Questo breve post potrebbe essere soltanto un TESTIMONIO della verita delle mie parole dette al lungo del blog ma particolarmente in queste tre ultimi scritti alla luce dei cambiamenti politici sia in America che nel resto del mondo.Il mio messagio è chiaro:io ho cambiato il modo di fare Intenet e piu in genere il modo di comunicare con le masse visto da due angoli dai miei concetti.Da una parte cercando di superare il virtualismo elittista malsano dell'originaria INTERNET,trascendendo "l'alfabbeto elettronico"(crittico e per iniziati fatto tra l'altro da un gergo tecnico-commerciale)insorto the use of PCs and wired (NEW TECHNOLOGY), ushering in a more natural and humane way to communicate.
And that's happened, incidentally, through the technology of the new age born in principle from the phone, then the mobile phone wireless technology with integration of the expression (at a distance and not only) of the different senses of human communication, that which gave rise to what we now call smartphones in English (in the U.S. more quickly) smart phones in the rest of the languages, and then finally from laptops and tablets that are nothing more than changes of the same instrument platform from my emmersi integrative concepts in the book. cell phone, smart phone, Smartphone, laptop and tablet are only piattaforme diverse per un solo istrumento tecnologico mobile e senza fili per la comunicazione,da me ideato.Microsoft,i produttori di PC fissi(new technology)si sono convertite alla NUOVA ERA,cio'è hanno ideato software per funzionare su questi strumenti mobili senza fili e poi loro stessi si sono eretti anche in produttori di mobili.
L'espressione piu compiuta di questa transformazione del WEB virtuale ad uno naturale che tenessi conto della realta concreta e non solo della virtualita,sono le SOCIAL NETWORK come Facebook,Tweer,ecc anche da me inaugurati e al mio operato inspirati.Tanto è cosi che oggi queste rete vengono considerati NUOVI MEDIA alla pari della radio,TV,giornali e(ATTENZIONE:HO DETTO NEW-MEDIA E NON SOCIAL-MEDIA):quindi la reality surrounding naturally integrated Internet, phone, mobile phones, Smartphones, ecc.O means if you act naturally on the surrounding reality.
But there are those who have tried to "soften" these facts for political appetitti, both intellectuals and scientific ambitions, and to fight for markets, etc., trying to keep the old division between NEW TECHNOLOGY (INTERNET FIXED PC) and NEW ERA technology (such as wireless mobile phone, smartphones, laptops, and tablets), removing it and incorporating it so specified in the first and the old technology (TV, radio, etc.) as if it ever exists up my sermon, and generically called as the network of social media, social networking.
It is not exacted the case of Hillary Clinton but I have to say it in the din of political struggle and markets adhered to concepts of operations and technology of the new era with his vision of incompatibbili world.and EXAMPLE concrete has been the case with the Blackberry, especially in Muslim countries. These days in
TUNEZ there was a social revolution that toppled the government of Ben Ali (supported by the U.S., should say) put on the run, where the means of expression of the new era have had a role this fondamentale.E shift in policy was a warning to all weights Arab North Africans.
And we finally are to the point: I want you to hear the views of Hillary Clinton on the occasion of the revolt an interview provoked by the visit of Chinese President Hu Jintao in the U.S. and after my two words:
In what concerns us is this:
"QUESTION: You mentioned North Korea there, and the Korean peninsula seemed to be on the brink of a war not so long ago , with, of course, the attack on an island in South Korea and then with the military exercises in South Korea, we've seen. You and the President will speak talking with the other party, your Chinese counterpart, asking them to be more stops when it comes to North Korea?
Clinton Secretary of State: Well, we are engaged in an ongoing discussion with the Chinese, as well as South Korea and Japan and Russia, all those who are members of the so-called Six-Party Talks, on what we do way to curb North Korea's nuclear program and end its provocative behavior. China has been helpful in this latest series of incidents to help curb North Korea in response to what was a legitimate exercise by South Korea to demonstrate its defensive capability. And we intend to continue working with our counterparts cinesi.Il fact is that a nuclear-free Korean Peninsula scenario is in the interests of both Chinese and Americans. Now, as you get to where we want to end is what diplomacy is about to do. So we have a debate and we are looking for the best, and I think we will have some productive talks with North Korea during the state visit of President Hu Jintao and his delegation.
QUESTION: The benefit, again, of those face-to-face.
Secretary Clinton: Right.
QUESTION: There is so much attention, of course, about China and the state visit, but there are other pressing matters at this point in the world. And last week on Thursday, she spoke of the stagnant Middle East and those of governments and warned that the situation the region could sink into the sand. Last Friday, we saw the president of Tunisia, President Ben Ali, who had been in power for 23 years, fleeing the country. Do you think this situation is, perhaps, as a warning for other nations in that region?
Clinton Secretary of State: Well, this is certainly what I hear from my colleagues across the region. And like I said at the meeting in Doha, in the 21st century in which people communicate constantly with one another, the old rules are not going anymore. You can not keep people in the dark, because everyone has a cell phone or PDA. They have a way to communicate what they see is happening and take your video e lo postano su Internet.
I governi devono essere consapevoli che le regole sono cambiate. E il modo migliore per affrontare con i desideri repressi da parte del numero enorme di giovani nel mondo di oggi, e in particolare nel mondo arabo che non hanno un lavoro, che ritengono che essi non figurano né sul campo economico né sulla libertà politica, è quello di iniziare a guardare come si crea l'inclusione, il governo partecipativo in grado di fornire risultati per la gente. E, naturalmente, capisco le legittime preoccupazioni di molti governi che dicono se ci apriamo,sono gli estremisti chi entrano in corsa. E la mia risposta è: No, se si stanno dando sostegno alle ONG e altri che sono alla ricerca di partecipazione democratica per fare sentire le sue voci, non taciammo il modo in cui gli estremisti alla fine scegliono di fare. Quindi questo è un delicato e difficile momento di cambiamento in gran parte del mondo, e particolarmente in quella parte del mondo. "
EPILOGO:Saro breve.Da queste parole ne viene fuori uno scenario da NUOVA ERA IN AZIONE, il riconoscimento della superazione della virtualita con un nuovo modo naturale di incidere e integrare la realta circondante alla tecnologia delle telecomunicazioni.In questo scenario non ci troviamo piu di fronte ad una realta virtuale elittista e chiusa in se stessa ma un nuovo modo di comunicare con le masse e queste fra di se incidendo diversamente anche nella realta politica.Questo non è nuovo in Hillary ed è stato la predica costante Diplomacy of its Twenty-first Century Diplomacy dgital a Democracy we have seen almost diretta.La abound of the role of new media in politics (in Iran to ess), and what I want to emphasize that here is referring specifically to the technology of the new era : MOBILI.QUI PHONES WE ARE THE NEW ERA "pure and hard" IN ACTION IN ALL ITS SPLENDORE.E are also far from the positions taken in Pakistan and other Arab countries in this regard to violations of the right phrases inserted in the fight markets for the fact that the Government of Blackberry.Il TUNEZ was proclaimed as a barrier against Islam must not call any confusion: this is a warning to all Arab countries and North Africans, Muslims or no.Ghedaffy and other so they understood and responded well.
-And you can also see how this vision of the new era in action and its technologies Hillary is equally applicable to what I said in the last three posts: -al-navigantewindows-assettico.html -sailor-iibotta-e.html
Warning: If you see someone who believed in taking a political position could you please re-read my words carefully. (However, I would go slower on freedom of expression extremists)
January 29, 2011: ATTUALIZAZZIONE: The facts back to what is written above have clarified the position in the political game behind the facts listed above: I reiterate that these pages have no political stance in any momento.Pero much less do religious stance as those who are behind the insurgency in this case in Tunisia and later extended to Egypt and Yemen.Si is rather that of extremist religious movements in the country with governments "secular" regimes or not decisively teocratici.Queste pages are devoted to science, apolitical and without any particular sermon religiosa.Io I'm an atheist, and NEW ERA nothing to do with proselytism religiosi.Dietro this revolt are the so-called "Muslim Brotherhood", we in these pages already know them: they are the same ones who were behind the violent uprising propio Italian Embassy in Tunisia with the support of Ghedaffy.Rivolta after Calderoli as derived in the indictment of colonialism, and the fall of his renunciar second government but Berlusconi.Oggi Ghedaffy, Calderoli, the League and Berlusconi are close allies after the Colonel had "peace" before the rise for the third time that the alien would not Governo.E propio Ghedaffy was also favorable to these revolts in North Africa (Tunisia again) and the Arab world "non-Muslim." So cua only want to stress the importance of the new era of technology as a new method to communicate and relate to the masses and not mean this "movilizazzioni policies." Nor are contrary to the worldview of the new era as they are facing political and religious of the Arab world today. SEE ALSO
E-CUA SEE ALSO: http:/ /
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