When I read the title of the contest launched by "The cookbook Cynthia" I had no doubts: the recipe with which I would like to participate not would be a sweet. Too trivial to post a dish that requires the presence of citrus, limiting a sweet dish of meat or usual flavored with lemon agree you can make great food in this way, but it always remains in the tradition. I which I based the whole philosophy of my blog on tradition, this time I decided to try something different. To do this I had to scan the documentation in time I collected and presented in various fashions, encyclopedia, which is proudly displayed at the crumpled piece of paper, written in haste. Luckily, I came to the rescue ' "Encyclopedia of Italian cuisine" with this orange rabbit, prepared for the first time tonight and that seems to have had a good successo. Anche per me é stata una gradita sorpresa: la presenza degli ingredianti hanno infatti conferito al piatto un gusto che lo avvicinato alla sapidità di alcune ricette di cacciagione.
1 coniglio tagliato a pezzi
1 arancia
1 cipolla piuttosto grossa
1 spicchio d'aglio
alcune foglio di salvia
3 cucchiai di olio di oliva
2 dl di vino bianco
1 foglia di alloro
noce moscata
0,5 dl di brandy
sale q.b .
- pulire le verdure e tritarle finemente,
- lavare il coniglio,
- fare appassire il trito con l'olio scaldato,
- the rabbit and fry gently to combine evenly
- add the wine, a sprinkling of nutmeg, bay leaf and salt,
- reduce heat to low and cook for about 45 an hour,
- verify that the sauce does not shrink excessively, in which case add a little ' water,
- remove the rabbit from the pot,
- go to mini Pimero the sauce,
- add the orange juice and brandy,
- bring to a boil,
- brown the rabbit pieces back resulting in the sauce,
- serve with vegetables as desired,
- in this case I used a puree of broccoli.
with this recipe I participate in the contest "Citrus" from "The Cookbook Cynthia"
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