The "profiteroles" is one of the classics of Italian cuisine, its preparation is not particularly difficult though it may be long because it needs at least three steps:
first be prepared with the choux pastry puffs,
then the filling (in my case, a Chantilly cream flavored with orange),
finally the chocolate which are covered with the cupcakes (which is also flavored with orange).
Like all dishes that have a tradition is important to know the story:
seems that the profiteroles was introduced in France in the Renaissance, when Catherine de 'Medici, wife of Henry II of France, led by his many Tuscan recipes Local food, among which was much appreciated for the choux pastry (for cream puffs), and with it the profiteroles, the fame of this sweet spread, however, after the seventeenth century, a period in which it developed the true art of pastry.
The word (also pronounced prophitrole, profitrolle, profiterolle ) has existed since the sixteenth century, but its original meaning in both English and French is not clear, even if it later came to mean a kind of sandwich "cooked under the ashes." The actual meaning is clearly attested in the nineteenth century.
The most common presentation of this cake is disponendo i singoli profiterole in una "montagnetta" chiamata croquembouche .
Nella mia ricetta ho preferito presentare i bigné separatamente, guarniti, anche esternamente, con crema chantily. Ringrazio per la ricetta della pasta choux Claudia di "... mon petit bistrot..." che è risultata praticamente perfetta.
Pasta choux
120 ml di acqua
50 gr di burro
75 gr di farina
2 uova intere
- put water in a saucepan with the butter cut into small pieces,
- make sure that the butter melts before the mixture reaches a boil to avoid excessive evaporation,
- remove from heat and add the flour all at once, salt and sugar,
- stir vigorously with the whip and put on the fire,
- continue stirring until the dough does not come off well from the sides of the pan (it will form a ball),
- place into a bowl and let rest for about 10 minutes,
- add eggs, one at a time, making sure that the first is fully incorporated before adding the other, the
- pasta should be a creamy consistency, so that the dough raised with a spoon, will fall to the bottom without being attached to a long spoon,
- put the mixture into a pastry bag, using a plain nozzle, appropriate form small balls with a teaspoon (with this dose should be 20/25 puffs),
- arrange sulla placca del forno leggermente imburrata,
- cuocere in forno, preriscaldatato a 220°, per circa 20 minuti.
Crema chantily
3 tuorli
2 cucchiai di farina
2 cucchiai di zucchero
3 dl di latte
3 dl di panna
1 arancia
- lavorare i tuorli con lo zucchero,
- aggiungere la farina e continuare a mescolare,
- portare ad ebollizione il latte, nel quale sarà stata grattugiata la scorza dell'arancia,
- unirlo a filo, filtrato, al composto di uova,
- mettere sul fuoco mescolando in continuazione,
- quanto la crema riprende il bollore toglierla e ripetere l'operazione per tre volte,
- fare raffredare la crema e aggiungere la panna montata.
Copertura al cioccolato
200gr di cioccolato in tavoletta
milk taste
- put in a water bath in a bowl with chocolate pieces,
- when it begins to melt, add a little 'milk until the mixture is creamy but not too much liquid.
Preparation profiteroles
- fill the cream puffs, which has been practiced in a small hole at the bottom, with Chantilly cream, using a syringe with the nozzle sweet thin and long,
- fill the cream puffs sandwiches, and dipping them in chocolate help with a spoon and a fork lift,
- keep them in the refrigerator for at least an hour to allow the chocolate to solidify,
- them on a dish in the traditional way, or individual plates.
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