Monday, January 24, 2011

Why Alabama 12 Helmet

the "new era" in space

Saro breve,poche parole bastano:Per quelli che hanno voluto vedere nella tecnologia della NUOVA ERA una tecnologia per poveri o subalterna alle iniziali comunicazioni spaziali questa potrebbe essere una smentita:il Telefono Mobile sara utile anche in uso nello spazio e potra pure prendere il controllo di un satellite.
Non resta aggiungere molto a quanto viene detto sotto su questa iniziativa della Gran Bretagna e l'Europa per capire l'importanza che viene data alla tecnologia delle Telecomunicazioni della NUOVA ERA.Solo mettere l'accento here is a NEW ERA tecologia of "pure and hard," cio'è of mobile phones with technology integration of the expression of distance communication (telecommunications) of the sense organs as well as I have conceived io.Qua not talking PC, and the designation used by technicians for these phones without distinction, "MOBILE PHONE" (as I called myself) or smartphones (as it was called in English speaking countries), no mobile phone, if not integration of technologies of other media besides voice does not respond completely to my concept. (However, the mobile phone "voice only" will not be multiple fabrics). And if something is missing for ricnoscere mark the new era in this experiment is sufficient see that the operating system will be used to Google's Android, which was the first company that has best interpreted and followed my scientific progress on this technology: the vanguard of the new era in fact. (Android is the first operating system to run on mobile phones)
only remains for me to remember that the influence that my ideas have had on satellite technology I had already reported on this very blog: http://cianciminotortoici.
This could be considered another boot on its impact in the work space.
a bit short, could be said 'that as my "world view" on the point of start of new era in principle rejected by Microsoft, has come to "take control" on the ground, its technology may one day be able to "take control" (the term stands for "be useful", of course) spazio.Forse also on this first flight is a symbolic beginning of this futuro.Vedi following the news in a BBC Brittan and then in the Corriere della Sera.

British Broadcasting Corporation. Science & Environment

January 24, 2011 updated at 01:02 GMT


Jonathan Amos
Correspondent for Science, BBC News

-British engineers are planning to put a mobile phone space.

The team of Surrey Satellite Technology Limited (SSTL) and Surrey Space Centre in Guildford wants to see if the sophisticated capabilities of today's phones work in more challenging environments known.

The mobile works on Google's Android operating system, but the exact model has not yet been disclosed.

will be used to control a satellite-30cm long and take pictures of the Earth on a mission by the end of the year.

Although mobile phones have flown at high altitude on the first ball, this is probably the first time that such a device will go into orbit parecchie centinaia di chilometri sopra il pianeta.

"I moderni smartphone sono abbastanza stupefacenti", ha detto il responsabile del progetto SSTL,Shaun Kenyon."

Vengono adesso con i processori che possono andare fino a 1GHz, e hanno un sacco di memoria flash. Prima di tutto, vogliamo vedere se il telefono funziona lassù, e se lo fa, vogliamo vedere se il telefono mobile è in grado di controllare un satellite ".

"Noi stiamo cercando di utilizzare quanto più la capacità del telefono cellulare come sia possibile". Citazione di Doug Liddle Capo scientifico,SSTL.

-Prodotto "High Street"

L'impresa fa parte della missione della company to find the cheapest, off-the-shelf electronics that can be used to lower the cost of his drawings in space.

The mission is known as STRAND-1 (Surrey nanosatellites Education Research and Demonstration).

It involves both society and researchers from the University of Surrey Space Centre (SSC).

Much of the development work has been done in the leisure of the team.

The model used is a mobile standard, under 300 pounds (450 dollars) smartphones available in the shops of the High Street. "

We are not taking only a part, we do not gutted, we're not pulling out PCB to make a re-welding in our satellite, they're flying (N R: "with the mobile") just as it is, "said Kenyon.

" And, in fact, we're putting in another camera on the satellite so you can take a picture of the phone because we want to run the screen and also take some good pictures on this.
- "Eyes on Earth"

"Google sent Nexus smartphone S at an altitude of 18 km (60,000 ft) up balloons last year."

Central to the whole effort is the phone's operating system.

Android is an open source software, meaning that engineers can SSTL modify it to suit the phone functions.

The large fluctuations in temperature and radiation hard to find space require that the phone must be placed inside the satellite to give them some protection.

A hole (bucco) must be cut in the side of the body and then to allow the lens of the camera phone to see outside.

The same phone will not "call home", its messages and images via the return link of satellite radio.

For the first part of the mission, the mobile will act as the back-up (control) to the main computer of the probe.

After a period of time, however, the phone will be loaded.

"We are negotiating to use the full capacity of the phone as possible," said Doug Liddle, scientific director of SSTL.

"Ideally, the phone can take control and make the brain."

-Month handled

"The latest smartphone pack has a huge capacity in a very small space"

to maneuver with precision and point, the satellite will have advanced functions of guidance, navigation and control systems including miniature reaction wheels, and a GPS receiver, as well as innovative pulse plasma thrusters to propel through space.

The intention is that the phone is given the ability to monitor all of these subsystems.

The nature of open source software is very exciting because it can be seen further down the line, once we got on the phone to work in orbit, we could convince people to develop applications for it, "said Liddle.
Chris Bridges
the Surrey Space Centre said: "If a smartphone can be shown that working in space, opening a lot of new technologies for a multitude of people and businesses to the area that usually can not afford it. It is a 'game-real " di cambiamenti per l'industria. "

SSTL ha guadagnato una reputazione in tutto il mondo per i suoi piccoli satelliti. La società è riuscita a ridurre il costo dei suoi sistemi incorporando componenti che sono stati originariamente sviluppati per i prodotti di consumo come computer portatili.

I prossimi mesi la compagnia vedra il lancio di veicoli spaziale di osservazione della Terra per i clienti nigeriani,russi e canadesi.

E ' inoltre è in procinto di avviare la costruzione di veicoli spaziali che formeranno inizialmente la costellazione Galileo, la risposta costata molti miliardi di euro,di Europa alla rete GPS Americana.
Jonathan.Amos-INTERNET @

Più su questa storia
Related stories
-experimental satellite "UK tech." October 18, 2010, Science & Environment
UK-lancers three new spacecraft, September 27, 2010, Science & Environment
-Contracts for Galileo sat-nav 7 ", January 2010, Science

Connected Internet links
SSTL / /
Surrey Space Centre The BBC is not responsible for the content of external internet sites
http / /

-clicking on the photocopies you can read the original BBC (English)


-SO THE NEWS Corriere della Sera: The initiative of the UK

SSTL: Smartphone launched into space
In orbital flight: it will serve to control a mini-satellite and take pictures of the Earth's surface
Will Google's Android system.
LONDON - The British telecommunications company SSTL wants to test the functioning of a smatphone latest in orbital flight. As reports the BBC's website, mobile phone, whose precise pattern is not specified (it will, however, of a specimen under the € 350 cost), will work with Google's Android operating system. Will be used to control a mini-satellite and take pictures of the Earth's surface. The ultimate aim of the experiment is to verify whether a product of consumer electronics (and therefore costs tuttosommato modest) can also be used for tasks requiring high standard of safety or specialization, in order to lower the costs of designing future spacecraft.
The choice of operating system is not random: Android is an open-source can be modified to the other cellular functions. It should be noted that due to the strong temperature and high radiation level smartphone will be inserted into the housing that protects the satellite, with a loophole that will allow the lens of his camera to look out. To control the propulsion system of satellite navigation will be a program stored in the memory of the phone, which will behave in all respects as a normal control computer. As for data transmission to the ground will be used to connect a satellite radio. (Source TMNews)
Editorial ONLINE24 January 2011 ©


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