be used in other ways. Obviously, this type of consultation is for less serious cases. If, in fact, a clinical specialist deems less comforting, he will be to advise the patient to be examined as soon as possible.
RISK - This approach could also be applied to those who suffer from cardiovascular problems, diabetes and lung disorders, which would be asked to measure their own blood pressure, pulse Heart and blood glucose (with equipment supplied by the public assistance to all those participating in the experiment) and then send the results pr e-mail or text messages. But the idea of \u200b\u200bgovernment does not like the doctors of the British Medical Association that, on behalf of their president Laurence Buckman, have warned of the danger that doing so risks not to discover or diagnose serious diseases when it is too late to treat them . "My concern is that the patient does not realize the severity of his condition - he explained to the press Professor Buckman - and not even the doctor can do it, because he can not understand a simple message. For example, a person with a serious chest infection could mistake it for an ordinary cough. That's why the safest way to deal with patients is to see them in person and many doctors fear the consultation by email.
IN ITALY - The results of this experiment (which follows a pilot study carried out in Dundee in recent months, where patients reported via SMS to the doctor about their medical condition) will be announced in the spring. But in Italy such a scheme might work? "This way of working seems to me more and more ports to a depersonalization of the patient - explains Professor Massimo Torre, director of the Department of Endoscopic Surgery of the chest Niguarda Hospital in Milan - for the visit is essential, as well as it is the doctor-patient relationship. If a patient has a cough, I have to auscultate the lungs first and then I can give a cure. Sometimes even minor symptoms can be the indicator of something more serious and can not be entrusted to an email or sms the pretense of a correct diagnosis. As for Italy, we have the right mentality is still rooted to be visited by your doctor, so the scheme would be difficult to accept English. Should not forget the medical-legal, which would open a series of contentious and difficult to interpret solution. " Simona Marchetti24 January 2011 (last updated: January 25, 2011) ©
I seem ridiculous and malicious these criticisms: Telemedicine has never put as late substitutes the doctor-patient relationship will direct the branch of medicine prattica institutionalized, only wants to be helpful where they can fill a gap in medical care current complement them and if anything to improve its performance, including those derived from red tape as they are withered ecceso the advice useless, besides producing discounts for medical attention, are distorted capitalized (at the expense of the public treasury in this case ). So is the reference
unnecessarily evil intentions of Laurence Buckman to risks not to discover or diagnose serious diseases when it is too late to treat them.. "Backwards, and always care Taking into account the variations in each country, telemedicine has aim to stimulate the underlying medical advice in that segment of the population for his ignorance or lack of means to consult shortly medico.E in those cases where you already have a smooth step up the medical report the doctor-patient and controls, all things considered, the doctor put propio home sua.Chi you can say "I hurt my leg I ask the doctor?: Navigate in the office, tails, waiting for the posts of assitance, etc. are all factors together to the already listed that stimulates the patient to advice medica.Con Telemedicine can be: just an email or SMS to get a medical opinion at your fingertips.
If we take the particular case we are talking dell'Ingliterra to avoid "unnecessary consultations" (which in the end by all the vast majority of medical claims), which after all are having a withered red tape as mentioned, and therefore abolished (in Britain and everywhere) is not in detriment of the Report for improving the doctor patient but is well optimized, making it even more narrow and intense as well as efficient.
No doctor wants to treat a cancer with telemedicine, but then again the purpose, of course, there is no substitute and complementary medicine, to make better and more utile.Chi must realize the severity of his ignorance and bad intention is this person who does not recognize spirit doctor.
Similar words could say about the application of telemedicine in Italy: I believe that these opinions do not reflect the true state of public medicine in Italy: no risk to the patient because despersonalizazzione Telemedicine repeat never, ever sostitoira the direct relationship with the doctor . But this is something to be said that the Doctor evidentementente Massimo Torre does not know: despersonalizazzione talking about what could be worse than the istituzionalizazzione the patient and the illness as a result of burocratizazzione medicine? The patient goes on to be a number in a folder clinica anzi che una persona di carne e ossa con un nome e cognome sul versante organizzativo.E sul versante tecnico per il medico,data la dinamica burocratica, il malato passa ad essere un "fegato cirrotico" anzi che fulano di tale con una storia personale,una famiglia,sogni e piani di vita che ha caduto nell'alcolismo per tale o quale causa.Questo non è despersonalizzazione?Smette di essere una persona umana caduta in disgrazia per passare ad essere "il fegato del letto 9","la neoplasia del reparto x",ecc,ecc.
"Buonissima" perche umanizzante la riforma Brittanica,e buono il ruolo della Telemedicina senza dubbi,male intenzionata la critica di Torres,oltre a inoperante perche di fronte alla istituzionalizazzione difficilmente si possa fare drawing on these criticisms despersonalizazione.Stia calm Torres also because Telemedicine sostitoira not the doctor-patient relationship, and will complement the intesifichera making it more efficient and better quality human on the close direct relationship. As the
said that in Italy "is still rooted in the right mindset to be visited by his doctor" I can not but smile, if it were not tragic it would be comico.Questo Doctor pretends to mock the reader?: Italy we had a system of free universal public health (such as Brittani if \u200b\u200byou want) until it was Berlusconi who has taken apart and became a privatized system, semi-public, but what "mentality to be examined by a doctor di fiducia" mi parla?Per caso non ha visto le Suore,i Preti e i Medici litigare fra di loro alla porta degli Ospedali ad ogni ingresso per vedere quanti soldi ha, e di conseguenza in quale stanza verra ingressato(ogni una ha prezzo diverso),e quale medico lo prendera in cura?(anche loro hanno differente quotazioni).Si signori, perche in Italia in un Ospedale pubblico oggi per farsi guarire forse dovra pagare.Vergogna deve provare Torres come medico a diffendere questo sistema: altro che fiducia,che sono in pochi quelli che ancora nei medici e nel sistema c'è l'hanno.
Per quanto riguarda agli aspetti medici-legali:da sempre il progresso ha posto quesiti nuovi alla convivenza umana e sempre le leggi si sono adeguati.Perche non dobbiamo dimenticare that is not the law would improve the man who changed the company but reverse is to be lucid and sensitive to changes that will take and will understand its essence in order to better leggiferarli does not want to disappear as a valuable tool GIUSTIZZIA.
purposely in the next note of this newspaper Corriere della sera called Pasquino, you will see more clearly the certainty of these concepts.
If these changes in distance medical care, telemedicine, dell'Ingliterra seem "despersonalizzanti", "dangerous", so what of France where he was authorized by law "a medical WEB" and even recipes distance. (Yes, I speak of "medical" because it is obvious that telemedicine is more closely the relationship with the patient's doctor and not the reverse.) Or what about the rest of Europe or the USA where the use of telemedicine and now we see the first normale.Ma the note with a brief summary of France, of Europe and the U.S. also in the Corriere della Sera:

Webcam and mail with the recipes, if the doctor visit on the Internet in France
A decree authorizing the new type of consultation. Italian digital short: do not take off certificates online

LONDON - France has just authorized by decree, medical visits via the web. The first online consultations will start in 2011: Patients will be able to talk with their doctor through posts and, thanks to a web-camera built into the computer, and even see his face, why not show them, if visible, the signs of the disease. Of course, there is no direct relationship with the patient, of course, your doctor may put a hand on the belly of the patient or auscultate the heart and lungs or 'feel' the effects of the famous "33 says," but according to the French Minister of Health, Roselyne Bachelot, the experiment may have several advantages: first of all, overcoming the lack of doctors in more remote. According to the French measure, only physicians practicing in France, will offer a tele and instructions will be sent by mail or mail, to the patient or pharmacist.
The idea of \u200b\u200bthe virtual tour may be debatable, especially in a country like ours, where they already are struggling to take off the certificates of illness online (now a technical committee will be held between unions and the Ministry of Health doctors on the subject), where Health care is free, computer literacy is still low and the doctor-patient relationship rather than heard. We telemedicine is not widespread and is limited to projects scattered, patchy in the area. A very different situation from that of other European nations, where the e-health is, in many cases, regulated by law, and especially from the United States where there are even sites online medical consultation fee, such as American Well. In countries where Dr. Internet works, the benefits to patients and the community, are already documented by a series of searches. Tele-care of children of atopic eczema (a form of skin allergy that causes itching and pain), for example, saves time mothers and dermatologists: according to a Norwegian research, a diagnosis via web takes less than five minutes ( Ten, if in addition to a written message is also sent photos of the injury, while a normal visit will take about twenty), avoid long waiting lists and the prescribed treatment has always proved to be appropriate.
The Danes, however, have thought of a 'digital service' for Older people with chronic problems such as diabetes, respiratory diseases, heart disorders: These patients may have trouble reaching a medical clinic also a few kilometers away, while the Internet and web-room are at your fingertips. But the rest of Denmark is one of most European countries that use telemedicine. The more reluctant to care for patients telematics seem to physicians, even those Americans who, more than others, are familiar with the health technology and even use blogs to discuss the more complicated clinical cases. A survey of specialists in an intensive care unit of the University of Texas, where patients were monitored 24 hours on 24 specialists 'outside' via the Web, showed that doctors did not like this system, however beneficial to the sick, and lived as a dangerous interference in the relationship between doctor and patient. Adriana
Bazziabazzi (), October 28 2010 ©
I could say that this news arrived from France is all right to me and makes me feel proud of my creation, the rule of Acceptance and development reached in the Telemedicine mondo tutto(e anche in Italia perche no?)
C'è poco d'aggiungere:questa legge Francese oltre a produrrermi sodisfazione in quanto la Telemedicina è stata accolta come "cosa di stato" rispecchia i miei concetti e anche la mia sperienza.Concretamente ho avuto occasione di gestire una malata di mente che abita in Francia e questa "gestione" si inserisce nei principi generali di questa legge.(Anche io ho rifiutato prenderla in cura a distanza respingendo il pagamento ovvio,perche oltre al fatto che non era di prescrizzione medica la mia gestione,non avevo io le specificita socio-culturali locali per stabilire un buon rapporto medico-paziente.Pero ho avuto occasione di esserle di aiuto e di farmi esseguire le prescrizzioni)
Pero voglio dire ancora due parole sul solito ritornello dello stato di mancanza di progresso della Telemedicina in Italia:non è essatamente come descrive la situazione questo giornale.Non è vero essatamente che in Italia la sanita sia gratuita.L'ho gia spiegato.L'alfabetizzazione informatica non è tanto scarsa come vuole farla apparire questo pasquino.Molto ne ho parlato gia in occasione della pretesa "breccia digitale della banda larga" fra diverse regione di Italia e del resto dell'Europa:questo altro non è che l'abbituale vittimismo all'italiana,un succedaneo dell'oscurantismo e della diffidenza che ogni idea di progresso scientifico produce nel nostro ipocrita perbenismo.Una abnormita,tutta Italiana di taluni Italiani che pero non rispecchia la realta.E tanto meno reflects reality, "the feeling," doctor-patient relationship "in health care today: the false hypocrisy in this regard I should mention that giornalista.Fantasie.E propio Italy (in Milan and I was present) the influence of my concepts was the first country in the world to Telemedicine (after the experience of creation, of course) spent their early years were the last decade, been a particularly hot and affosa led the Milanese to escape to the sea leaving the poor old people alone to house. propio asset was the municipality of Milan to take care of the old ones by telephone in the throes of dehydration in a chiammato service hotline. (1) I have been reading this experience and have read the book and pagine.Telemedicina in these precarious TELEMEDICINE early if you want but in the end: decisive was the concept that I developed recently. In this regard
accuracy: as you read about in my book Telemedicine the first instance I worked for the telephone and in that moment I had overlooked, but without rejecting the medical care through internet.Pero there is to say also that in that when the number of PCs installed were scarce and tral'altro INTERNET used "elliptical". Mobile phones were also scarce and only had service through voce.Oggi NEW ERA (Telemeicina and then) the difussione of mobile telephones and massive and universal, they have to perfect the integration of other means of expression at a distance (room and medical kit among other things), and the changes the Internet has made to abandon the use elliptical to switch to be in operation on mobile phones, a mass medium in fact. (The PC has not been fixed and wired essential and needed is less). So today Telemedicine is another thing with a promissory future: indeed, as I told in the book, telemedicine and Medicine futuro.E despite some reluctance Alun colleagues, and obscurantism to 'Italian sodisfatto progress and I am proud of my creation.
finish using two notes of the same newspaper that will better illustrate what I mean when I say blinds and distrust of scientific advances, including new technologies della Telecomunicazione.
(1)Non dobbiamo confondere questo servizzio Milanese con quello da me diretto durante la creazione della Telemedicina che portava(casualmente?) lo stesso nome.Ne dobbiamo confondere questo nome con quello dei servizzi religiosi Francesani identicamente chiamati TELEFONO AMICO"che pero nulla c'entra ne con la TELEMEDICINA ne con la scienza.Queste "COINCIDENZE" inoltre sono stati ogetto di dispute legali che ho documentato in queste pagine.Vedi cua:!59921AB7F02EF297!528.entry

document of the 5 senses: we have already mentioned the Telemedicine does not pretend to present replace the doctor-patient relationship, then so are the benefits of telemedicine transcendent and important though sometimes there are 5 senses is not the end mondo.Parafraseando bureaucracy would say: there is no worse than that medical work is not done, as claimed by this reactionary obscurantism good postulant, transvestite Progreso. On-POPE
what to say?: We know of his progress and urged rejection of science, and then hear him speak telecommunications guardia.E puts me in a lot more lights my alerts when I hear young people: the Catholic church has no moral authority to lead the young people after the scandalous pedoflia, generalized universale.E no less doctrinaire after the transformations of this pope has elevated to the category of sacred love Agapit and abolished the institution of the heavenly purgatory, warned that young RESPONSIBILITY observance of ethics in this life on earth. (Neo-liberalism?)
In this context I have no interest in doing a thorough analysis, particularized and careful of his words about young people on the means of dell'attegiamento NEW ERA.Non authorities will recognize them on the scientific perspective on what it ethics and morality, and less on the religious, as mentioned before.: only say that his analysis of religious and moral dangers of the Virtual tarde.La come a long fight against the virtual and the reason of my being reformed opera.Ho Internet and telecommunications, giving rise to a new era of human relationships and socio-cultural political banner of resistance to VIRTUALITA.Non is his "found" the critique of ethics and morality to the virual and is merely going along my street with his views. I have defeated the virtual, and the network are one of the inclines consequences of a natural way of relating to non-virtual humans through technological means. There comes a time later and runs on the wrong road here has no authority (again at risk of tire) it religious or scientific, or moral its ethics.
I posted some reader comments to this article and how some of them would prefer to see the pope more than she can talk politics, take his risponsabilita if you dare to speak to the entire company network and virtual, NEW ERA in short, an area that does not belong, and in fact there has been a persistent opponent, in the name of a faction religiosa.Non I would like my work as a bust of Galileo to Copernicus, ends in the gardens of the Vatican or the Cathedral of Poland propio to justify the persecution of followers of the new era in the hands of those who have been fierce enemies and permanet: "Hands off the new era" in the name of the scientific spirit and also in the name of the spirit of Holiness che la sua carica dovrebbe ispirare e infondere ai giovani:in nome di SANTO PADRE,giu le mani.
A conto d'altro materiale promesso gia,metto fine a questo post.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Why Is Alabama Have A 12 On Their Helmet

meno sette

Mancano solo sette giorni alla scadente del mi contest ...
Avete risposto numerosi al mio appello ma c'è ancora spazio per altre proposte.
A partire dal 1° febbraio 2011 tutti coloro che si sono proposti come giudici dovranno sperimentare le ricette e dare il loro giudizio.
Dalle diverse valutazione usciranno i tre primi classificati.
Ancora grazie a quanti hanno partecipato e a coloro che stanno per farlo.

Why Alabama 12 Helmet

the "new era" in space

Saro breve,poche parole bastano:Per quelli che hanno voluto vedere nella tecnologia della NUOVA ERA una tecnologia per poveri o subalterna alle iniziali comunicazioni spaziali questa potrebbe essere una smentita:il Telefono Mobile sara utile anche in uso nello spazio e potra pure prendere il controllo di un satellite.
Non resta aggiungere molto a quanto viene detto sotto su questa iniziativa della Gran Bretagna e l'Europa per capire l'importanza che viene data alla tecnologia delle Telecomunicazioni della NUOVA ERA.Solo mettere l'accento here is a NEW ERA tecologia of "pure and hard," cio'è of mobile phones with technology integration of the expression of distance communication (telecommunications) of the sense organs as well as I have conceived io.Qua not talking PC, and the designation used by technicians for these phones without distinction, "MOBILE PHONE" (as I called myself) or smartphones (as it was called in English speaking countries), no mobile phone, if not integration of technologies of other media besides voice does not respond completely to my concept. (However, the mobile phone "voice only" will not be multiple fabrics). And if something is missing for ricnoscere mark the new era in this experiment is sufficient see that the operating system will be used to Google's Android, which was the first company that has best interpreted and followed my scientific progress on this technology: the vanguard of the new era in fact. (Android is the first operating system to run on mobile phones)
only remains for me to remember that the influence that my ideas have had on satellite technology I had already reported on this very blog: http://cianciminotortoici.
This could be considered another boot on its impact in the work space.
a bit short, could be said 'that as my "world view" on the point of start of new era in principle rejected by Microsoft, has come to "take control" on the ground, its technology may one day be able to "take control" (the term stands for "be useful", of course) spazio.Forse also on this first flight is a symbolic beginning of this futuro.Vedi following the news in a BBC Brittan and then in the Corriere della Sera.

British Broadcasting Corporation. Science & Environment

January 24, 2011 updated at 01:02 GMT


Jonathan Amos
Correspondent for Science, BBC News

-British engineers are planning to put a mobile phone space.

The team of Surrey Satellite Technology Limited (SSTL) and Surrey Space Centre in Guildford wants to see if the sophisticated capabilities of today's phones work in more challenging environments known.

The mobile works on Google's Android operating system, but the exact model has not yet been disclosed.

will be used to control a satellite-30cm long and take pictures of the Earth on a mission by the end of the year.

Although mobile phones have flown at high altitude on the first ball, this is probably the first time that such a device will go into orbit parecchie centinaia di chilometri sopra il pianeta.

"I moderni smartphone sono abbastanza stupefacenti", ha detto il responsabile del progetto SSTL,Shaun Kenyon."

Vengono adesso con i processori che possono andare fino a 1GHz, e hanno un sacco di memoria flash. Prima di tutto, vogliamo vedere se il telefono funziona lassù, e se lo fa, vogliamo vedere se il telefono mobile è in grado di controllare un satellite ".

"Noi stiamo cercando di utilizzare quanto più la capacità del telefono cellulare come sia possibile". Citazione di Doug Liddle Capo scientifico,SSTL.

-Prodotto "High Street"

L'impresa fa parte della missione della company to find the cheapest, off-the-shelf electronics that can be used to lower the cost of his drawings in space.

The mission is known as STRAND-1 (Surrey nanosatellites Education Research and Demonstration).

It involves both society and researchers from the University of Surrey Space Centre (SSC).

Much of the development work has been done in the leisure of the team.

The model used is a mobile standard, under 300 pounds (450 dollars) smartphones available in the shops of the High Street. "

We are not taking only a part, we do not gutted, we're not pulling out PCB to make a re-welding in our satellite, they're flying (N R: "with the mobile") just as it is, "said Kenyon.

" And, in fact, we're putting in another camera on the satellite so you can take a picture of the phone because we want to run the screen and also take some good pictures on this.
- "Eyes on Earth"

"Google sent Nexus smartphone S at an altitude of 18 km (60,000 ft) up balloons last year."

Central to the whole effort is the phone's operating system.

Android is an open source software, meaning that engineers can SSTL modify it to suit the phone functions.

The large fluctuations in temperature and radiation hard to find space require that the phone must be placed inside the satellite to give them some protection.

A hole (bucco) must be cut in the side of the body and then to allow the lens of the camera phone to see outside.

The same phone will not "call home", its messages and images via the return link of satellite radio.

For the first part of the mission, the mobile will act as the back-up (control) to the main computer of the probe.

After a period of time, however, the phone will be loaded.

"We are negotiating to use the full capacity of the phone as possible," said Doug Liddle, scientific director of SSTL.

"Ideally, the phone can take control and make the brain."

-Month handled

"The latest smartphone pack has a huge capacity in a very small space"

to maneuver with precision and point, the satellite will have advanced functions of guidance, navigation and control systems including miniature reaction wheels, and a GPS receiver, as well as innovative pulse plasma thrusters to propel through space.

The intention is that the phone is given the ability to monitor all of these subsystems.

The nature of open source software is very exciting because it can be seen further down the line, once we got on the phone to work in orbit, we could convince people to develop applications for it, "said Liddle.
Chris Bridges
the Surrey Space Centre said: "If a smartphone can be shown that working in space, opening a lot of new technologies for a multitude of people and businesses to the area that usually can not afford it. It is a 'game-real " di cambiamenti per l'industria. "

SSTL ha guadagnato una reputazione in tutto il mondo per i suoi piccoli satelliti. La società è riuscita a ridurre il costo dei suoi sistemi incorporando componenti che sono stati originariamente sviluppati per i prodotti di consumo come computer portatili.

I prossimi mesi la compagnia vedra il lancio di veicoli spaziale di osservazione della Terra per i clienti nigeriani,russi e canadesi.

E ' inoltre è in procinto di avviare la costruzione di veicoli spaziali che formeranno inizialmente la costellazione Galileo, la risposta costata molti miliardi di euro,di Europa alla rete GPS Americana.
Jonathan.Amos-INTERNET @

Più su questa storia
Related stories
-experimental satellite "UK tech." October 18, 2010, Science & Environment
UK-lancers three new spacecraft, September 27, 2010, Science & Environment
-Contracts for Galileo sat-nav 7 ", January 2010, Science

Connected Internet links
SSTL / /
Surrey Space Centre The BBC is not responsible for the content of external internet sites
http / /

-clicking on the photocopies you can read the original BBC (English)


-SO THE NEWS Corriere della Sera: The initiative of the UK

SSTL: Smartphone launched into space
In orbital flight: it will serve to control a mini-satellite and take pictures of the Earth's surface
Will Google's Android system.
LONDON - The British telecommunications company SSTL wants to test the functioning of a smatphone latest in orbital flight. As reports the BBC's website, mobile phone, whose precise pattern is not specified (it will, however, of a specimen under the € 350 cost), will work with Google's Android operating system. Will be used to control a mini-satellite and take pictures of the Earth's surface. The ultimate aim of the experiment is to verify whether a product of consumer electronics (and therefore costs tuttosommato modest) can also be used for tasks requiring high standard of safety or specialization, in order to lower the costs of designing future spacecraft.
The choice of operating system is not random: Android is an open-source can be modified to the other cellular functions. It should be noted that due to the strong temperature and high radiation level smartphone will be inserted into the housing that protects the satellite, with a loophole that will allow the lens of his camera to look out. To control the propulsion system of satellite navigation will be a program stored in the memory of the phone, which will behave in all respects as a normal control computer. As for data transmission to the ground will be used to connect a satellite radio. (Source TMNews)
Editorial ONLINE24 January 2011 ©

Friday, January 21, 2011

How To Vote For Shirts On

pasta con

Questa è una ricetta molto semplice che mi è stata suggerita questa mattina da una collega. 
Come tutte le novità è stata accolta con un po' di scetticismo ma alla prova dei fatti non ci sono stati dubbi da parte di tutti noi: questa pasta con il cavolfiore è veramente deliziosa.

per quattro persone

1 cavolfiore di medie dimensioni
2 cipolle
6 cucchiai di olio di oliva
250 gr di pasta
sale e pepe q.b.

  • cut the cauliflower into pieces,
  • cook in boiling salted water,

  • when he is half cooked add ; the pasta and cook al dente,
  • meanwhile put the oil in a pan with the onions cut into very thin slices and then dry without browning,

  • salt and pepper,
  • when pasta and cauliflower are cooked, drain thoroughly and season with olive oil and onions,
  • spolvererare with Parmesan cheese.

Gay Cruising Raleigh Nc



Thursday, January 20, 2011

Cobra Dx To Use

orange cauliflower rabbit

When I read the title of the contest launched by "The cookbook Cynthia" I had no doubts: the recipe with which I would like to participate not would be a sweet. Too trivial to post a dish that requires the presence of citrus, limiting a sweet dish of meat or usual flavored with lemon agree you can make great food in this way, but it always remains in the tradition. I which I based the whole philosophy of my blog on tradition, this time I decided to try something different. To do this I had to scan the documentation in time I collected and presented in various fashions, encyclopedia, which is proudly displayed at the crumpled piece of paper, written in haste. Luckily, I came to the rescue ' "Encyclopedia of Italian cuisine" with this orange rabbit, prepared for the first time tonight and that seems to have had a good successo. Anche per me é stata una gradita sorpresa: la presenza degli ingredianti hanno infatti conferito al piatto un gusto che lo avvicinato alla sapidità di alcune ricette di cacciagione.

1 coniglio tagliato a pezzi
1 arancia
1 cipolla piuttosto grossa
1 spicchio d'aglio
alcune foglio di salvia
3 cucchiai di olio di oliva
2 dl di vino bianco
1 foglia di alloro
noce moscata
0,5 dl di brandy
sale q.b .

  • pulire le verdure e tritarle finemente,

  • lavare il coniglio,
  • fare appassire il trito con l'olio scaldato,

  • the rabbit and fry gently to combine evenly

  • add the wine, a sprinkling of nutmeg, bay leaf and salt,
  • reduce heat to low and cook for about 45 an hour,

  • verify that the sauce does not shrink excessively, in which case add a little ' water,
  • remove the rabbit from the pot,
  • go to mini Pimero the sauce,
  • add the orange juice and brandy,
  • bring to a boil,
  • brown the rabbit pieces back resulting in the sauce,
  • serve with vegetables as desired,
  • in this case I used a puree of broccoli.

with this recipe I participate in the contest "Citrus" from "The Cookbook Cynthia"